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Page numbers in italic refer to the illustrations

Abbot, Captain 45–6

Abbott, Elizabeth 61

abolition movement

Kimber trial 42–3

John Locke and 69

legality of slavery in England 124–34

motto 126

Somerset case 137–50

and the Zong massacre 201

growing support for 215–19

Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade 215–16

and sugar 214, 215–18, 245–6

women in 216–17

medallions 152, 217

Abolition Act (1807) 218, 223

Jane Austen’s support for 245–6, 250

Adam, James 64, 78, 243

Adam, Robert 64, 78, 79, 171, 173, 243

Adams, Gene 237

Allen, William 216

Allwood, Dr 48

American War of Independence (1775–83) 187

Amherst, Lord 164

Amissa (freed slave) 179

Ann and Mary 137

Anti-Saccharites 214, 215–18, 245–6

Antigua 238, 246–7, 248, 250

Arnold, Samuel 88

Asante, Amma 238

Aubrey, Thomas 32–3

Austen, Captain Charles 25

Austen, Edward 243

Austen, Fanny 25, 27

Austen, James 246

Austen, Jane

and the navy 25–6

and Finch-Hatton family 243–4

supports abolition movement 245–6, 250

connections to sugar plantations 246–7

Emma 53, 97–8, 245

Mansfield Park 60, 98–9, 243, 244–6, 247, 248–50

Persuasion 26

Pride and Prejudice 172, 244–5

Sanditon 9, 250–1

Bagshaw, William 153

Ball, Elizabeth 233

Banks, Mrs 129–30, 221

Barbados 246

Barber, Francis 232–3, 234

Barber, Samuel 233

Barbosa, Captain José 35

Barham Court, Teston, Kent 218, 219

Bathurst, Colonel Richard 232

Beckford, Richard 59

Beckford, William 247

Belgravia House School 234–5

Bell (Belinda, slave) 147–8

Belle, Dido Elizabeth

double portrait 2, 3–11, 79, 96, 174, 237, 239

birth 24, 27, 83, 86–8, 207

adopted by Lord Mansfield 86–9, 92–9, 237

baptism 93–4

name 95

education 96–7

status in household 98–9

closeness to Lord Mansfield 99, 177–9, 204, 207–9, 222

and black Londoners 104

and the Somerset case 144, 148–9, 170–1

and the Gordon Riots 163

at Kenwood 169, 175–9

Hutchinson meets 175–9

and her father’s death 210, 227

and Lord Mansfield’s death 227–8

Lord Mansfield’s will 170, 208, 222, 227

marriage 226, 228–32

children 229–30, 231–2, 234–5

inherits money from Lady Margery 235

death 235–6

grave 237

Jane Austen and 244

Belle (film) 238

Belle Island 23–4

La Bellone 17

Bentham, Jeremy 116, 171

Bermuda 33, 58

black people

stereotyping of 37–8, 47, 106, 179

in London 103–8

freedom in England 124–5

and the Somerset case 146

see also slave trade

Blackstone, William 127–8

Bloomsbury, Gordon Riots 160, 163–4

Boer War 236–7

Bonomi, Joseph 243

Boston Tea Party (1773) 174

Boswell, James 67, 72–3, 96, 116–17, 128

Boulton, Thomas 44–5

Bristol 34, 155, 180

British Empire, importance of West Indies to 61

Buller, Justice Francis 113, 208–9

Bünau, Heinrich, Graf von 91

Burney, Fanny 8, 172, 173, 220, 232

Butterworth, William 44

Cade, Elizabeth 138, 221

Calabar, Two Princes of 180–2, 222

Cambridge, HMS 19, 20–1

Canadian Scouts 236–7

Cape Verde 15

Caribbean see West Indies

Catholic Relief Act (1778) 161–2

Catley, Ann 117

