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Abwehr (German military intelligence). See also Lake Quenz
on Allies strength, 12–13
Big Three assassination plot role of, 113, 166–73, 179
bomb and sabotage department, 166–73
Brandenburg Commandos of, 92–93, 252
Canaris leadership of, 60, 63, 166
headquarters of, 166
Karsthoff as station chief for, 9–10
operatives selection for, 61
in Portugal, 9
Schellenberg aspirations for position with, 63, 333
Schellenberg leadership of, 333
Schulze-Holthus position with, 77
aerial bombs, 35
Africa. See Algeria; Cairo Conference; Casablanca Conference; Egypt; North Africa
Afrika Korps, 73, 77, 86
Churchill assassination attempt by, 5–12
FDR personal, safety measures for, 81–85, 247–51, 259
for Iran sabotage mission, 85, 89–90
in Mussolini rescue, 123–24
presidential, design, 83–84
US Army Air Force, safety with, 81–82
air forces. See Luftwaffe; Royal Air Force; US Army Air Force
air travel
Big Three assassination plot issues with, 255–57
Churchill assassination plot and, 5–12
by German airline in/out of Tehran, 70
high-altitude, into Iran, 255–58, 259
for refugees to Britain, 5–7, 11–12
air travel (for FDR)
to Cairo, security concerns with, 247–51
in/out of Iran, health concerns with, 257–58, 259, 262, 268, 283, 320
out of Oran, 247–48
security concerns with, 81–85, 247–51, 259
Alaska, 40, 129, 131
Algiers, 7, 239–41
Oran, 220, 239–43, 247–48
Allied powers. See also Big Three assassination plot; Big Three meeting; Casablanca Conference; specific Allies
Abwehr leadership on strength of, 12–13
Big Three assassination plot response from, 297–99, 304–6
China relations with, 192, 216, 307
distrust among, 218, 258–59
Iran invasion by, 78–79, 86
North Africa invasion by, 47, 245
prisoner execution debate between, 307–8
Russian surveillance of, 259
Stalingrad victory for, 15, 86, 245
Alnor Door, 41–42
American Embassy, Moscow, 259
American Legation/Embassy, Tehran, 218
Big Three assassination intelligence delivered to, 296–98
distance from British and Russian Embassies, 220, 258, 297
FDR move to Russian Embassy from, 1–2, 297–98, 302–3
FDR stay at, 1, 259
Reilly security assessment of, 219–20, 259–60
security posted at, 260
travel to, security risk with, 297
water sources for, 220, 260
American spies/espionage
CIC, 146, 214, 216, 265–67, 303–5
as FDR representatives in Nazi Germany, 16
peace negotiations with Nazis, unofficial, 15–16
in Tehran, 146, 214, 265–67, 303–5
Amirabad, 321, 327
Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 67
Arkadiev, Dmitry
on Big Three assassins location, 327–28
Nazi paratroops in Tehran report from, 261, 283–84, 287–88
Nazi paratroops threat in Tehran assessment by, 287–91
NKVD position of, 261, 267
Reilly relations and collaboration with, 261, 267, 268–69, 283–84, 287–91, 312, 327–28, 330
Army Counter Intelligence Corps, US (CIC), 214, 216
Merser arrest and interrogation by, 267
Oberg arrest and interrogation by, 267, 303–6
Reilly meeting in Tehran with, 265–66
Sanjari surveillance and arrest by, 146, 266–67, 303
“Iran” etymology relation to, 72
Reza Shah on Persians racial connection to, 72, 73–74
SD ideology and, 61–62
assassination plans/attempts. See also Big Three assassination plot
Axis power, Reilly concern about, 34, 37, 41, 111, 217–18, 264
Big Three meeting potential for, 57–58, 108–10
by bomb, 14–15, 110–11
for Cairo Conference, 269
of Churchill by aircraft attack, 5–12
of Churchill by BOAC guard, 46–47
doppelgangers used in countering, 11–12, 302–3
FDR, Hitler on lone-shooter for, 13–14
grenades for, considerations about, 170–71
Nazi-led, failures significance in, 16–17
presidential, historically, 110
of Stalin by car bomb, 14–15
Axis powers. See also specific Axis powers
FDR on unconditional surrender of, 16
