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Visitation Dreams

One of the most peaceful, thrilling, exciting, heart-wrenching, painful, loving, and hopeful types of dream you can ever experience is a visitation dream.

In these dreams, you’re not dreaming through the subconscious or working through something from the conscious mind. Instead, the veil between the earth plane and the spirit plane has opened, and someone who has passed on to the other side comes through to be with you.

If you are psychic or a medium, you have these experiences when you are awake. You may speak with ghosts (earth-bound spirits) or those in spirit who have crossed over to the other side and come back through the veil to communicate. If you are not a person who has awakened these abilities within yourself at this time, you may find that your first contact with the other side is while you are asleep. This experience at first feels like a dream, but upon waking you realize that it was not a dream at all, but rather a visitation.

The Difference between Visitation Dreams and Wishful Dreams

There are many clues that reveal the difference between a visitation and a wishful dream about being able to communicate with a loved one who has passed on. Here are some of the clues that your dream is a visitation dream:

• When you awake, you have been given information that you had no other way of knowing. The person in the dream told you where to find something you were looking for or shared information about something or someone that you were previously unaware of.

• The person in the dream gives you prophetic information about something in the future, which later comes true as they said.

• When you awake, you can still feel their energy in the room, and many times there is also a familiar scent you associated with them during their lifetime still floating in the air.

• You may also have goosebumps or other physical reactions that indicate your loved one in spirit was near.

I’ve experienced many situations where loved ones came to me in this type of communication. I am a psychic and medium, and many times when I am consulting with a client, someone connected to them will come through during a session.

During my sessions, I always begin with a prayer of protection and ask that only those who are for the highest and best good be able to manifest during the session. This way if someone from the other side wishes to deliver a message, I’ve set the intention that the information received is meant to provide help.

There have been times, though, when I have been so overcome with grief from losing someone very close to me who I love dearly that I was not ready to open up to communicate with them in this manner. I’ve tried it many times, and if I’m still grieving, it’s too overwhelming when they come through the veil of the other side to be with me. I cry so hard, feeling them so strongly around me as they come through the veil. My pain in missing them here on the physical earth plane is so strong that I’m unable to clearly communicate at that time.

As I do with all the things I teach—how to see auras, how to be psychic, how to change your life, how to communicate with spirits and ghosts, and other metaphysical courses—I speak of them because I have experienced them firsthand in my life. Over the process of trial and error and plenty of real-world experience, I have become a good teacher and travel guide to the other side through years of work and experiences. My work began in my childhood, and I studied in my teens, later studying wisdom teachings and researching the supernatural realms and experiencing them hands-on. So when I say that I can distinguish wishful dreams and missing loved ones on the other side from having a real conversation and interaction with a loved one, while sleeping or awake, I can clearly state the difference because I have lived through both and still do.

The passing of my grandfather was very difficult for me in my preteen years. Were his to be the only loss I suffered up to this point, that would have been painful enough; I miss him greatly to this day. Yet for some reason known only to the Divine above, my journey in this lifetime has been to experience great love and great loss. After my grandfather’s passing, my father passed away when I was in my twenties, and then my mother passed away in my thirties. I remember thinking, Now I am an orphan. My parents, who were the anchor to who I am and who understood me best as a child, are gone. Now here in my forties, I’ve lost the love of my life, my husband of twenty years, and I am forever changed. I’m heartbroken as a widow. All before the age of fifty, I have become a widow and an orphan. I know what it’s like to experience great loss and to wake up each morning wishing for their absence to have been a bad dream.

I’ve had these dreams—hopeful, wishful dreams—in which I’m speaking with my husband and saying to him what a terrible dream it was that he was gone, and I’m so relieved that it’s not true. Only I wake up and experience that soul-crushing, heartbreaking pain of realizing that it is indeed true. He is no longer with me here on the earth plane, and the dream was indeed just wishful thinking and the process of grief as it tries to help my conscious mind through my subconscious mind. My heart and mind try to break it to me gently over and over again that he is truly gone and that my life, my today, my now, and my future have been completely altered. These dreams help me work through the grief, the pain, and the awful realization that my life as I knew it has been torn asunder, and there is no return to how it once was.