Charleston, South Carolina 125

Charleston (slave ship) 44

Charlie, Bonnie Prince 66

Charlotte, Queen 217–18

Chesham 216–17

Christ Church, Oxford 68–9, 111

Cibber, Colley 73, 74

Cibber, Susannah Maria 73–4

Cibber, Theophilus 73–5

Cicero, Marcus Tullius 111, 116

Clarkson, Thomas 39, 41, 147, 187, 201, 215, 218, 246, 249

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 79, 216

Collingwood, Luke 188–90, 195–6, 197, 200

Colman, George 88

Conti, Prince de 117

Cooney, William 37

Cope, John 48

Cope, Molly 48

Corbould, Richard 168, 171–2

Coventry, John 229

Cowper, William 54–5, 146–7, 246

Crookshanks, William 47

Cruikshank, Isaac 30, 43, 218

Cuba 20–1, 24

Cugoano, Ottobah 37, 201

Cullen, Susan 233–4

Cumberland, Richard 60–1, 96

Curaçao 22

Dance, George 122

Davinie, Martha 229

Davinier, Charles 229–30, 234–5, 236

Davinier, Harold 238

Davinier, John 228–30, 235–6, 238

Davinier, Lavinia 236

Davinier, William Thomas 230, 235, 237

d’Avinière, Lindsay 236–7

Davy, William 138–40, 147

Delaney, Mary 72

Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of 6

Dominica 180

double portrait 3–11, 79, 174, 237, 239

Dowse (Lord Mansfield’s manservant) 163–4

Dunning, John 116, 130, 132, 133

East India Company 209, 235

Easter Ross 16

Eastwell Park, Kent 206, 242, 243

Elizabeth, Empress of Russia 117

Eon de Beaumont, Chevalier d’ 117–20

Equiano, Olaudah (Gustavus Vassa) 38–9, 187, 196, 216–17, 233–4

Erskine, Lord 165

Evans, Captain Jenkins 44

Feloz (slave ship) 35–6

Finch, Daniel, 2nd Earl of Nottingham 71

Finch-Hatton, Edward 206

Finch-Hatton, Lady Elizabeth see Murray, Lady Elizabeth

Finch-Hatton, George 205–6, 243

Finch-Hatton, George, 5th Earl of Nottingham 206, 244

Foley, Thomas 69

Fox, William 216

France 107–8, 114, 117–18, 228

Franklin, Benjamin 145–6

French Revolution 228

Gambia 16

Garrick, David 105, 114, 128

George I, King 66

George II, King 76

George III, King 164

Gilbert (insurers) 196–8

Gillray, James 214, 217–18

Glorious Revolution (1688) 66

Godmersham 244

Gordon, Lord George 161–2, 165

Gordon Riots (1780) 160, 161–6, 169, 172, 205

Gregson, James 223

Gregson, William (Billy) 153–4, 156, 157, 187–9, 199, 223

Gregson, William (Billy’s son) 157

Gregson v Gilbert 193–201

Grenada 246

Habeas Corpus Act (1679) 127, 128–9, 130, 133, 137–8, 181

Hampson, Sir Thomas 60

Hampson family 246

Hampstead Heath 77, 171

Hanley, Captain John 188

Hardwick, Lord 131

Hardy, Lydia 216–17

Hargrave, Francis 139, 141–2, 147

Harrison and Co. 172

Harvey (ex-slave) 126–7

Havana 20–1, 23

Hawkins, John 245

Hawksmoor, Sir Nicholas 93

Haydn, Joseph 107

Hayes v. Jacques 117, 118–20

Heath, James 168, 172

Henley, Lord 126–7

Heywoods Bank 157

Hinds, Jacob 85

Hogarth, William 102, 106

Holland, Jane 236

Holt, Lord Chief Justice 126, 129, 141

Houses of Parliament 161–2

Howard, Henrietta 72

Howe, Charlotte 183

Hudibras (slave ship) 44

Hutchinson, Thomas 169, 174–80, 182, 184, 215, 222

Hylas, John 129

illegitimacy 97–8, 115

Inkle and Yarico 88, 106

insurance, Zong case 192, 196–201