Reilly concerns about, assassins, 34, 37, 41, 111, 217–18, 264
Baghdad, Iraq, 68
Battle of the Falkland Islands, 60
Baumbach, Werner, 87, 89–90
Bazna, Elyesa (“Cicero”)
counterfeit compensation from Nazis to, 332
motives and background for, 185–86
post-war story for, 332
Schellenberg vetting spy material from, 183–87, 194–95
Beria, Lavrenty, 212, 261
Berkaerstrasse headquarters, RSHA, 62, 87–89, 106, 114, 152, 180
Abwehr headquarters at Tripitzufer in, 166
Allied assault on, Nazi concerns about, 86
Eden Hotel meeting in, 104, 105–7, 117
German airlines in Tehran with flights to, 70
RAF assaults on, 59, 291–92
railroad plans from, to Baghdad, 68
Tehran Nazi agents radio communication ability with, 75, 137–38, 140, 199, 214, 221, 228–29, 237, 253, 263, 266, 275–78, 292
Villa Marlier in, 102–3
Bermuda, 55–56
Big Three assassination plot (Operation Long Jump)
abort message for, 276–77
Abwehr role in, 113, 166–73, 179
actors, post-war stories of, 332–33
Allied response to intelligence about, 297–99, 304–6
American Legation receiving intelligence on, 296–98
assassin entrance/exit strategies in, 168–69, 172–73, 201–2, 246, 251, 293–96, 306, 310–11, 323–24
bomb strategy and training for, 166–73, 179, 252, 311, 322, 323–24
British Embassy as location for, 310–14
British Embassy receiving intelligence about, 296–98
Canaris role in, 112–16, 178–79
challenges and logistical hurdles for, 115, 126, 153, 200–202, 243–46
christening and official proposal of, 114–15
Churchill birthday celebration as target for, 310–16
Churchill on, 298
early considerations behind, 57–58, 108–10
Ebtehaj support role in, 295–96, 300–301, 311, 324–26
FDR talks about, 331
Gamotha role in, 202, 254
Gorechi role in, 253, 277–79, 293–95, 311, 316–18, 322, 324
gun considerations and training for, 176–79, 251–52, 310–11
Himmler role in, 179
Holten-Pflug on war outcome significance of, 108–9
Holten-Pflug role in, 179, 251–54, 263, 270, 276, 277–80, 293–96, 300–302, 306, 307, 310–11, 314, 317, 318–20, 321–22, 323–25
intelligence leaks about, 162–63, 208, 254
kidnapping scheme of Hitler as alternative to, 115–16
Lake Quenz commando training for, 113, 179
Merser role in, 238
Molotov warning about, 296–98
motorcades en route to airport for execution of, 321–22, 323–25
New York Times on, 1–2
NKVD intelligence about, 1, 283–84, 287–88, 298
North Team deployment and capture in, 252, 255–57, 263, 292
Oberg confession of, 303–6, 313–14
Oberg role in, 201–2, 214, 221–29, 238, 292, 303–6
Oranienburg SS commandos role in, 113, 176–79, 180, 251–54, 269–70
Ortel role in, 161–62, 253, 263, 269–71, 276, 292
place and time considerations for execution of, 243–46, 252, 310–14, 321–22, 323–25
Qashqai aid in, 228, 252, 270–71
radio transmitters/communication in, 237, 253, 263, 275–76, 292
Red Army killing first team landing in Tehran for, 257, 261
Reilly awareness of and response to, 261–62, 264, 283–84, 287–91, 304–6, 308–9, 312–14, 320–21, 323, 328–30
reward money for information about, 306, 314
RSHA role in, 113
Russian spies acquiring intelligence about, 162–63, 208, 254
Schellenberg role in, 56–57, 108–10, 112–16, 125–26, 131–33, 151–57, 179–80, 195, 199–203, 214, 243–46, 251–54, 292–93, 307, 321, 333
secrecy with, 168, 331–34
Skorzeny command of and role in, 157, 162, 163, 166–73, 176–79, 246, 251–54, 256, 276–77, 292, 310
Skorzeny response to abort message for, 276–77
South Team deployment and capture in, 269–71, 273–76, 279–80, 292
South Team role in, 253, 263, 269–70
team deployment, first, 255–57, 261
team deployment, second, 263
teams and deployment strategy for, 251–54
Tehran reconnaissance for, 201–2, 221–29
Vlasov Russians role in, 155, 160, 161–62, 172–73, 177–78, 251, 252–53, 255–57, 261, 263, 269–70, 273–76, 279, 292
