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The initial shock wave of the first bomb and the constant thumping of others did not affect the church much, but the long dull sound of the emergency alarm drilled and echoed along the brick walls, thumped up and down stairs and slowly faded, only to be replaced moments later.
“Do you think it’s safe now?” Samantha asked, standing in the open doorway. Silence had reigned over the brightening sky for almost twenty minutes.
Steve stood next to her, watching the rush of cruisers driving past. Buildings he had seen most of his life were torn in half. Shattered glass glistened on the roadside. Down the street, people in suits looked lost and out of place in the sudden madness around them. Teenagers were drinking and shouting, starting fights and throwing large stones at cruisers parked or in motion.
“I don’t think it’s safe to go anywhere,” he answered.
Softly, Samantha said, “It’s all because of him.”
She looked at Steve and seemed to come to a decision. “I need your assistance for a short time. And maybe later I’ll tell you about it.”
“You said ‘him.’ That means one person. How could one person start all this?”
“He did, easily.”
“Come on, tell me what I got into with you. Are you talking about Williamson?”
“No, he’s more powerful than any politician.” As an afterthought she added, “There’s only one way I know to stop him.”
Steve stayed silent and stared at the scene down the street, wondering if this was happening all over the world. With the dome down, there was access to very little. Even if they could find a holo phone in working order, he doubted if she would be able to find any information. Whoever this “he” was, he had done a wonderful job of blocking any hope Samantha and Father Michael had.
In Steve’s mind, they had waited too long and messed up. This “he” was too smart and had all the bases covered and allies where he needed them.
They had no idea what this person looked like. Hell, he could be anyone. Samantha said she knew how to stop him, but could she? Could she stop someone she didn’t know? Was she that good?
Samantha leaned against the doorjamb and closed her eyes. She looked lost and vulnerable and his heart went out to her. He went to her and placed his hands on her cheeks. She jumped at the sudden touch. Their eyes locked.
“We’ll find him,” he said softly.
“I hope so.”
“You have to be more positive.”
She smiled without humor.
He leaned forward and kissed her gently. She didn’t respond and Steve backed off.
“Sorry,” she said.
“My house has a generator. Only problem is getting there and even if we could manage that...”
“Well, with the dome down, I don’t think you could find the information you need.”
“I only need to access my home computer and the government has houses backed up.”
Steve ran his hands through his hair. He really didn’t want to venture into that hell outside. He couldn’t protect her or himself from a mob attack. But if she must go then he was going with her. And what’s more, he didn’t even know why.
That’s not true, a voice said inside him. You’ve wanted her from the moment she applied for the job.
That was true. Yet it was more than that, but Steve wasn’t ready to admit anything stronger for her than pleasure. Not yet anyway, although he felt it strongly. “It” was a long time relationship. Steve plus a relationship equaled disaster. He felt something was different with Samantha and he was determined to find out what it was, so he would help as much as he could. He would assist both her and Father Michael. It would help knowing what he was involved in. In time, she would tell him.
He hoped.
“Let’s go,” he said and saw Samantha’s eyes light up.
Ami sat in bed with a blanket wrapped around her. She stared at a blank screen. The bombing and sirens had stopped not so long ago and she was worried about a second strike. She was more worried about her friend Rachael. Her best friend in the whole world.
It was nice to get a holo call from her. But there was no video, which was strange. Why had she removed her visor?
She remembered the call clearly. Rachael sounded so happy. She had met some guy. He was successful, rich and had plans for the future.
The way she was talking reminded her of their childhood days. She would go on and on about the famous Peter Clement; his hair, his face, his eyes, they were her favorite parts of him. Ami herself was fascinated with the idea. Then one day it all stopped. A new boy in school had stolen her attention.
That was years ago, and here she was sounding like a kid all over again. Ami guessed that was good in a way. She was happy for her. Only hours later, the bombing had begun.
The war with the German/Arabian Front had been brewing since Williamson stopped the supply of DNA Energy Protein X. That was big news last year. She had done a paper on it for university. Thankfully, the armed services knew something was up and were ready.