Jacobites 66, 67, 75–7, 90, 149

Jamaica 19, 46, 179, 238

sugar plantations 47–8, 56–61, 246, 247

mixed-race children 86

and the Somerset case 146, 148

Zong massacre 190–1

James II, King 66

Johnson, Dr Samuel 67, 232–3, 246

Jones, Thomas 180–1

Kelsall, James 189–91, 198, 200

Kenwood House, London 64, 168, 169

double portrait 10–11

Lord Mansfield acquires 77

Lord Mansfield’s improvements 78–80, 171–2

and the Gordon Riots 164–5, 166

visitors 172–3, 174–80

inventory 173–4

after Lady Mansfield’s death 206–7

Lord Mansfield’s last years at 220

Kimber, Captain John 42–3, 218

King, Peter 22

King’s Bench 68, 112

Knight, Fanny 247

Knowles, John 137, 138

Latrobe, Christian Ignatius 219

Lee, John 200

Leigh-Perrot family 246

Lewis, Thomas 129–34, 137, 181, 221, 222

Lichfield 233

Lincoln’s Inn 75

Lindsay, Sir Alexander 16

Lindsay, Lady Emilia 16

Lindsay, Sir John (Dido’s father) 14

early life 16

naval career 15–24, 209

marriage 22, 209

other illegitimate children 22, 210

and Maria 22–4, 27, 31, 34, 35, 48

and Dido’s birth 24, 27, 83, 86–8, 95, 178

sends Dido to England 86–8, 92–3, 94, 98

death 176, 209–10, 227

Lindsay, Lady Mary (née Milner) 22, 209, 210

Lisle, David 108, 124, 125

Liverpool 34, 152, 153–7, 187, 223

Liverpool Exchange 154–5

Lloyds 156–7

Locke, John 69

Lockyer v Offley 208–9

Lofft, Capel 142, 145


black people in 103–8

Gordon Riots 160, 161–6

London Chronicle 19–20, 92–3, 210, 219

London Evening Post 143

London Protestant Association 161

‘Lord Mansfield’s Rule’ 115

Louis XV, King of France 117

Louis XVI, King of France 92, 107, 118

Macdonald, John 234

Madeira 15

Manners, Lord 175

Mansfield, Earls of 10

Mansfield, Lady Elizabeth (Betty) 82

marriage 71–2

at Kenwood 77, 79–80, 169, 174

adopts Dido and Elizabeth 88–9, 92–5

and the Gordon Riots 163

ill-health 169, 205

Hutchinson describes 175

death 205, 210

Mansfield, James 139, 141, 147

Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl of 16

double portrait 10, 11

childhood 65–6

education 66–9

legal career 68, 69–70, 73–5, 77–8, 111–17

parliamentary career 68, 75

marriage 71–2

character 72–3, 76, 77, 96, 115–16

Sloper case 73–5

accused of being a Jacobite 75–7, 149

and Kenwood House 77, 78–80, 171–8

adopts Dido and Elizabeth 87, 88–9, 92–9, 237

on Dido’s mother 24

closeness to Dido 99, 177–9, 204, 207–9, 222

portraits of 110, 194

reforms legal system 111–15

Hayes v. Jacques 117, 118–20

and the Yorke-Talbot ruling 125–6

and legality of slavery in England 128

and R v Stapylton 130–4, 137–8

Somerset case 137–50, 170–1, 182–4, 222

and William Davy 139

and the Gordon Riots 162–6, 169

will 169–70, 208, 210, 222, 227

Amissa case 179

and the Two Princes of Calabar 180–2, 222

and the Zong case 192, 195–200, 221

and his wife’s death 205

last years 219–21

death 220–1, 227

Maria (Dido’s mother) 22–4, 27, 31, 34, 35, 48, 83, 86–7, 93, 98

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France 92, 107

marriage, mixed-race 106, 232–4

Martinique 22

Mbatha-Raw, Gugu 238