water tunnels access role in, 224–28, 236, 251, 252–53, 305, 306, 310–11, 312–13
Big Three assassins
Arkadiev on location of, 327–28
capture by Iranians, 314, 316–17
Ebtehaj betrayal of, to NKVD, 327, 328–29
Ebtehaj support of, 295–96, 300–301, 311, 324–26
entrance/exit options for, 168–69, 172–73, 201–2, 246, 251, 293–96, 306, 310–11, 323–24
escape from Iranian captors, 316–17
Gorechi aiding, 316–19
Holten-Pflug access strategies for, 293–96, 306, 310–11
NKVD final stand with, 328–30
NKVD first discovery and capture of, 273–76
police lieutenant in Tehran aiding, 318–20, 321–22, 323–24
police station hideout for, 318–20
Reilly at final stand of, 328–30
safehouses in Tehran for, 295–96, 300–301
suicide-bomb death for, 330
Big Three meeting
agenda and divergent views for, 127–28, 245–46
assassination opportunities at, 57–58, 108–10
Berlin assault by RAF during, 291–92
Churchill agenda for, 50, 56, 127, 245–46
Churchill birthday celebration and security risks during, 310–16
Churchill public announcement about, 56
Churchill travel safety with, 281–83, 297
Cicero spy material about, 187–89, 195
dinners at Russian Embassy during, 303, 307–8, 323
early plans for, 50, 56, 85
extension of, 316, 320, 323
FDR accommodation considerations for, 258–59
FDR agenda for, 50, 56, 127, 128, 245–46
gun considerations for security at, 175–76
Himmler tactic for gathering intelligence about, 132
Iran proposal by Stalin for, 129–30, 131, 133
location, debates and intelligence on, 57–58, 85, 106–7, 126, 127–33, 167, 181, 188–89, 192–95
NKVD security patrols and interrogations for, 212–13, 215, 222, 229, 272–75, 295, 332
prisoner execution debate at, 307–8
Reilly security role and measures for, 50, 111, 129, 158–60, 175–76, 193, 218–20, 258–65, 291, 298–99, 302–3, 308–9, 313–14, 315–16, 320–21, 323
Russian defectors infiltration of, Nazi plan for, 154–56, 160–62
Russian/NKVD dragnet and interrogations for, 209–13, 215, 222, 229, 272–75, 295, 332
Schellenberg intelligence gathering about, 107–10, 131–32, 152–54, 181, 188–89, 195, 199
security concerns and precautions for, 1–2, 50, 57–58, 81, 108–11, 152–53, 158–60, 175–76, 209–13, 310–16, 331
Stalin agenda for, 127–28, 245–46
Stalin note to FDR after, 333–34
Stalin on location for, negotiations with, 128–31, 133, 188, 192–94
Stalin security measures at, 212–13
Tehran negotiations and finalization as location for, 193–95
war outcome significance of, 244
White House press conference after, 331
biological weapons, 38
BOAC. See British Overseas Airway Corporation
bombs. See also Gammon bombs
Abwehr planning and creation of, 166–73
aerial, 35
Big Three assassination plot planning and training for, 166–73, 179, 252, 311, 322, 323–24
Big Three assassins death by suicide, 330
Reilly on assassination by, 110–11
remote-controlled, 35
Stalin assassination attempt by car, 14–15
bomb shelter, White House, 36–37
Brandenburg Commandos, 92–93, 252
Britain. See also British-Russian invasion of Iran
Iran/Persia relations history with, 64, 67, 68–69
Nazi counterfeit currency to undermine economy in, 137
oil reserves in Iran control by, 67, 69, 70, 87
refugees air travel to, 5–7, 11–12
British armed forces. See also Royal Air Force
Khan, I., murder by, 136
Khan, N., attack on, 136
Mayr captured by, 214–15, 221, 230–31, 332
Mayr escape from, 332
Wassmuss leading insurrection against, in Iran, 68–69
British counterfeit currency, 137, 184, 319
British Embassy, Tehran
American Legation in Tehran distance from, 220, 258, 297
Big Three assassination execution planned at, 310–14
Big Three assassination intelligence delivered to, 296–98
Churchill travel to, roadblock in, 281–83
FDR offer for and rejection of accommodations at, 258–59
Reilly security assessment and measures of, 313–14, 315–16