Ami had been trying to contact Rachael all morning without any success. She hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep and was feeling it now. Her eyelids were heavy and staring at a blank television screen wasn’t the best thing to do.
The power would come back and information would surge again. She needed information and needed it desperately. But she couldn’t get Rachael and her new man out of her head.
Deep inside she knew there was a connection, but for the life of her, she couldn’t find it.
The television flickered.
Ami waited. Nothing happened. At least they are trying, she thought.
The streets were worse than Steve had imagined. The view from the church on the hill was different. From that vantage point it looked like hell, but down here on the streets, it was more like Dante’s version of Hell.
There were screams, shouts and yells from all directions. People threw things at them and at one point he had to knock out a teenager who swung a knife at them.
On the other hand, Samantha didn’t seem a bit worried. She pushed her way through the threatening crowd and moved on as if this was a normal stroll through the city for her.
Steve watched everything closely. He was on full alert and his body was tensed and ready for anything as they pushed their way past burning cars and stepped over naked charred bodies.
They walked past an alley. Steve glanced in and wished he hadn’t. A high school girl in her uniform was being assaulted. He wanted to help but knew he couldn’t. The poor girl didn’t look older than junior high.
He grabbed Samantha’s hand and charged ahead, breaking into a run and pulling her along.
“Come on,” he called, yanking her arm harder until her pace matched his.
They sidestepped groups on the walkway and dodged in and out of parked cruisers with slashed tires, broken windscreens and...
Jesus, he didn’t need to see the remains of a barbecued baby.
Steve kept his point of focus on the horizon. They had a long way to go to get to his place. He glanced at Samantha and saw she was doing the same.
Damn, holding her hand felt good.
Suddenly Samantha pulled him in another direction. They turned left through a crossroads headed down a side street. An empty side street where nothing seemed to be happening, although only a few steps back Hell reigned. Streetlights beamed in the early morning and the cruisers parked here were unharmed. They slowed to a fast paced walk. Steve was breathing heavily but Samantha wasn’t. She hadn’t even broken a sweat.
“Why this way?” Steve asked through breaths.
“Short cut.”
“Don’t know it.”
“These streets are a part of my life, trust me, we’ll save a good fifteen minutes.”
Steve nodded. “Sounds good. And it’s nice to be away from that.” He pointed over his shoulder.
Samantha didn’t respond and they walked the rest of the way in silence. A few cruisers sped past them with shattered windscreens and crying children. Steve did his best to ignore them. A cruiser packed tight with young women stopped next to him.
“Hey, wanna ride, big boy?”
He pretended not to hear them and stared ahead. He picked up the pace of his walking.
“Your loss, shit-head.” The cruiser sped off.
Samantha smiled and moved closer to him.
They hit another crossroads and turned right, then down a side street and another right followed by a left and they faced a bridge. All the streets were empty and the buildings looked undamaged.
The bridge crossed old railway tracks. Steve could barely remember playing on them when he was a youngster. The tracks were rotted with rust and the old train engines were in worse shape, left where they had stopped. They were faint memories, reminders of a world about to break through technological boundaries.
It didn’t look very stable. As far as he knew, no one used this bridge. The supports had gaps, rusted columns, and looked like it was ready to go down in the next storm.
But that didn’t stop Samantha from bounding up the entrance. She had complete confidence in everything she did. Steve liked that. She was a strong woman, so different from the type of ladies he was accustomed to. Maybe that was why there was something more to her than a night of pleasure?
He quickly followed her.
Cracked concrete creaked on rusty beams as they carefully crossed. It was a long way down to the tracks. Steve watched each foot placement and walked close to the edge on the side rail. Points were stronger there and he noticed Samantha was doing the same.
On the other side stood a large block of trees and behind them was Area Ten, his town. Briefly he wondered what it was like there.
He took Samantha’s hand as they reached the trees. Five minutes later they broke through into a clearing and saw the main road leading into Area Ten.
Area Ten was silent. They passed houses with open doors, but nobody seemed around. All the way into the main part of town, it was the same. The stores were closed, there were no cruisers on the streets, and a soft wind dragged windmills of dust across their feet. It looked like a ghost town.
“Where is everyone?” Steve said, breaking the silence.