mercantile law 113–14

Mersey, River 153, 154, 156

Middleton, Lady Margaret 217, 218, 219, 221

Milner, Mary see Lindsay, Lady Mary

mixed-race relationships 45–8, 106, 232–4

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 71–2

Montague, Duke and Duchess of 105

Montserrat 16

Moravian Church 219

More, Hannah 217

Morning Chronicle 118, 144, 146

Morro, siege of (1762) 20–1, 24, 27

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 107

mulattoes 83–7, 140

Murray, Lady Anne 207, 220

Murray, David see Stormont, David Murray, 7th Viscount

Murray, Lady Elizabeth 175–6

double portrait 2, 10–11, 96, 174, 237, 239

adopted by Lord Mansfield 91–2, 94, 99

education 96–7

and the Gordon Riots 163

marriage 205–6, 227–8

at Eastwell Park 243

Jane Austen meets 243–4

Murray, Lady Margery 207, 220, 235

Murray, William see Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl of

Myrtilla (slave) 47

‘natural’ daughters 97–8

Newcastle, Duke of 72, 78

Newton, John 36, 37, 40, 201

Nibbs family 246

Norris, Robert 249

novels 8–9, 97–8

see also Austen, Jane

Nugent, Sir George 47

Nugent, Lady Maria 47–8

O’Neil, Captain Terence 180, 181

Oxford University 68–9, 76


double portrait 3–11, 79, 174, 237, 239

black children in 104

Pascal, Michael 38

Paton, Richard 20

Percival, Sally 234

Perth Grammar School 65

Phibbah (slave) 46–7, 58, 60, 85

Philadelphia 223

Pigot, Mr 195, 198

Pimlico 230–1, 234–5

Piozzi, Hester 233

Pitt, William the elder 69, 72

plays 60–1, 88, 103

Pluto (fireship) 16–17

Pope, Alexander 70–1, 75, 77, 162, 172, 173

Port Royal 19

Portland, Margaret Bentinck, Duchess of 72, 170

Porto Santo 15

portrait, double 3–11, 79, 174, 237, 239

Portsmouth 15

Poser, Norman 69–70, 76–7

Prince, Mary 33–4, 45–6, 48, 58, 85–6, 221

Quakers 215–16

Queensbury, Duchess of 104–5

R v Stapylton 129–34, 137–8

Rambler’s Magazine 220

Ramsay, Allan 22

Ramsay, James 201, 218–19

Ranelagh Gardens, Chelsea 231

Reynolds, Sir Joshua 82, 116, 194

Richardson, Samuel 8, 177

Riddel, John 150

Robin John brothers 180–2

Robinson, Samuel 32

Rochefort 17

Rose, Joseph 173

Royal Navy 15–27, 209, 246

Rutland, Duke of 219

Rysbrack, John 89

Saint-George, Joseph Boulogne, Le Chevalier de 107–8, 207

St George’s, Bloomsbury 93–4

St George’s, Hanover Square 229, 236

St Kitts 16

Sancho, Ignatius 105–6, 108, 162, 166

Sarah (slave) 44

Say and Sele, Lady 175

Scone Palace, Perth 10, 91, 237

Senegal 15

Seven Years War (1754–63) 17–21

Shakespeare, William 106, 248

Shanley v Harvey 126–7

Sharp, Granville 122

early life 123–4

and Jonathan Strong 108, 124–5, 221

and legality of slavery in England 124–33

and R v Stapylton 129–31, 133

Somerset case 137–42, 144–5, 150

and the Zong massacre 187, 196, 198, 200–1

and the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade 215

committee for the Relief of the Black Poor 223

death 223

Sharp, William 124


fireships 16–17

women on naval ships 24–7

slave ships 32, 34–45, 155–7, 187–92, 195–201

Zong massacre 187–92, 195–201

insurance 192, 196–9

