About the Author

JOHN F. WASIK is a columnist for Bloomberg News, an award-winning editor/writer/speaker/lecturer, and the author of nine books, including The Late-Start Investor, The Kitchen-Table Investor, and Retire Early—and Live the Life You Want Now.

As an investigative reporter, he has been honored with the Donald Robinson Award for Investigative Journalism (ASJA), the National Press Club Consumer Journalism Award, the “Best of the Best” Award for Business Writing (SPJ), the American Society on Aging National Media Award, the Peter Lisagor Award for Consumer Journalism, and the Medill/Strong Award for Financial Journalism.

As an independent writer, his original pieces have appeared in Reader’s Digest, the New York Times, Parade, Better Homes & Gardens, Popular Science, Barron’s, The Saturday Evening Post, Modern Maturity, Mother Jones, The Progressive, Entrepreneur, Marketing News, the Chicago Tribune, and Health.