
FOREWORD: “Our Free Press” as a Clear and Present Danger by Mark Crispin Miller

INTRODUCTION: by Andy Lee Roth and Mickey Huff

CHAPTER 1: The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2015–16 Compiled and edited by Andy Lee Roth


Note on Research and Evaluation of Censored News Stories

1. US Military Forces Deployed in Seventy Percent of World’s Nations

2. Crisis in Evidence-Based Medicine

3. Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels Threaten to Permanently Disrupt Vital Ocean Bacteria

4. Search Engine Algorithms and Electronic Voting Machines Could Swing 2016 Election

5. Corporate Exploitation of Global Refugee Crisis Masked as Humanitarianism

6. Over 1.5 Million American Families Live on Two Dollars Per Person Per Day

7. No End in Sight for Fukushima Disaster

8. Syria’s War Spurred by Contest for Gas Delivery to Europe, not Muslim Sectarianism

9. Big Pharma Political Lobbying Not Limited to Presidential Campaigns

10. CISA: The Internet Surveillance Act No One Is Discussing

11. CIA Warned Bush Administration of Terrorist Attack Prior to 9/11

12. Why Our Lives Depend on Keeping 80 Percent of Fossil Fuels in the Ground

13. US “Vaccine Court” Has Paid over Three Billion Dollars to Vaccine-Injured Families

14. FBI’s New Plan to Spy on High School Students across the Country

15. Understanding Climate Change and Gender Inequality

16. Over Three-Quarters of Freedom of Information Act Requests Not Fully Answered

17. Deadly Medical Neglect for Immigrants in Privatized US Jails

18. Women’s Movements Offer Global Paradigm Shift toward Social Justice

19. Global Epidemic of Electronic Waste

20. The Walmarting of American Education

21. Little Guantánamos: Secretive “Communication Management Units” in the US

22. Department of Education Cooperates with ALEC to Privatize Education

23. Modern-Day Child Slavery: Sex Trafficking of Underage Girls in the US

24. India’s Solar Plans Blocked by US Interests, WTO

25. NYPD Editing Wikipedia on Police Brutality

CHAPTER 2: Déjà Vu: Strolling Down Memory Hole Lane by Susan Rahman and Sheila Beasley, Larkin Bond, Katie Kolb, Stephanie Lee, Caitlin McCoy, Alexander Olson, Elizabeth Ramirez, Kenny Rodriguez, Karina Seiler, Claudia Serrano, Kady Stenson, Karl Wada; with Mickey Huff and Sierra Shidner

CHAPTER 3: The Corporate Media’s War on Reality: Faux Elections and the Facade of DeMockracy: Junk Food News and News Abuse for 2015–16 by Nolan Higdon with Mickey Huff, and student researchers Hanna Begnell, Taylor Bledsoe, Aimee Casey, Alexandra Castillo, Daniel Cerezo, Daniel Cervantez, Lauren Freeman, Mitchell Graham, Josh Gorski, Kyle Hunt, Jaspreet Kang, Justin Lascano, Brandy Miceli, George Petrucci, Sarah Powell, Jared Rodda, Edwin Sevilla, Chandler Saul, Sebastian Trucios, Jacob Trutanich, Mark Yolangco

CHAPTER 4: Media Democracy in Action by Mnar Muhawesh (MintPress News), Peter B. Collins ( The Peter Collins Show ), Eric Draitser (Stop Imperialism), Abby Martin ( The Empire Files ), Darcey Rakestraw (Food & Water Watch), Susan Rahman and Eliana Dimopoulos (College of Marin); with an introduction by Andy Lee Roth

CHAPTER 5: Contested Visions, Imperfect Information, and the Persistence of ConspiracyTheories by Susan Maret

CHAPTER 6: Played by the Mighty Wurlitzer: The Press, the CIA, and the Subversion of Truth by Brian Covert

CHAPTER 7: Selling Empire, War, and Capitalism: Public Relations Propaganda Firms in Service to the Transnational Capitalist Class by Peter Phillips, with Ratonya Coffee, Robert Ramirez, Mary Schafer, and Nicole Tranchina

CHAPTER 8: Remote Control: Electronic Surveillance and the Demise of Human Dignity by Elliot D. Cohen

CHAPTER 9: Ike’s Dystopian Dream, and How It Came True by Shahid Buttar

CHAPTER 10: Who’s Afraid of Critical Media Literacy? by Bill Yousman


Report from the Media Freedom Foundation President: Project Censored—Forty Years of American News Censorship and Propaganda Exposed by Peter Phillips

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