
“Torment wants to see you.” Sadist stepped in front of Zack as he emerged from the Redemption locker room, blocking his path to the exit.

“I promised Shayla I’d be home by eleven tonight. I’ll talk with him tomorrow.”

“Now.” Sadist folded his thick arms over his chest.

Zack bristled. What the hell was going on? “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” Sadist pointed toward Torment’s office. “Let’s get going.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” No way was he going to let anyone order him around. He’d earned his respect at Redemption. Over the last seven months, he’d fought every member of the team, including Sadist, and he’d won every fight. The Predator was next on his list and the only man standing between him and his dream of fighting Torment.

“Do I look like I’m kidding?” Sadist scowled. “If you want to keep your membership at the gym, you’ll come with me. Otherwise, hand in your card.”

“Jesus Christ.” Zack brushed past Sadist. “What’s this all about?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.” He trailed Zack until they reached Torment’s office, and then he knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Torment called out.

“I’ll be waiting out here,” Sadist said. “In case you need me.”

The hair on the back of Zack’s neck stood on end. Had he done something wrong? Broken a rule? Had something happened in the week he’d been away at a training camp in Florida? It had been hard enough being away from Shayla and their new baby, but if he’d missed something important at Redemption…

“Slayer.” Torment motioned him in, and Sadist closed the door behind him.

“What’s this all about?”

“How’s the baby?”

“Good.” He shifted his weight, disconcerted by Torment’s friendly tone. “We named him Dylan after Shayla’s dad.”

“Strong name. How’s Shayla doing?” Torment leaned back in his chair, his black Redemption T-shirt stretching taut over his broad chest.

“Great. She’ll be in next week to start training again. The doctor said light exercise. We’re having a difference of opinion over what that means.”

Torment laughed. “Are you all trained up now? Ready for your fight next week?”

Zack shifted his weight again, glanced back over his shoulder to where Sadist was standing guard. What was this? Why was Torment trying to put him at ease when he’d sent Sadist to threaten him to get him to come to the office? “Yeah. Kinda wishing it was this week ’cause I’m at my peak.”

“Excellent.” Torment threw something across the desk, and Zack caught it midair.

“My title ring.” He’d forgotten about the ring he’d given up to save Shayla from Torment’s wrath. “Why are you giving it to me now?”

“Challenge accepted.” Torment gestured to the door. “Renegade is clearing the gym now. We’ll have it all to ourselves. No one will be around. It will just be you and me.”

Zack swallowed hard. It was the ultimate challenge.

“What about the Predator? I didn’t beat him.”

“You did on points. And I know you pulled that last punch.” He nodded at the ring. “This has been a long time coming.”

Zack flexed his shoulders, tipped his head from side to side, making it crack. “You want to take a minute and call Makayla and Brianna to say goodbye?”

Torment stood, pushing away his chair. “The only call I’ll be making is to tell them how I kicked your ass.”

“You won’t be able to see my ass when you’re lying unconscious on the mat.”

They walked out into the hallway, and Sadist followed them to the gym.

“No one comes in,” Torment said to Sadist when they reached the entrance. “If the doors aren’t open in thirty minutes, call two ambulances.”

Zack handed Sadist the ring after Torment walked into the now-empty gym. “Make sure this gets to Dylan.”

Sadist tucked the ring in his pocket. “You think you’re gonna lose?”

“No.” Zack grinned. “I’m going to win. I just don’t want it to get lost when I’m celebrating.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Every one of my dreams has come true since I came to Redemption,” Zack said. “I dreamed about fighting Torment, not beating him. Even if I lose, I win.”

For more of the Redemption series
check out book one

Against the Ropes

On sale now!