Those of you who have lost someone that you love dearly understand the pain I speak of, and you understand what these wishful dreams feel like.

I have tried to express this to some friends who have not lost a spouse or partner, but they can’t truly understand. They compare it to the loss of a parent, but it is not the same. Your parents are your anchor, a safe place to return to when needed in life. But on some subconscious level, there is the awareness that most likely they will pass on before you do, and while you love them so greatly, your experience of growth and evolution is moving forward, out of your parents’ home and on to building a new life of your own. While their presence is deeply important in your life and is a comfort, it typically is not what you build your future dreams upon. Your spouse or partner, on the other hand, is the person you are building a life with, the person you set goals with, and the person you dream of growing old with. When this person is taken from this world, you lose your true north. You become rudderless, without direction. The best way I can describe it is this: one day I was hit by a tsunami and lost everything. Since then I have been clinging to a piece of wood, drifting at sea and wondering if I should focus and swim to a certain location or let the currents take me where they may until I reach new land. As an empath with mermaid-like energy, that’s how I personally process grief and my deep emotions.

Those of you who have lost a partner or spouse understand of what I speak. It is a club that no one wants to belong to, and only those who belong can understand the grief and pain. This is why it’s so easy to have those wishful dreams and think that you had a visitation. However, when you have a true visitation dream, you’ll know the difference. You feel the person’s energy. It permeates the room, and you are filled with love and a light that clears your mind, body, and spirit in that moment. The only pain in this experience comes afterward from missing them again.

Let me describe some visitation dreams to give you an idea of what they feel like and how they are different from wishful dreams.

Visitation to Meet Those Who Passed Before We Could Meet Them in This Lifetime

When my husband and I were first together, we talked about getting married. His parents had died early in his life as well, his mother when he was eighteen and his father when he was twenty-one. We both understood what it felt like to have lost family that we loved dearly. We were chatting about family and how we wished that they could be with us here on earth.

I didn’t know much about my husband’s parents. The few stories he had shared were about his life with them during his teen years up until their passing. That night after chatting about them, we lay in bed together snuggling, and I said I wished that I could have known them. As I drifted off to sleep, his mother came to me in a dream state, in an active visitation. In this visitation experience, she invited me into her home and brought me into her kitchen. She sat me down at the table there, and we proceeded to have a conversation about her and her son. At the end of the conversation, she indicated that she approved of me as his choice for a wife and was happy to see us together. I knew it was a visitation because she shared information with me that I knew nothing about, and I could clearly see the home we were in, which I knew to be my husband’s childhood home rather than the home he grew up in during his teen years.

I woke from the dream and woke up my husband to tell him about the experience. One of the most wonderful things about our relationship was that we had both studied metaphysical teachings and were equally dedicated to our spiritual growth in our lives. When you have a partner who shares these beliefs and goals, it makes for an incredible relationship as you explore with each other at the mind-body-spirit level. So when I woke him up to tell him his mother had come to me in a dream, he wasn’t surprised at all.

As I began to describe the dream to him, he was able to confirm that it was indeed a visitation dream. In the dream, I was in his mother’s home in her kitchen, but it was not a kitchen I had ever seen. His parents had moved out of state with my husband when he was ten years old, and the only pictures of his I had seen were of the house where he had lived during his teen years.

This kitchen was from the home he lived in during his toddler and elementary-school years. I described in detail the colors and look of the kitchen, the table in it, and the very specific decor in the room. I don’t know why his mother decided to have this meeting with me in the kitchen from her home when my husband was a baby, but that’s what she did. Perhaps it was to send the message to my husband that the dream I had was not wishful thinking that I could speak to her but was indeed a proper visitation.

