

In order to attract a beyootiful woman you need to push yourself and take risks. You must have the enthusiasm and bravado of an SAS lieutenant, and be prepared to drop your stiff upper lip. You should be willing to face the good, the bad and the ugly, and take a deep breath and say, WTF! Above all you have to be resilient and persistent because, as my good friend’s Uncle Tony says, “It’s a numbers game.” And it can be tough. But don’t worry. It’s all part of the fun. So long as you’re aware that at some point, you will screw up.

That’s where I come into it. As a dating expert, it’s my job to take you out of your comfort zone and hassle you about hedonistic-supercharged-sexual-flexibility – oh, and dating related issues. Consequently this book will make you want to meet women and go on dates – and much more.

When involved in active dating, you will need to keep your intensity under control. Avoid gestures which involve quick, sudden moves in any direction. Make sure you’re not sweating as this is a sign that your body is overheating; keeping well hydrated helps to avoid this. I also advise wearing a heart-rate monitor and keeping an eye on it throughout. Don’t worry about being embarrassed though, since studies show that people are more trusting of people who are easily embarrassed, so you can go as red in the face as you like – especially in those situations where it can’t be avoided, like in the face of show-stopping, jaw-dropping beauty.

Dating and seduction can seriously affect your ability to concentrate as well. The inability to concentrate could reduce the success of the forthcoming challenges. Therefore you will need some tips on how to manage it, and what to expect. Rest assured there will be moments where you feel the pain, and moments when you cringe. I’ve anticipated those, so I’m going to nip them in the bud by saying – deal with it! Keep your eye on the ball and by the time you get to the end, you’ll be able to spot a babe with trouble on her mind at twenty paces.