Russian Embassy in compound with, 1–2, 258, 297
security concerns with, 260, 313–14
British Embassy, Turkey, 183–89, 194–95
British Overseas Airway Corporation (BOAC)
in Churchill assassination attempt, surveillance and attack of, 5, 6–12
Churchill assassination attempt in US by guard of, 46–47
flights from Portugal to England with, 5–7, 11–12
Luftwaffe air attack on Ibis flight by, 10–12
British-Russian invasion of Iran (Operation Countenance)
beginning of, 78
Churchill on, 78
Nazi Germany concern with, 79, 86
Nazi undercover operatives and, 64, 79, 164
reasons behind, 78–79
success of, 79
Bryan, Otis, 249–50, 259, 268
Cairo Conference, 130, 291–92
China’s Chiang Kai-shek attendance at, 192, 216, 306
Churchill last-minute location switch for, 240–41
Cicero spy material on, 307
civil unrest and safety concerns for, 217–18
FDR accommodations for, 250–51
FDR and Churchill early plans for, 189, 192
FDR flights to, security concerns with, 247–51
FDR travel by ship to, 203–7, 241–43, 269
Mena House hotel as location for, 216–17, 218
Reilly security concerns and measures for, 190–92, 216–18, 239–43, 247–53
Schellenberg assassination idea for, 269
Schellenberg intelligence about, 189, 307
Thanksgiving dinner at, 269
Canaris, Wilhelm
Abwehr leadership of, 60, 63, 166
on Allies strength, 12–13
arrest and execution of, 333
background and character of, 60–61
Big Three assassination plot role of, 112–16, 178–79
on Big Three meeting intelligence, 107–8, 109
Iran sabotage mission role of, 87, 94, 141
at Lake Quenz, 93–94
Mussolini rescue mission role of, 122
Schellenberg compared with, 60–61
Schellenberg meeting and intelligence briefing with, 104, 105–7, 117
Schellenberg relationship with, 63–64, 112, 150, 333
Skorzeny relationship with, 179
on spy tradecraft, 150
Capone, Al, 40–41
car, armored, 39–41
car bombs, 14–15
Carthage, 57, 248
Casablanca Conference
FDR proclamation on Axis powers surrender at, 16
FDR travel to, 48–49, 81
Hitler ignorance of, 107
Nazi threats in region and, 48–49, 50
Reilly as security lead at, 47–49, 50, 81
security concerns with, 47–49, 50, 81
Chandler, Howard, 46–47
Chemical Warfare Service, 38
Chenhalls, Alfred, 12
Chiang Kai-shek, 192, 216, 307
China, 192, 216, 307, 309, 331
Christmas, White House, 41–42
Churchill, Winston. See also Big Three meeting; Cairo Conference; Casablanca Conference
assassination attempt while visiting US, 46–47
assassination plot by aircraft aimed at, 5–12
on Big Three assassination plot, 298
Big Three meeting agenda for, 50, 56, 127, 245–46
Big Three meeting extension request of, 316
on Big Three meeting location, 129, 130–31, 188–89
Big Three meeting public announcement by, 56
Big Three meeting travel safety for, 281–83, 297
birthday celebration as Big Three assassination target, 310–16
on British-Russian invasion of Iran, 78
Cairo Conference early planning by, 189, 192
Cairo Conference location switch by, 240–41
at Cairo Conference Thanksgiving, 269
doppelgangers for, security, 11–12
drinking ability of, 44–45, 303
FDR accommodations in Tehran offer from, 258
fear in Tehran, 281–83, 298
on prisoner mass executions, 307–8
Quebec Conference speech of, 56
RAF flight security for, 12
Scotland Yard bodyguard for, 8, 12
self-security laxness of, 45
Tehran arrival of, 281–83
White House visit of, safety measures during, 44–47
CIC. See Army Counter Intelligence Corps, US
Cicero spy material. See also Bazna, Elyesa
Big Three meeting intelligence from, 187–89, 195
Cairo Conference intelligence in, 307
logistics in gathering of, 186–87
Schellenberg receiving and vetting, 183–87, 194–95, 307
Clark, Mark, 48
concentration camps
Łódź, 87–88
Sachsenhausen, 97–99, 135, 137
SS commando training at, 97, 99–100
Connolly, Donald H.