Samantha shrugged. She also looked worried. “It’s never this empty, right?”
It was Steve’s turn not to reply.
“Where’s your house?” she asked.
Steve stood motionless, staring out into the empty street and at the closed shops across the road.
“Oh, sorry, I thought I saw something.”
“Doesn’t matter. Whatever it was is gone now.” Gripping her hand tightly, Steve turned down a side street. “My place is about three minutes from here.”
The silence pushed down on him like a weight trying to crush the breath from his already tight chest.
“This is creepy,” Samantha said in a low voice.
“Then let’s hurry.”
The house was huge.
“You own this?” Samantha asked, standing at the gate.
“I rent it from my mother,” Steve replied, heading up the stairs to the front door. “She lives in Area Five, has all her life.”
“So you’re a rich kid.”
Steve laughed. “Hardly, why do you think I have to rent this place? My mother is very tight with anything to do about money,” he said, opening the door. He held it open and waited for Samantha to enter first.
“Welcome home, Steve,” the house computer said in a husky female voice.
“Is everything back on line?”
“The house is in perfect order.”
“I meant the net. Are house to house connections possible?”
“Please wait.”
Steve looked at Samantha. She had a silly grin on her face.
“What?” he asked.
“Welcome home, Steve,” she mimicked with a husky voice.
He felt heat rise and flood his cheeks.
“Oh, Steve, my circuits have been all girly while you were away.”
“Okay. Okay,” he said, starting to laugh himself. “The next time you come over, I’ll have a husky male voice greet me.”
The computer said, “No connections to anywhere outside of Area Ten are available yet.”
“Estimated time to connection?” Steve asked.
“What connection number are you requesting, Steve?”
Steve turned to Samantha. “I need your holo net number.”
“Seven four two, nine eight three, one nine four two.”
He repeated the numbers to the computer.
A minute later the computer said, “Estimated time of connection is one hour, three minutes and twenty two seconds.”
“More than an hour?” Samantha said. “Steve, I don’t think we have that much time.”
Steve placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Look, there’s nothing we can do now. The information you need isn’t on my computer. And that’s only an estimated time, okay?”
Samantha chewed her lip.
“A penny for your thoughts.”
She took a deep breath and let it out with a heavy sigh. “Perhaps I should tell you what this is all about?” A tear of frustration rolled down her cheek.
“Perhaps you should,” he said. But before she could start he kissed her, slipping his tongue into her warm parted lips. She responded passionately. Her arms pulled him closer. Her hands moved to his buttocks and gripped firmly. Steve felt a fire rage inside him he had never felt for any woman before.
He pulled out her shirt and slowly slid his hand up her flat tight stomach to her bra. He yanked it down, exposing the left breast. He gently massaged the nipple until it was hard as rock, then slid his arms up to remove the shirt. Reaching behind her, he unfastened the bra hook with one hand and gently pulled it off her shoulders.
Slowly they dropped to the floor. Samantha had his belt undone and his jeans unhooked. Steve felt her hands grip his member and he thought he was going to explode right then and there, but he managed to hold it at bay.
They were on their knees facing each other.
“Love me,” Samantha said, “and take me away.”
Steve had never before experienced such a release. He felt totally spent. His legs felt like dead logs hanging from his hips. A few beads of sweat dotted his forehead as he lay naked on the soft carpet. Next to him, Samantha was sleeping.
He rolled onto his side, facing her, and gently rubbed her nipple. It instantly sprang to attention and Samantha moaned softly. Steve could feel himself growing hard again. It pushed against her waist.
“Steve,” the computer said, “a connection to seven four two, nine eight three, one nine four two is now available. And there is an urgent message waiting at your in-box.”
Samantha’s eyes snapped open.
Steve was very disappointed.
Samantha looked down and saw his erect penis. She smiled. It was the most seductive smile Steve had ever seen and it made him want her more. But he knew she had a special reason to be here, and although he didn’t like it, there was nothing he could do about it.
Sitting up, Steve pushed his feet into his jeans, dragged them up and was very careful when doing up the zipper. Almost instantly it softened, but the urge was still present. To him, Samantha was different, even though he had scored with her under a stressful time. He hoped that when all this was over there would still a chance for them.