I was so happy to know that she approved of our relationship and that we were to be married. The dream was very meaningful to us and brought us great happiness.

Visitations to Deliver a Message

Another type of visitation dream is a dream in which you are given private, personal information about other people that you have no current knowledge of otherwise.

My husband’s father did not appear to me at that time with his mother. He came through to me several years later to deliver a personal message for me to give to my husband, which I did. I really didn’t understand what the message meant, but it had great meaning to my husband. His father’s appearance in that dream was another style of visitation dream. It wasn’t as engaging conversationally as it had been with his mother. When his father visited me, he announced who he was and then immediately got on with his business of telling me the information that he wanted me to relay to my husband. He didn’t have much interest in speaking with me or doing much of anything else, except to make sure that I fully understood the message. He asked for a guarantee that I would deliver the message to my husband. I really had no idea what this message meant; it was family related and meant something to him. In this situation, I wasn’t meant to understand the message. I was just the messenger ensured to deliver it.

Visitations Experienced by Several Dreamers
at the Same Time

It is also possible for several people who are connected to experience a visitation at the same time. My father once came back in a visitation dream to send a message, and my brother, my sister, and I all experienced this visitation on the same evening. We all lived in different parts of the country and had not spoken of our father in quite some time.

When this incident occurred, it wasn’t a particularly meaningful date to us personally. It wasn’t near his birthday or when he passed or anything of that nature. I did note, however, that it was during a very rare planetary alignment on May 5, 2000, when the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were positioned in a straight line with the sun, and the moon was aligned between the sun and Earth. Perhaps this alignment provided a unique veil for him to cross and to send his message to each of us at the same time. I’ve often wondered if others received messages from loved ones during this same planetary alignment.

My brother, my sister, and I received this unplanned communication all on this same evening, and you can imagine the surprise and shock when we called each other to share what we had experienced, only to find out that each of had the experience at the same time. It’s interesting to note that while we all felt his energy and attempt to communicate, what we perceived as the message was a little different for each of us. This in some part is due to how open we were to receiving the message, how good of a receiver we were in these types of communications, and also the intention of the message that my father wanted each of us to receive.

My family has come into my dreams for visitations, but it’s not very often. Loved ones on the other side often act as our guides, and we can ask them to visit us when they can. It’s important to note, though, that just because we ask them to does not mean that they can, nor does it mean they can come immediately when we ask them to visit.

Rules for Communicating with Those
in the Spirit World

From my experiences of being on the other side and communicating with those in the spirit world, I have learned some of the rules, though not all of them. These rules and deeper understanding of how the spirit world works and communicates will help you understand why a spirit is communicating with you in the manner that they are at the time.

Rule 1: Your loved one may look different.

Often when we see our loved one in a visitation dream, we will notice that their energy is strong and vibrant and that they look the picture of health and many times younger than they did when they passed on. For example, your grandfather may not look as old as he did when he passed. You’ll still recognize him, but he’ll look more around the age of forty. This is not a hard and fast rule; it seems to change. When someone passes on, they first appear in your dream at the age they were when they died, but their body is restored to good health.

For example, if their body had been injured in an accident or ravaged by disease, this will no longer be reflected in their physical appearance. If your grandfather died at the age of eighty-nine, he will still look this age, but will appear more vital without the physical degeneration he had been experiencing. Over time, though, when they appear to you in your dream years after they passed, they are restored to an age that looks between thirty-five and forty-five. This appears to be the natural state that we appear in from the other side.

If the person was very young, a child or young adult, they will first appear in their form as a child, but later, they may appear to you in the form of how they would have looked between thirty-five and forty-five years old in that lifetime. Many times this evolution occurs when this person works as a guide for you throughout your lifetime. So if your loved one appears to you in a dream and they look younger than you expected, don’t be thrown off by this image. They are portraying how they look in the spirit world.

Rule 2: Those in spirit have work to do on the other side, so it may take time before they can visit you in a dream.

