Dear Reader,
I would love it if you could leave a review at your usual retailer.
I find the opinions of readers helpful and constructive. Reviews are the Holy Grail to an author as they cause our work to sink or swim. It is the bench mark for other readers and can determine whether our work will be successful and reach many or none. It doesn’t have to be an essay or a literary criticism. A few words about what you liked would be most appreciated. The shortest review I ever received for my work was, ‘Great,’ accompanied by five stars and the longest was a whole video from a gorgeous woman in the USA. My favourite to date has to be the lady who said, ‘I read until my eyes fell out.’ I keep looking at that one because it makes me laugh.
You can follow the link to review here. It will take you to the book’s buy page where you can follow through to your own retailer and leave a review for me. And hey, let me know when you’ve done it. I’d love to hear from you.
If you’d like to get in touch, here are some links to where you’ll find me.
Twitter @ktboweswrites
Kind regards,
K T Bowes