He could hear her dressing and kept his back to her. He wanted to talk but didn’t know what to say.
Suddenly her hands were on his shoulders. Her lips lightly brushed his ear and she planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you,” she said.
Steve couldn’t help himself. Her very touch was sensual and he needed her. In one breath he asked, “Is there a chance for us after all this? I mean, I’m very attracted to you and...and...and I would love it if we could give it a try. Afterwards.”
It seemed to take forever for Samantha to answer.
“Maybe,” she whispered. “Now I need your control panel.”
Steve didn’t realize he was holding his breath. He released it silently. He tilted his head to her and they brushed lips. It was brief but it was also enough for him, for now.
He stood up and pulled on his tee shirt.
He bit his lip.
Samantha stood up and looked him in the eye. “You do have a control panel?” she asked.
“Of course I do,” he said and looked at his feet.
“But it’s new. It’s the latest model and only works for me.”
“You have the new model?”
Steve nodded.
“The D.N.A model?”
He nodded again.
After a moment’s thought, Samantha said, “Then we have to have a joint control. I need to access my files. It’s very important.”
“The only way is to cut your finger and let the computer scan your print and blood count.”
“Then let’s do it.” Samantha’s voice showed her determination.
Steve looked up and met her gaze. “It’ll hurt. The computer needles go deep for a true reading.”
“You do have a medic kit, right?”
“Then let’s get the show on the road.”
Steve wanted her now, more than before. She was the strongest woman he had ever met and it seemed that when she had her mind set on something there was no excuse for her not to rush ahead. “It’s over here,” he said and led her to another room. She didn’t hesitate to follow.
He wished he were as strong as she was. He had a technician take a reading of his D.N.A and brain electricity activity. The technician programmed both sets of information into the access panel. There was no way he could put his finger in there, but Samantha seemed unstoppable.
At the far wall of the small, unfurnished room, Steve slid open a panel. “Computer,” he said, “I’m introducing a new user.”
“Program requires D.N.A or brain wave reading. Brain read software is not installed. Would you like to install it, Steve?”
“No point, I don’t have the connections.”
From the panel, a tray with a plastic upright tube rolled out. At the bottom of the tube were a series of needles. At the top of the tube wires ran into the wall. A small metal arm was attached to the tube’s side.
“I have to put my finger into that?” Samantha asked.
“Sorry,” Steve answered.
He watched her closely but didn’t see a hint of fear as she placed her index finger under the tube. A red beam of light scanned her fingerprint and suddenly, without warning, the needles jabbed down. Steve winced. Samantha gave no reaction.
The needles pulled her finger into the tube.
Samantha’s face scrunched up and she inhaled through gritted teeth, but still no sound escaped her.
Steve heard the mechanical sound as the needles dug and spun blood from her finger and sent the information to the analyzer. A holo screen appeared. On it the blood was analyzed. A bunch of numbers and lines flashed. All of which Steve couldn’t understand.
The numbers stopped flashing.
“Thank you,” the computer said. “Please select user name.”
“Samantha,” she said.
“User Samantha is joint connection number two.”
Steve said, “I’ll get the medic kit.” He returned two minutes later, looking flushed. “Sorry,” he said. “Couldn’t find it.”
The top half of Samantha’s finger was covered with blood. Steve dried it away and saw the tiny needle holes. They looked horrendous, exposing flesh to the room’s air. Must be giving her hell, he thought. But she’s not showing anything.
“Computer. Holo keyboard please.” Immediately a keyboard appeared before Steve. He spun it to Samantha. “Allow user two access.”
“Access granted, Steve.”
“Thank you.” To Samantha he said, “Go ahead.”
She nodded and typed in her access code. And then waited. The solidness of the wall wobbled. The wallpaper patterns melded with one another and formed a light grey. The words “ACCESS GRANTED WELCOME 61.765.897.0056 USER TWO” appeared on the wall. It was quickly replaced with “WELCOME SAMANTHA SYSTEM IS SEVENTY PERCENT COOPPERATIVE.”
“Only seventy percent?” Steve asked.
