
Power chords of gratitude to my agent, Sam Hiyate, who made my idea for this book into a reality through his belief, wisdom and tireless hard work.

Marshall stacks of appreciation for my brilliant editor Deirdre Molina for her insight, patience and faith in the book.

Thank-you to Moses Znaimer—for a brilliant opportunity and a high rotation of freedom.

Much thanks to all my former colleagues—VJs, producers, audio and camera people, VTR operators, directors et al—many of whom chased down memories to help me.

In particular, I want to thank my friend and fellow Limitoid, Simon Evans, who went the distance on this project from “Hey, what do you think of this idea?” to this acknowledgment and beyond, and who helped me immeasurably every step of the way. Next time I call, Simon, just say “I’m in the library.”

Big thanks to David Kines, whose Rolodex has another 100,000 miles on it thanks to this book. You’re the “King of Connection,” sir. And really, really boss!

Sarah Crawford—for your kindness and prodigious memory!

Thanks to Doug McClement, Dana Lee, Bill Bobeck, Steve Kerzner, Rick Alexander, Corey Hart, Peter Diemer, and Kristine Lukanchoff for treasures from their personal archives.

Thanks to Bell Media for their enthusiasm for this project, welcoming me back into 299 and opening the archives. In particular Justin Stockman, Erin Eizenman, Nicola Krishna, Amanda Rinaldo, Amy Doary, Adam Slinn, Brendan Frasier, and Christian Llano.

And serious gratitude to the angels of the archives for their resourcefulness, camaraderie and kindness during my days down below.

Christopher Ward with the Much librarians Liz Houlihan, Ashley Hatton, Heather Middleton and Jodie Epstein

Thanks to all at Penguin Random House Canada, including Anne Collins. Scott Richardson, Colin Jaworski, Erin Cooper, Matthew Sibiga, Marion Garner, Lindsey Reeder, Erin Kelly, Randy Chan, Carla Kean, Angelika Glover, Michelle MacAleese and Amanda Betts.

Thanks to Mike Myers for the kindest of forewords.

As always, thanks to Stephen Stohn for friendship and wisdom and to Stephen and Linda Schuyler for letting me play in “The Birdhouse.”

To the artists and all who I interviewed, boomboxes of gratitude for sharing your MuchMemories.

And for a playlist of reasons, thanks to Alannah Myles, Erica Ehm, Morgen Flury, James Woods, Sherry Greengrass, Terri Walsh, Dana Lee, Mike Campbell, Dennis Saunders, Jim Shutsa, Joel Goldberg, Kim Clarke Champniss, Gord McWatters, David Kirkwood, John Roberts, Steve Anthony, Anne Howard, Paul Muntz, Connie Meyer, Dave Russell, Dave Hurlbut, Scott Burgess, Richard Oulton, Basil Young, Malcolm Brown, Terry David and Meg Mulligan (see you Friday), Rob Bowman, Devi Ekanand and all at Coalition Entertainment, Sean Kelly, Deborah Samuel, Eddie Schwartz, Sara Ramsay, Saffron Henderson, Jaymes Foster, Kathy Tempesta, Susan de Cartier, Shari Ulrich, Jo Faloona, Michelle Findlay, Victoria Levy, Mia Rankin, Dara Conrod, Marlene Palmer, Bernie Breen, Jenn Pressey, Mike Nelson, Catherine Kurtz, Deborah Theaker, Bruce Pirrie, Klaus Schuller, Karen Gordon, Jim Campbell, Gerry Young, Kevin Shea, Graham Henderson, Jennifer Hardy, Marc Aflalo, Gail Goldman, Colin James, Marc Jordan, Michael Perlmutter, Liz Baird, Nuala Byles, Jessica Pangallozzi, Tim Tickner, Rob Wells, Jeff Rogers, Lorraine Samuel, Karen Hendrick, Lesley Livingston, Jonathan Llyr, Rick Brace, Phil King, Cat Pottage who ran from the Black Frog in Gastown to return my iPad, Sarah Ward, Jeff Macks, Robin Ward, and Mister Leo for riding shotgun from T.O. to L.A. to Van.