Persian Gulf Command lead of, 218–19, 225, 265
water tunnels in Tehran engineered by, 225–26, 304
Crimea, 254, 263, 270, 276, 278
“Daddies” machine guns, 178
Dakar, 77–78
doppelgangers, 11–12, 302–3
double agents, 15, 162–65, 208, 254
Douglas Aircraft Company, 83–84
Dulles, Allen, 15
Durno, George, 240
Ebtehaj, Misbah
Big Three assassins location revealed to NKVD by, 327, 328–29
Big Three assassins support from, 295–96, 300–301, 311, 324–26
Gorechi negotiation for support of, 295, 324
Mayr asset in Tehran provided by, 145, 295, 324
Sanjari rescue mission role of, 231–34, 295
Eden, Anthony, 188
Eden Hotel, Berlin, 104, 105–7, 117
Egypt, 244. See also Cairo Conference
American ambassador to, 216, 250–51, 269
FDR flying over pyramids of, 249–50
murder in, punishment for, 218
Einsatzgruppen, 62, 151
Eintänzers (taxi dancers), 104
Eisenhower, Dwight, 239, 240–41, 248
England. See Britain
Erie, Pennsylvania, 22, 24–25, 31
espionage. See American spies/espionage; Nazi spies/espionage; Russian spies/espionage; spy tradecraft
Nazi control of, by 1943, 5
Red Army plans for invasion of, 245
Falkland Islands, Battle of the, 60
Farley, Jim, 22
Farm Credit Administration (FCA), 27–29
FBI, 13
FCA. See Farm Credit Administration
FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Final Solution conference, 102
fluoroscope machine, 42–43
France, Vichy, 6, 10, 98, 127
Franklin Field, Pennsylvania, 23–24
Gammon, R. S., 171
Gammon bombs
in Big Three assassination plot, 171–73, 179, 252, 311, 322, 323–24
Big Three assassins suicide with, 330
characteristics of, 171–72, 322
Nazi recovery of RAF, 173
Gamotha, Roman (“Moritz”)
Big Three assassination intelligence leaks from, 208, 254
Big Three assassination plot role of, 202, 254
capture in and escape from Iran, 163–65
character of, 76
code name origins for, 75–76
Himmler praise for, 164
post-war story for, 332
as Russian double agent, 164–65, 208, 254
undercover mission in Iran of, 75–76, 77, 78, 79–80, 85–87, 163–64
Gartenfeld, Karl-Edmund, 255, 257
Gennerich, Gus, 23–24
George Washington University, 27, 28
German air force. See Luftwaffe
German armed forces. See Afrika Korps; Wehrmacht
German Embassy, Portugal, 8–9
German military intelligence. See Abwehr; Lake Quenz
German resistance, 15–16
German spies. See Nazi spies/espionage
Germany. See also Nazi Germany
Iran/Persia relations with, history of, 66–71
Weimar era in, 69–71
Gestapo, 6, 87–88, 97
Goebbels, Paul Joseph, 57, 125
gold, Nazi-confiscated, 134–36
gold gun, 134–35, 137, 140, 199
Gorechi (native Iranian interpreter)
Big Three assassination plot role of, 253, 277–79, 293–95, 311, 316–18, 322, 324
Big Three assassins aided by, 316–19
Ebtehaj aid in Big Three assassination plot negotiated by, 295, 324
as Holten-Pflug asset, 277–79, 294–95, 311, 316–19, 322
Göring, Hermann, 10
Great Britain. See Britain
grenades, 120
for assassination attempts, considerations, 170–71
Japanese-style, 171
pineapple, 170
in Big Three assassination plot considerations and training, 176–79, 251–52, 310–11
in Big Three meeting security considerations, 175–76
“Daddies” machine, 178
Khan, N., gifted solid-gold, by Nazis, 135, 137, 140, 199
Reilly expertise and marksmanship with, 174–76
Skorzeny considerations and choice of, 176–79
Sten, 176–77, 238, 252, 310–11, 314, 318
Trench Sweeper submachine, 175–76
Hamburg-America Line, 68
Hansen, Georg, 104, 106–7
Harriman, Averell, 296–97
Harris, Arthur Travers, 292
