A word about the author...

Kathryn was born in Wallingford but has spent most of her life living in a village outside Windsor. After studying pharmacy in Brighton she began her working life as a retail pharmacist but after three years left to join the pharmaceutical industry. There she spent twenty happy years working in medical communications. However her lifelong love of reading romance often led her to wonder if she could write about it too. If only she had the time.

In 2010 she made a New Year’s resolution to make that time. She enjoyed writing so much that a year later she left the world of pharmaceutical science to begin life as a self-employed writer, juggling the two disciplines of medical writing and romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero.

With two teenage boys and a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to bother buying a card again this year (yes, he does), the romance in her life is all in her head. Then again, her husband’s unstinting support of her career change goes to prove that love isn’t always about hearts and flowers—and heroes can come in many disguises.