If we are very stressed, confused, or in great pain when we died, we go to a recovery space where there are guides who help us regain our mental and emotional faculties, working on our mind, body, and spirit so that our soul is restored. The confusion could come from having passed on in a sudden accident in which we were caught unaware of our passing. It can also occur when a person has suffered with a long illness that took a huge toll on the physical body and required strong medication to dull the pain and the mind for a long period of time. In this recovery space, the person can rest and be healed.

During the recovery time, it’s rare to experience a visitation from this person in your dreams. They are under the care of their guides, who are helping them restore themselves to their full state of being, and all energy is being directed to this healing. For this reason, there is no energy available to travel through the veil to visit loved ones back on earth. This is why sometimes when we lose a loved one, we don’t understand why they have not been back yet to communicate with us in our dreams when they promised that they would. Give it time. When they are able to do so, they will find a way to communicate with you in a visitation dream when asked. Many people ask just once to have a visitation dream with a loved one, and if it doesn’t occur right away, they give up. Try, and if it doesn’t happen, try again in one year. It’s also helpful to ask for this type of communication dream during a date that is important to the person who has passed, such as their birthday, a holiday, an anniversary, or another date that has great meaning for them.

Rule 3: Due to the healing process in the spirit world,
spirits can often provide information and answers they
did not have when alive on earth.

Once we have been restored on the other side, we review our lifetime in its entirety. We see all the thoughts, words, and actions that we took in this lifetime and we feel the emotional energy attached to each situation. When we spoke in anger, we feel the anger as it released from us and directed to another person and how it made them feel. The same feelings are shared with us from when we sent love, hope, encouragement, and laughter.

We review our lives, seeing the big picture that makes sense of it all—why we lived how we did, why we came back as a male or female, appearing how we did physically, loving who we loved, and feeling stressed around others who were in our lives—to help us experience things on that level as well. We can make peace with it because we finally understand why everything happened the way it did and what it all meant.

Once the person has gone through this life review, when they return to communicate with you in a visitation dream, the information they can share is very clear and succinct about their entire life. They can provide answers and clarity on why they did the things they did in their physical life on earth. In these visitations, you feel the extraordinary power of their love, coming from the higher planes, and they remind you that love is the most important energy of all. In these visitations, you feel better when you awake, as if their energy has restored you on some level.

Rule 4: In the spirit world, we have access to all our lifetimes, so you may have to remind the spirit which lifetime you wish to see them about in your visitation dream.

Over time on the other side, spirits begin to disconnect from their most recent lifetime. Their emotional attachments to that lifetime begin to fade from the intensity of those experiences. They are able to review many other lifetimes and see how certain experiences and people have appeared and reappeared in their lives from one lifetime to another. They begin to see an even bigger picture of what it all collectively means. This means that the longer it has been since a person has passed on, the more energy it takes for them to connect with a specific lifetime when you ask them to visit with you in a dream. Because of this, you’ll want to be very specific about who you are and in what form you remember the ancestor when you ask for them to visit.

Let me give you an example: Say that you want to meet a great-grandparent who passed away long before you were born. In your request for a dream visitation, you’ll want to be specific when you send the message to meet them. It’s helpful to have an article of their clothing or jewelry or another item, such as a photo, that helps them connect to the form of the specific lifetime you want to meet with. On the other side now, they remember all their lifetimes, so unless you are specific, they could appear to you in the form that they are now most comfortable in, and you may not recognize them. We all change forms from lifetime to lifetime, so unless you request to meet Great-Grandpa George in a specific lifetime, you may have the surprise of meeting him as Georgia in a female version from another lifetime. Or you may have heard stories about a very conservative uncle who passed away during a war, only to appear to you in his new favorite form as a funky musician.

Rule 5: When a spirit visits in your dream, their emotional energy will feel different.

