Chapter 8
Shift 6 – A new heart
She looked down at her feet they were firmly planted on the ground in the centre of the labyrinth. She knew that she didn’t have far to go. Tears were still rolling down her face from the emotional shunt of the last experience. Part of her was desperate to get out of the church and into the sunlight and fresh air and yet she knew that she had to hang on in there to achieve this goal and do what she had come to do. Keep on keeping on and she realised that there were only two more situations to go through and they, she intuitively felt, would be activations rather than past life experience or life lessons.
Her energy level was down on her usual upbeat self, understandable as in a very short space of time she had been through a lot and the effects of these shifts were still rippling through her cellular structure. She took a deep breath summoning up her strength, from the base of her spine to the top of her head; she put her head down and surged forward.
She felt a wave of energy as she hit the wall of what felt like jelly and she plunged forward she was falling down a tunnel and at the end of it tumbled out into her own inner heart centre, she could see the flame burning brightly as before however as she looked around this time she could see many, many angels awaiting her.
The Light she saw was blinding her and she was aware that Archangels of Light the Highest of the High were forming circles around her. As she walked forward along the marbled floors and beneath the beautiful archways she could see two very beautiful and bright beings, a man and a woman. As she drew nearer she could see that they were Jesus or Yeshua as he was called in this place and Mary Magdalene. Hand in hand they walked towards her and hugged her as she drew close. Welcoming her to this beautiful place that is her own inner heart centre she marvelled at how calm it felt, how peaceful, how loving.
They sat down at a large round table where they were joined by other Ascended Masters and Archangels all of whom had something to do with this event and activation about to take place.
Yeshua explained that in order to proceed to the next level of her evolution she must have her 5th dimensional heart opened and activated. To do this, Archangels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael Most High, would take her to another room and prepare her for this and then bring her back for the ceremony itself to be conducted.
There was much excitement as she rose from the table and was escorted into the little chamber to the side of the main hall. The preparations began. She was dressed in a beautiful cream robe simple and plain yet it draped her body beautifully. She was given a band to wear around her head with one single magnificent stone, a cobalt blue stone, set in it, just over her 3rd eye.
Archangel Uriel gave her flowers, pale white lilies and Gabriel gave her a plume, an amazing pen that seemed to have a life of its own. Michael strapped a sword like his own around her waist and Raphael placed a phial of his pink healing salve into a pouch and strung it around the sword belt.
All was in readiness for what was to come. They went back out into the main hall and there in front of her were a vast number of people. She recognised some as being her immediate family and then her parents and their parents and then it took off as legions of people, her ancestors, extended back and back through time all dressed in different clothes from different eras. The crowd seemed to span out for ever until at the very back she could see Egyptian headdresses and behind them it looked like the searing Light from the Stars she could see no further. The noise was mighty. Then, when Archangel Michael stood up beside her, he calmed them. Silence and stillness fell.
He spoke, “If there is anyone here who would stand in the way of your ancestor Marianna from achieving her Divine Purpose at this time on this planet, speak now, show now”. They were looking around at each other and then a handful of people walked forward. Without exception they were poor looking people, bowed, not looking at Michael straight in the eye or Marianna either for that matter. They were clearly victims of some great injustices during their time on the planet and were still carrying the grudges, anger, resentments and victim consciousness with them.
Michael addressed each one, thanking them for their part in Marianna’s life and asked them to forgive all. All that had happened to them, to let it go. He helped them cut away the hooks, ties and cords that kept their burdens close to them.
He released the entities that were clinging on to them and sucking them dry. How right Gene Rodenberry had been when he had written Star Trek, ‘Clingons’ did exist, however, not perhaps in the form that he presented but as entities of personas and situations that could suck your energy dry, especially, if at first, you had danced in that energy, engaged with it, and allowed it to happen by giving your power away to them.
All of these entities and ‘Clingons’ had to be banished, their feed lines, cords, ties and the hooks they had embedded in Marianna, had to be severed. Michael was embarked on all of that. His golden iridescent sword was swinging and swishing, cutting and severing anything from them that was not of the Light. Not one uninvited ‘guest’ would survive this healing. When this was complete he turned his attention to the group before him.
On Michael’s command and demand an amazingly powerful healing was conducted for each and every one of Marianna’s ancestors, and their throat centres were cleared of all that had ever been repressed, oppressed, suppressed and depressed, all was directed to the Light.
She saw what looked like slimy snakes, eels and tadpoles being removed from the throats of them all, these things became blurred, they became a black smoke like mass which Archangel Michael’s blue angelic team gathered up and whisked away to the golden gateways to the LIGHT, way above their heads.
When all had disappeared through the doors they slammed shut. All had gone to the Light for transmutation. The ancestors were left bemused and some holding their throats knowing that ‘stuff; had been removed. Archangel Raphael was in and among them spreading his beautiful pink healing salve and sewing up wounds, cuts and tears in their auric fields, until all were renewed.
Finally, Michael illuminated Marianna’s axiatonal lines that fanned out from her being like a multi-faceted star. They were attached to her DNA and now he removed all the distortions that had gathered there from her ancestry and her genetic lineage. He smoothed it all out and recalibrated the vibrational force flowing through it. All was renewed and her vibration’s frequency was much higher than it had been before, totally recalibrated.
Marianna thanked her ancestors solemnly for their sacrifices and asked them to join with her, contribute their strength to her energy field and her mission.
She hadn’t thought on it before but here she was, the sum total of all that had gone before her, with all that entailed from her forebears, the good, the bad, the healthy and the unhealthy. The great joy was that she was finding out that all was changeable with the power of Divine Loving Intention; the structure of the DNA could be shifted and restored to its original template. How miraculous was that? She was so grateful this could lead to a whole new lease of life for her and she knew that this would happen although her physical body may be on catch up as it renewed itself on an 8 week cycle therefore it could take a while to restructure.
She looked forward to that, to some of the little niggles that had crept into her physical body being healed and restored. She also realised that this healing affected all those who had gone before her and in fact at some level every single one of the 7 billion people on the planet. She knew that whatsoever she did for her own healing affected the whole as she was part of that One collective field of conscious energy.
All had been dealt with at a cellular level however Michael now embarked on recalibrating her soul. It too had injuries and distortions from times old and he took his time as he eased away that which no longer served Marianna being careful to insulate her from massive energy surges. All was well, all had been amended and adjusted at a soulular level all that remained now was to seal this healing in.
Archangel Raphael assisted bringing his mighty emerald green and violet flame to seal the healing in and where necessary applied the pink salve. He needed to stitch certain parts of her auric field together again, re-knit it in fact so that its beautiful textures were like a woollen spider’s web.
Strong, impenetrable, unfathomable and Divine, Archangel Raphael loved his work. He recalibrated the heart centre, re adjusting it as it connected to the heart grid of every person in existence and to the planet and the Universe. All was in Divine Right Order now for the next step of the activation to proceed.