Frontispiece. David Jones, Vexilla Regis, 1948, Graphite and watercolour on paper, 750 × 552 mm, Kettle’s Yard, University of Cambridge. By permission of Bridgeman Images and the trustees of the David Jones Estate.
1David Jones, Study of soldiers playing dice at the foot of the Cross, 1921, ink on paper, 769 × 461 mm, Tate Archive. By permission of the Tate and the trustees of the David Jones Estate.
2David Jones, [Puzzle page 2], David Jones Papers, National Library of Wales, LA1/3 folio 23. By permission of the National Library of Wales and the trustees of the David Jones Estate.
3David Jones, [Puzzle page 3], David Jones Papers, National Library of Wales, LA 1/3, folio 7. By permission of the National Library of Wales and the trustees of the David Jones Estate.
4David Jones, [Sample of multiple pagination systems], David Jones Papers, National Library of Wales, LR 1/1, folio 704. By permission of the National Library of Wales and the trustees of the David Jones Estate.