When the person is now on the other side in their spiritual form, they are still the most attached to the people whom they were most strongly involved with from the most recent lifetime. However, their emotions are not as strong in the sense that the emotions do not overcome and overwhelm them as they do to us here on earth. On the other side, we are in a space of love and compassion and do not suffer the same emotionally as our loved ones do on the earth plane. We are no longer bound to the human body and to the way that we process emotions through the body. It is a more harmonious state of being.

When you receive a visit from a loved one in a visitation dream, you will feel this in their energy. It will be strong, and light will emanate from around them in a peaceful way.

Rule 6: Spirits in visitation dreams cannot provide the answers to everything.

Most people on the other side ask to help their loved ones who are still on the earth plane, and, when possible, they are allowed to assist as spirit guides. There seem to be rules involved with how this can proceed, however.

It appears that those in the spirit world cannot tell us what to do and are not allowed to tell us everything that will come in the future. They seem mostly to be able to offer encouragement, support, and loving energy, which at times come in visitation dreams and other times when they find a way to communicate and show a sign that they are near.

It appears that our destiny is not meant to be fully revealed; part of the journey is to have the experiences as they are meant to unfold. Go ahead and ask them anything you want, though, during a visitation dream. If they can answer your question, they will.

Rule 7: Ask clearly and directly to have a visitation dream.

Like spirit guides, our loved ones in spirit have to be asked to help us. They cannot directly approach us and interfere, except in some occasions where it seems they have been given permission to visit us to give a direct communication, such as a specific message or warning or to help comfort us.

However, there seem to be times when they are allowed to help and other times when they are not. This is why sometimes they will appear in our dreams right away when we ask and other times they are not allowed to do so.

Rule 8: Just because you ask doesn’t mean you will receive a dream, but the spirit may visit you directly when you’re awake.

Some loved ones go on to do other things on the other side and don’t come back to visit family members. Sometimes we never know why. My grandfather, whom I was so close to and who was a powerful psychic and empath, has not come back to visit me in visitation dreams, except for one small exception, no matter how often I ask.

My mother and grandmother prayed daily for decades for him to visit them in a dream or as an apparition, and he never did for either of them. My mother visited a number of mediums, attempting to communicate with him, and none of them were ever successful in communicating with him. I’ve worked with many mediums, and none of them have ever been able to communicate with him either. For most of my life, I didn’t understand why this communication could not be received. I prayed that my mother and my grandmother, who have both passed on, were both able to find out why when they reached the other side. Both of them have visited me in dreams since their passing, but he is never with them.

Recently, I had a visitation from my grandfather, though it was not in a dream. It was unexpected and incredible. I’ll share this story with you now.

My beloved grandfather has appeared to me once in all my life since he passed. I was working with a healer who does long-distance healing, and she was working on me in a session. During this long-distance session while I was awake, he appeared to me with the spirit guides who were working on healing and restoring me.

He brought his unique color of light, which I had always seen in his aura when he was alive, and he surrounded me in this light. He looked at the spirit guides who were working on me and said to them, “She is mine, daughter, granddaughter.” His voice was strong and bold and full of authority. He placed his hand over my heart chakra, and a bright symbol appeared and grew very large, expanding into a breastplate like knights used to wear.

The breastplate glowed with this color and the symbol he drew, and I am still able to see it when I scan my aura. The spirit guides who were working on me deferred to him when he appeared during the healing session, as if he was a person in charge and that a visit from him to the spirit plane that they were on was a rare visit.

What I have discerned from this experience is that there are many levels to the spiritual planes, and I have traveled through many of them in my work as a psychic and medium. Some souls work on the spiritual planes that are the most closely attached to the earth plane, and they reincarnate on earth to begin another experience, to have another lifetime on earth. These souls stay closer to the earth plane and are very connected to helping their loved ones on earth, whom they will soon be with again in an upcoming lifetime.

After seeing my grandfather in the form in which he appeared and the energy and power that he was able to direct, it’s my opinion that he has moved from the spiritual plane that returns us to new lifetimes on the earth plane and has evolved into a new incarnation on a different spiritual plane, where he is not as connected to the lifetimes and souls on the earthly experience.