Sierra Leone 223

slaves and slave trade 31–48

ships 32, 34–45, 155–7, 187–92, 195–201

slave markets 32–4

triangular trade 34

sexual abuse of female slaves 36–41, 84

stereotyping of black women 37–8, 47

consensual relationships 44–8

sugar plantations 54–61

field slaves 56–7

punishment of slaves 56–8, 59

house slaves 83–4

mixed-race children 83–7

names of slaves 95

Jonathan Strong case 124–5

legality of slavery in England 124–34

runaway slaves 125

Yorke-Talbot ruling 125–6, 128–9

Somerset case 137–50, 182–3

Liverpool and 155–7

Zong massacre 186, 188–92, 195–201

ignorance of 222

Mansfield Park and 60, 244–6, 250

see also abolition movement; black people

Sloper, William 73–5

Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade 215–16

Somerset, James 136, 137–50, 165, 170–1, 180–3, 221–2, 237

Soubise (black servant) 104–5, 108

South Africa 236–7, 238

Stanfield, James 39–40, 42, 43

Stapylton, Robert 129–34, 137, 138

Sterne, Laurence 105

Stewart, Charles 137, 138, 140, 142, 150

Stone, Andrew 75–6

Stormont, David Murray, 5th Viscount 16, 65, 67

Stormont, David Murray, 7th Viscount 6, 89–92, 94, 107, 164, 206, 227, 228

Stormont, Lady (Henrietta Frederica de Berargaard) 91, 94

Stormont, Lady Louisa 92, 96, 206

Strong, Jonathan 108, 124–5, 181, 221, 237

Stuart, James Francis Edward (the Old Pretender) 66, 67, 75, 76–7, 149

Stubbs, Robert 189, 190, 197

sugar 50, 238

demand for in England 51–4

plantations 54–61

abolition movement and 215–18, 245–6

Austen family and 246–7

absentee planters 248

Swift, Jonathan 70

Talbot, Lord 131

Tarrant, Charles 93

Tarring Fig Gardens, Sussex 6–7

tea 52, 53–4

Tenerife 15

Terence 68

theatre 60–1, 88, 103

Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 60–1

Thistlewood, John 47, 85

Thistlewood, Thomas 46–7, 48, 58–60, 61, 84, 85

Trent, HMS 15–16, 17–21, 22–4

Two Princes of Calabar 180–2, 222

United States of America 125, 174, 222

van Loo, Jean-Baptiste 71, 110, 170

Vanquier 18

Vassa, Gustavus see Equiano, Olaudah

Vassa, Joanna 233–4

Vauxhall pleasure gardens 105

Virgil 95

Virginia 180, 181–2

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de 58

Walpole, Horace 76

Walsh, Rev Robert 35–6

Walters family 246

Walvin, James 197–8

Wedgwood, Josiah 52–3, 152, 217

Wellington, Duke of 244

West Indies

John Lindsay’s naval career in 16, 18–24

slaves 31–2

sugar plantations 54–61

importance to British Empire 61

and the Somerset case 140, 142–4, 146, 148–9

tourism 238

Westminster Abbey 210, 221, 223

Westminster Hall 68, 112, 144

Westminster School 66–8

Whigs 66

Wilberforce, William 42–3, 215, 218, 223

Wildman, James 247–8

Wilkin, Charles 230

William of Orange 66

Wilmot, Lord 129

Wilson, Captain David 42


on naval ships 24–7

stereotyping of black women 37–8, 47

mixed-race relationships 45–8, 106, 232–4

in abolition movement 216–17

Wood, John 154

Wren, Sir Christopher 93

Yorke-Talbot ruling (1729) 125–6, 128–9

Zoffany, Johann 11, 239

Zong (formerly Zorg) 157, 186, 188–92, 195–201, 221, 238

Zucchi, Antonio 173