Samantha sighed. “I thought something happened to my house.”
“But that was before the bombing.”
Her typing was fast. Her fingers flew like the wind and her stance was one of complete concentration. Her legs were slightly apart and had a slight bend at the knees. Her elbows were pointed out and Steve could see the delicate movements of her forearm muscle as her fingers raced and each command poured through the computer system.
“Got it,” she said a few minutes later.
Steve took his attention off her and looked at the screen. He saw a large dagger. Above it, written in a strange script, were the words “Order of the Black Snake” and below the dagger were the words “The Re-Entry of Evil.”
“What the hell is that?” Steve asked.
“It was written a long time ago. I’m talking hundreds of years in the past. Father Small translated it into English. It’s a print book, but I scanned it onto the hard disk and then destroyed it. I didn’t want it lying around.”
“Have you read it?”
“No, not all of it. Never seemed to have the time.”
“But you helped them?”
“Yes, that’s how I met Father Michael, the kindest, sweetest man in the world.”
“And what did this Order of the Black Snake do?”
Samantha seemed reluctant to answer. When she did, the words came out slowly. “Well, for a lack of better words, we hunted Satanists.”
Steve laughed. He didn’t want to, but couldn’t help it. When he finally got it under control he asked, “What did you do to these...Satanists?”
“Convinced them to change their ways.”
“Did it work?”
“Every time.”
Steve was quiet. He suddenly realized what she was getting at.
Softly Samantha said, “Yes, Steve, we killed them.” Her head hung low. “But look around you. Look at what’s happening now. Remember the riots in town? How do you explain the empty streets of your own neighborhood? Jesus Christ, Steve, it’s all because of him.”
“And who is this person?”
“He has the same magnificence as the Morning Star, just not the same power.”
“And how do you propose to find this guy?”
Samantha pointed at the wall. “I’m hoping for a clue of where to start from this book.”
“There has to be a faster way.”
“Please enlighten me,” Samantha said curtly.
Steve got up and gently put his hands on her shoulders. She started slightly at his sudden touch. He wrapped his hands around her shoulders and lightly placed his head against hers. “Find this guy,” he whispered. “I’m with you one hundred percent of the way.”
“Thanks, Steve, but I can’t do much with you hugging me.”
“Oh, right.” He released her and took a seat against the wall. After a while he readjusted himself so he could also read the text. He found it hard to read. The text was in old English and it used the British style of spelling with ‘u’ and ‘e’ all over the place and used ‘e’ instead of ‘z.’ Steve quickly grew tired at reading the screen and his eyelids grew heavy.
“Oh no,” Samantha said. She turned to face Steve.
“What?” Steve stood.
“It says, “He will find those who oppose him and use their enemy to destroy his.” He’s not like the others. He has power.” She continued reading. The screen pages turned rapidly. She shook her head. “Huh?”
Samantha held a hand up to silence him. “Pages twenty-three, thirty-six, forty-eight and fifty-nine. Oh, and page twenty-six.” Five screens appeared next to the main window. Each displayed the text and were in chronological order. She highlighted several sections. “This is wrong.” Her words were more of a mumble, as if she was talking to herself. “The discrepancies are too many. There has to be another text, and I bet he has access to it. If not yet, then he will soon. He is going to bring the power of the beast to sit at the throne.”
“You’ve lost me.”
“I know I’m sounding a tad, umm, melodramatic. But, Steve, please, you’ve got to believe me.”
Suddenly someone thumped on the front door. The sound froze the both of them. A moment later, another thump against the door, but louder and harder this time.
“I know the two of you are in there!” It was Telly’s voice.
“My enemy,” Samantha said.
“Our enemy,” Steve corrected her.
“We must get back to the church,” Samantha said. “He can’t find us like this.”
The sound of splintered wood thumped into their room.
“You go,” Steve said. “I’ll hold him off.”
“No, we go together,” Samantha said and grabbed his arm. She ran for the window, but Steve wriggled out of her grip. She stopped. “What are you doing?”
“I love you,” Steve said. “We can’t go together and probably were never meant to happen.” He turned and headed for the door. “You have to stop him.” With that he swung the door open and headed for the living room.