When he appeared during this healing session I was having, it was like seeing an otherworldly being of a different vibration and nature. I recognized him and his soul source, and the energy was incredibly strong and full of love. I don’t know why he appeared at that time, placed the symbol on me, and reminded the guides working on me that I belonged to him, that I was one of his tribe. It’s one of those mysteries that hopefully will be revealed to me when I review my life on the other side. In the meantime, it was wonderful to see him again for a moment and to feel his warmth and love. This was a healing that I was receiving to help me process the grief and pain of losing my husband. Of all the times in my life when I could have used his help, this indeed was the most helpful and healing time of all.

Emotional Healing and Processing of Grief through Visitation Dreams

I hope these stories are giving you some good indications of what visitations from loved ones in spirit feel like in comparison to the wishful dreams that we have of missing them.

Unlike the other style of dreams, there is little you can do to generate or control the visitation. You can ask for a visitation dream, but you have to remain open to the fact that your loved one can and will visit when they are able, and you may not have any advanced notice.

Most people report having a visitation dream after the loss of someone they loved more than other time in their life. For those of you who have experienced a deep loss like this, as I have with the loss of my beloved husband, I’ll share with you how intense this experience can be.

When my husband first passed, his spirit was around me everywhere. It held me like a warm blanket, as he did what he could to see me through the terrible shock. His spirit was so strong that other family members also experienced his presence during this time. He also sent out messages to many psychics and mediums that we knew, and they all reached out to me to share that he had visited them and wanted them to deliver a specific message to me. He stayed with me in this manner for close to three months. When the grief would consume me and I couldn’t move or do anything but cry, he would come, and I would feel this warm, loving energy that gathered around me. It was like being held by him—warm, like a blanket of air that covered me and helped absorb and release some of the pain. Over time it stopped, as it needed to, because I longed for that feeling to be with me every day, and I didn’t want to do anything else but lie down and feel his energy in this way.

He then moved from this energy work to appearing to me directly. I was not ready yet for this experience, to see him and hear him while being unable to touch him or be with him. The pain from my heart was unbearable. Our guides separated us for a while at this time, and when I pushed through the astral planes to go see him, they had guides who were guards at the door and would not let me see him. As I grew stronger emotionally, they then allowed me to see him, without him seeing me in return. At this stage, I was able to see the work he is doing on the other side, how much he is enjoying it, and how happy he is. This brought me great comfort. Now the pain I experience is just my grief at missing him in my life here on earth while knowing that he is there on the other side doing many things that he loves. I know that when I cross over at my time, that he will be there to greet me and bring me over.

As more time has passed now, we are able to converse again, and this process first began through visitation dreams. I think both of our guides wanted to make sure that it wouldn’t be overwhelming again for the both of us. When we would first meet like this, I would fight to stay over there, and he would fight to stay with me here on the earth plane. We both wanted to be with each other so much, and they did not want this to continue in this manner. So the visitation dreams were a way for us to begin to communicate, and that has progressed now to being able to tell him things in this dream state so that he can communicate with me on the earth plane. I’ve given him specific examples of signs to send to me to communicate different answers.

We are in the process of creating a language in this way, delivering messages back and forth to each other not just in the dream state, but when I’m awake as well. It takes less energy to communicate in this way than it does when he appears before me. Now that I am clearer emotionally and don’t burst completely into tears every time I feel his energy, I have more focus and can communicate with him in a more direct, conscious level.

We’ve also noticed there are times that, when I travel to see him on the other side, there are others around who want to monitor our communication. Again, it appears to be some of these rules that are in place on the other side, and I don’t have complete understanding of how they work. I do know that over time as I get stronger, if there’s a way to expand the communication, we will do it, as it is something that we are both very passionate about. We have spent many lifetimes working together on our spiritual exploration and evolution. This was not our first lifetime together, and our work continues to this day.