Hewitt, Abram Stevens, 16
Heydrich, Reinhard, 52, 78
Final Solution conference led by, 102
murder of, 65
Himmler, Heinrich, 88, 188
on battlefield attitude, 16
Big Three assassination plot role of, 179
Big Three meeting location intelligence gathering of, 132
Gamotha praised by, 164
homosexuality punishment by, 101
occultism use by, 132
on Russian defectors, 156
Schellenberg meetings with, 105, 156–57
Skorzeny recruitment by, 97–98
on Skorzeny role in Iran, 156–57
SS leadership of, 16
Hitler, Adolf, 188
Big Three kidnapping scheme of, 115–16
Big Three meeting intelligence priority for, 107
Casablanca Conference ignorance of, 107
on Duke and Duchess of Windsor kidnapping plot, 53–54, 56
Iran oil reserves control agenda of, 74–75
on lone-shooter assassination plan on FDR, 13–14
Mussolini rescue order of, 119–20, 122
on Operation Anton, 156
power-seeking under, 52
Reza Shah relationship, 72–74
on Russian traitors, 155–56
on Skorzeny command of Big Three assassination plot, 157, 166
Skorzeny meeting with, 117–20
Skorzeny promotion by, 125
on Skorzeny role in Iran, 156–57
suspicion in nature of, 157
Holmes, Bob, 302–3
Holten-Pflug, Rudolf von
airport motorcade assassination plan of, 321–22, 323–25
Big Three assassination plot optimism of, 254, 306
Big Three assassination plot role of, 179, 251–54, 263, 270, 276, 277–80, 293–96, 300–302, 306, 307, 310–11, 314, 317, 318–20, 321–22, 323–25
on Big Three assassination significance to war outcome, 108–9
Big Three assassins access strategies of, 293–96, 306, 310–11
bomb-suicide death for, 330
capture by Iranians in Tehran, 314, 316–17
Ebtehaj aid to, in Tehran, 295–96, 300–301, 311, 324–26
Ebtehaj betrayal of, 327
escape from Iranian captors, 316–17
Gorechi as Tehran asset for, 277–79, 294–95, 311, 316–19, 322
hideout at police station in Tehran, 318–20
Iran sabotage mission team leadership of, 95–96
as Lake Quenz training instructor, 95–96, 179
police lieutenant in Tehran aiding, 318–20, 321–22, 323–24
on safehouse security in Tehran, 301–2
Schellenberg optimism about mission success of, 293, 307
on South Team capture consequences, 279–80
water tunnel strategy of, 306, 310–11
Holters, Wilhelm, 169
homosexuality, 100–101
Hoover, Herbert, 331
Hopkins, Harry, 203, 206, 269
Hotel Campo Imperatore, Italy, 123–24
Howard, Leslie, 12
Hull, Cordell, 188, 192–94, 241
Ibis (BOAC flight 777)
Churchill assassination attempt and, 5–12
Luftwaffe air attack on, 10–12
refugees aboard, 5–7, 11–12
Iowa, USS
FDR travels on, to Cairo Conference, 203–7, 241–43, 269
Nazi torpedo attack with FDR on-board of, 206–7, 243
Strait of Gibraltar passage of, security concerns with, 242–43
Iran (Persia). See also Big Three assassination plot; Big Three meeting; British-Russian invasion of Iran; Qashqai; Tehran
Allied invasion of, 78–79, 86
Allied war supplies transport on railways in, 86, 87, 105, 137, 261, 264
Aryan race ideology relation to naming of, 72
Britain relations history with, 64, 67, 68–69
CIC agents in, 146, 214, 265–67, 303–5
engineering history in, 224
flight issues into, high-altitude, 255–58, 259
German community in, 70–71, 210–11
Germany relations with, history of, 66–71
Jewish émigrés in, 210–11
Khan, N., tribal leadership in, 135–40, 199
Mayr assets/conspirators in, 145–46, 295, 324
Mayr undercover mission in, 75–76, 77, 78, 79–80, 85–87, 101, 141–47, 213–14, 266, 295, 324, 332
Merrick undercover mission in, 146, 267
Nazi Germany relations with, 72–75, 86
