Chapter 14

Pure Gold

Adam returned to the group announcing that a trolley of gold was being transported to the exit door and all was ready for them to disembark. He enquired of Elijah, “Are there any more facts etc. we should know. For example, where do we go next to find the people we need that will help us locate the M Code”?

“You will make your way to Cairo where you will meet my emissary. Or at least, he will find you and make himself known to you. He will guide you from there. Bless you both, and know that you are protected by the highest cosmic forces of the LIGHT, Archangel Michael, Most High and his legions of Blue Light”. Elijah bowed with his hands in front of him in prayer position and then left them.

The rest of the group began to take their leave one by one until they were left just with Emereaux who showed them down to the exit gateway. He pressed a button and the ramp went down. When they disembarked, they kept their heads down and ran, pulling the trolley of gold after them. Adam was in control of the trolley. Although at times it seemed to have a mind of it’s own! They could feel they were now alone. The presence of ill will no longer in the air, they were able to get back down the mountain fairly swiftly, load up the car and start for the airport at Perpignan, where they hoped they could get a flight. Perhaps not direct but at least over the Mediterranean onto Northern Africa.

How they were going to transport all of this gold weighed heavily on their minds. Adam felt the best thing to do would be to get the gold exchanged as soon as possible and he asked his own guides to direct him to the right place in Perpignan to deal with this. Marianna heartily agreed. There was no way you could get on a plane with a suitcase full of gold!

They rolled up outside an old fashioned building with the names on a brass plaque outside. Victoir and Misieux looked like a very conservative establishment. Just how they would react to a dishevelled stranger arriving with a trolley full of gold heaven alone knew.

Adam disappeared into the dark building and Marianna waited in the car content to snooze, and catch up on some rest, as it had been an emotional roller coaster so far without much let up. Her life in the last week had taken on a level of excitement that she was far from used to - and not all of it good. In what seemed like no time at all, Adam was back, getting into the car and smiling broadly. “They gave me a code to use so that I can withdraw money anywhere I need it, from any bank in any city. I told them there was no point in doing anything if it meant cards and posting things out, however, they seemed to know. We would seem to have an amazing amount of money now in credit, so we are financially abundant and ready to go on our quest”!

“Fantastic”, Marianna smiled across at him. “Let’s go, Andiamo”!