As a psychic medium, my process of dealing with my grief is a different experience than most people have. I share it here with you so you can understand my perspective, how grief differs for so many people, and how visitation dreams can bring peace and soulful healing. Many of you reading this book are psychics or mediums and have been exploring this work through my book The Awakened Psychic and may wish to attempt more direct communication like I mentioned in this story.

Interesting Things to Note When
Loved Ones Visit in Dreams

You may not have a personal experience at this level with a loved one who has passed on like I described above, but they are still there for you, watching over you and sending their love and care. If you are ready to communicate with them, visitation dreams are one of the most peaceful ways to begin a conversation with loved ones.

When you go to sleep, ask them to visit you in your dreams and to tell you something about someone or something that you definitely do not know. You will then have the opportunity to confirm this information so that you will have evidence that proves to you that they did visit you from the spirit world.

There are certain times of the year when the veil between worlds is thinner and you can more easily reach through the veil to ask loved ones to visit with you in your dreams. During this three-day period, October 30 through November 1, many people choose to connect with their loved ones from the other side. One of the ways to reach out and connect with your loved ones in spirit is to host what is described as a “dumb supper.” The word “dumb” in this context refers to its earlier meaning of “silent” or “mute.” Silence is observed during this dinner, and people sit quietly and reflect and honor those who have gone on to the other side. It also allows for information to come through from the spirit world. The loved one is invited through the veil to come through and join this special dinner held in their honor. Once you conclude the dinner and go to bed that evening, ask the loved one to continue this conversation with you in your dreams.

Remember, like I mentioned earlier, most times when loved ones visit, they don’t look exactly the same as they did when they died. They look stronger, brighter, healthier. They usually appear to be between the ages of thirty-five and forty-five, looking their absolute best, even better than they looked at that age. They glow with vitality and spiritual light. If they don’t appear to you in this form, or if they appear sad and stressed, then you are probably just having a dream about them rather than being visited by them in spirit.

When you awake from a visitation dream, you are filled with love and warmth and are glowing from the peaceful and positive energy. This is the experience 99 percent of the time. I say 99 percent because I have heard stories from others who had visits from those in spirit who came to settle some unfinished business with them and were putting pressure on them to do the right thing. These dreams were tough on them. They weren’t cruel, but they were enlightening. The best example of this type of dream might be the visits of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future who visit Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. These spirits show the person how life may end up if they don’t make some changes. I’ve never experienced a visitation dream in which the spirit was anything but loving and full of light, but I can’t discount the people who share that they have experienced something different in this way. I will say that it’s not typical, as usually visitations are meant to encourage and support.

Visitation dreams are usually pretty specific. The loved one in spirit speaks to you directly or sends energy directly to you. In regular dreams, the people in the dream often appear and disappear in a haphazard way, which can be very confusing and difficult to understand. Visitation dreams are very closely focused on the loved one in spirit and their being with you in that moment.

On the rare occasion that a being of dark energy is attempting to look like your loved one, you’ll easily notice this, as they may look like the person, but something is off. The energy feels awkward and weird, and they don’t know the right things to say or the exact mannerisms that your loved one used. This is a rare occurrence, but if this happens, immediately surround yourself in white light and banish this being away forever. State that only those beings from the highest and best spiritual planes may visit you in your dream state.

If you’re a person who typically doesn’t remember your dreams, the visitation dream will feel larger than life and will stick with you. Fragments of this dream will pop up throughout your day, and other signs of communication will come forth throughout the day to help jog your memory of the experience until you receive the full message. While most of us forget our dreams, which is why we keep dream journals to help us remember, most people never forget a visitation dream. It is so real and poignant that it stays with us forever.

Enjoy these visitations. They are gifts from spirit, allowing us to see a glimpse of the other side. During these visitations, we can see that our loved ones are doing well and that they are happy.

It’s a wonderful reminder that we will see them again and that they are not dead. Rather, they have simply shifted into another energetic state, reminding us that life goes on and on and on.