Nazi spies/espionage in, 2, 64, 75–80, 85–87, 101–2, 136–38, 141–47, 163–65, 199–200, 213–15, 221–29, 266–67, 295, 331, 332
Nazi spies missing in, recovery of, 64, 79–80, 85–86
Nazi supporter movement in, 294–95, 301, 318–19
oil reserves in, British control of, 67, 69, 70, 87
oil reserves in, Nazi strategy to control, 74–75, 86
Operation Franz landing challenges in, 141–43
Pahlevani athletes in, 145, 231, 295, 300–301
Polish émigrés in, 211–12
Qashqai history in, 135–36
Reza Shah rule in, 69–70, 72–74, 79, 136
Russian spies/espionage in, 164–65, 209
Schellenberg research and intelligence gathering on, 66–75, 85
Schulze-Holthus undercover mission in, 76–78, 79–80, 85–87, 136, 137–38, 222, 228–29, 332
Stalin proposal of Big Three meeting in, 129–30, 131, 133
swastika origins and, 73
train travel safety issues in, 268
Trans-Iranian Railway in, 74, 87, 137, 261, 265
typhus in, 147–48, 220, 225, 268
US armed forces in, 86, 218–19, 225–26, 265, 304, 321, 327
Wassmuss leading insurrection against British in, 68–69
Iran sabotage missions, Nazi
aircraft for, 85, 89–90
Canaris role in, 87, 94, 141
farewell party for units leaving for, 102–3
Holten-Pflug leadership in, 95–96
Kurmis role in, 102–3, 137, 139
Lake Quenz team in, 96, 105–6
Oberg role in, 101–2, 180
Operation Anton role in, 105–6, 136–40, 149, 156
Operation Franz role in, 105–6, 117, 141–43, 147–49, 199, 214, 221
Oranienburg SS commandos in, 100, 105, 138–40
plans for, 58–59, 85–87, 89–96
radio transmitters/communication and, 137, 139–40, 142, 199, 214, 221, 228, 237, 266
railway interruption in, 87, 105, 137
Schellenberg leadership in, 58–59, 85–87, 89–96, 98–103, 105–6, 137, 139–40, 141, 149–50
Skorzeny role in, 99–100, 136–37, 156–57
successes of, Schellenberg on, 149–50
Iraq, 68, 73
Irish immigrants, 26
Israel, 105, 333
Italy, 16, 123–24
Japan. See also Pearl Harbor attacks
FDR on unconditional surrender of, 16
grenades used by, 171
Nazi intelligence from, 79–80
Russia relations with, 192
Jenke, Albert, 183
Jews. See also concentration camps
gold confiscated from, 134
Schellenberg on, 62
in Tehran, NKVD “clean-up” of, 210–11
Jost, Heinz, 65
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
Big Three assassination proposal to, 115
RSHA position of, 65–66
Schellenberg intelligence meeting with, 104–5
Schellenberg on character of, 65–66
Karsthoff, Albert von, 9–10
Kelly, Ed, 33
Kerr, Archibald Clark, 296, 298
Kersten, Felix, 16
Khan, Ismail, 136
Khan, Nasr, 135–40, 199
Khan, Reza. See Pahlavi, Reza Shah
Kirk, Alexander, 216, 250–51, 269
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe, 185–86
Korel, Karl
death and dismemberment of, 148
Mayr rendezvous success of, 146–47
Operation Franz role of, 143, 146–48
Krulev, Andrei V., 209–10
Kupferstein, Jakob, 210–11
Kurmis, Martin
Iran sabotage mission role of, 102–3, 137, 139
suicide of, 139
Kuznetsov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 163, 208
Lake Quenz (Abwehr training center)
Big Three assassination training at, 113, 179
criteria and training at, 92–94
Holten-Pflug position at, 95–96, 179
Iran sabotage mission team from, 96, 105–6
Schellenberg trip to, 91–92, 94–96
Landon, Alf, 22
Łódź ghetto, 87–88
Luftwaffe (German air force)
Casablanca attack by, 49
in Churchill assassination attempt by aircraft, 10–12
Iran sabotage mission role of, 85, 89–90
procedure for contacting, 9–10
Lukin, Alexandr, 210
Markham, Edwin, 23
Marshall, George, 239, 240–41
