Marianna was never good at a waiting game. Patience simply wasn’t her strong suit. She was getting mightily fed up with the fact that Virgil, despite having been in London for nearly a week, hadn’t been in touch.
She also knew that intuitively, she was in denial. She knew the worst at another level, but simply didn’t want to contemplate what she felt was a horrendous outcome for poor Virgil.
Although the rest and relaxation had been a welcome break, she realised that time was of the essence, and as yet, they were no further forward with the deciphering of those particular archaic symbols on the papyrus.
Bradford came into the lounge on the Friday morning, a week after their arrival, with an envelope for Marianna on the tray. Mystified, as she didn’t know who knew she was there in Buchan Castle, she took the letter off the silver platter.
She walked out into the conservatory where Adam was lounging, half dozing, half reading a book, feet up on a stool.
“This looks like Virgil’s writing”, she said. She ripped the envelope open and looked at the words therein. She held it to her heart. She heard the words, she breathed the words. They jumped out at her from the paper, and she knew. She understood it all now. The wonderful opportunities she had had, the many times to speak to groups, to sing and sound at events. The sheer simplicity of it all. She knew that she had been well programmed for this. She gave the letter to Adam so that he could see what it was that was sending her into another world at this moment. A world of cosmic clarity of sound.
Now she understood how and why opportunities had come to her to speak on radio and appear on TV. Her voice, and it’s complex unique signature sound, was encoded with the activation required for humanity at this time. The more who were affected and influenced by it, the more there would be to shift the frequency and calibration of the energy. Transformation Talk Radio served globally. Helping people to thrive - and it was extremely popular. For a few years now, Marianna had hosted her own show. Helping, healing, inspiring and motivating and through the dulcet tones, hidden messages and activations had undoubtedly helped the greater good to empower and go forward to new evolutionary structures and paradigms and ways of being that were simply awe inspiring to the casual onlooker. Women globally were standing up and out, to bring forward their amazing recipes for love through collaboration, co-operation and consensus.
This final part of the puzzle, this particular message would finally serve to get through to where, perhaps other efforts had failed, because this would cause the critical mass of thought and feeling to shift. Adam handed the paper back to her, looking at her with a question in his eyes.
He asked, “Is this meaningful to you? Are you sure this is the final part of the missing Key to the puzzle, The Magdalene Key to the Soul of Humanity and the route to the way forward”?.
She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes, as she realised the huge responsibility that had been given to her in Divine Trust. She could now go forward and deliver this, but first, she would have to destroy this piece of paper so that no one could steal it and begin to misuse its powerful information.
This was important. She trusted absolutely no one - except Adam, her Higher Guidance and the Magdalenes. She suddenly realised that excluded Uncle Charles, and for the first time, realised that this felt OK. It didn’t feel like a betrayal.
According to the note, all she had to do to totally accomplish her quest was to find the priest’s hole in this castle, where she would find the last piece of the puzzle. She had been intuitively guided to the right place, yet another miracle.
What she held in her hand was an answer, and yet, just this one final piece needed to be put in place, and then she would set her social media campaign into action. There were now more cell phones on the planet than people, which was an awesome thought. It was as if this network, this web, had become the nerve centre of the planet. She could potentially, through modern day technology, contact billions through APPS, newsfeeds and social media.
Uncle Charles had been as nice as nine pence since they arrived, and yet, her gut reported that something was not right. Intuitively and psychically, she felt that he had another agenda, as if he too was anxiously awaiting some development or other.