The editors would like to thank a number of sources of support who helped make this volume possible. We first thank our families and friends for their encouragement in this and all our scholarly endeavors. For getting this project from its earliest stages through production, we thank Nicola Parkin, Lydia de Cruz, Ella Halstead and the entire Routledge team. We thank the New IR series editors and especially Richard Little for their feedback and to Richard for writing the important foreword to this book. We thank the Francis D. Wormuth Presidential Chair endowment for funding a workshop in the Spring of 2015 in Salt Lake City that led to this volume. D. Porter Morgan and Barbara Roth provided logistical support that was also invaluable for that meeting. For helpful comments at that workshop we also extend our thanks to Tabitha Benney, Rod Hall, Fritz Kratochwil, Avery LeBaron, Daniel Patterson, Nik Sartain, Peri Schwartz-Shea, and Dustin Trent. We thank Zach Stickney for his tireless copyediting of the volume. And the co-editors would like to thank all the contributors, and their fellow co-editors, not only for the many hours of labor that went into this volume, but for the many years of friendship they shared, and the many more to follow.