Mayr, Franz (“Max”)
assets/conspirators in Iran for, 145–46, 295, 324
British forces capture of, 214–15, 221, 230–31, 332
character of, 76
code name origins for, 75–76
Ebtehaj as Tehran asset for, 145, 295, 324
escape from British forces, 332
Korel corpse dismemberment by, 148
Korel rendezvous with, 146–47
Oberg mission to contact, 101, 214
Operation Franz to rendezvous with, 141–44, 146–49
post-war story for, 332
Sanjari relationship with, 145, 146, 214–15, 230, 332
undercover mission in Iran of, 75–76, 77, 78, 79–80, 85–87, 101, 141–47, 213–14, 266, 295, 324, 332
Mays, John, 22
McCarthy, Frank, 239, 240
McCrea, John, 204, 205–6
McIntire, Ross, 257–58, 259, 262, 268, 320
Medvedev, Dmitry, 332
Melliyun movement, 294–95, 301, 318–19
Mena House, Cairo, 216–17, 218
Merrick, Robert J., 146, 267
Merser, Ernst
Big Three assassination plot role of, 238
CIC arrest and interrogations of, 267
false flag intelligence given to NKVD by, 232–33
as Nazi asset in Tehran, 145, 149, 209
Oberg rescue from NKVD in Tehran by, 235–38
Sanjari rescue from NKVD in Tehran by, 230–35, 295
on Tehran place in war, 149
metal detection, 41–43
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 188, 308
Big Three assassination warning from, 296–98
as Big Three meeting location negotiator, 131
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 33–34, 175
Mossad, 333
Movaqqar, Sadraq, 318–19, 321–22, 323–24
Moyzisch, Ludwig, 183, 185–86, 188, 195, 228
Muslims, 69, 105
Mussolini, Benito
capture and imprisonment of, 119, 121–23
rescue mission, aircraft in, 123–24
rescue mission, Hitler’s order for, 119–20, 122
rescue mission, preparation for, 120–21
rescue mission, Skorzeny role in, 119–25
Mutti, Ali, 214
Nazi Germany. See also Iran sabotage missions, Nazi
American spy unofficial negotiations with, 16
assassination failures for, significance, 16–17
British counterfeit currency created and used by, 137, 184, 319
British-Russian invasion of Iran concern for, 79, 86
Casablanca Conference and threats in region from, 48–49
Duke and Duchess of Windsor kidnapping plot by, 51–56, 57
European control by 1943 of, 5
FDR on unconditional surrender of, 16
Gammon bombs of RAF recovered by, 173
genocidal execution units under, 62, 151
glide torpedoes used by, 241–42
gold confiscated by, 134–36
Iran-based movements supporting, 294–95, 301, 318–19
Iran relations with, 72–75, 86
Muslim troops fighting for, 105
oil reserves control agendas of, 73–75, 86
RAF assaults on, 59, 291–92
Russian defectors use by, 154–56, 160–62
Simferopol capture and massacre by, 254
surrender avoidance by, unconditional, 110, 113
swastika origins and use by, 73
U-boats, 13, 60, 79, 207, 241–42
US forces causing concern for, 15
Nazi hunters, 333
Nazi paratroopers. See also Iran sabotage missions, Nazi
Arkadiev report on, in Tehran, 261, 283–84, 287–88
Arkadiev threat assessment of, in Tehran, 287–91
Oranienburg training of, 269–70
Red Army killing first team of, in Tehran, 257, 261
Reilly on threat of, in Tehran, 261–62, 264, 283–84, 287–91
in Tehran, arrival of first, 255–57
Turkey as assumed destination for, 288–89
Vlasov Russians experience as, 255–56
Nazi spies/espionage, 150
at British Embassy in Turkey, 183–89, 194–95
British-Russian invasion in Iran and, 64, 79, 164
in Churchill assassination attempt by aircraft, 5, 6–8
counterfeit currency in compensation for, 184, 319, 332
doppelgangers used in deceiving, 11–12, 302–3
in Iran, missions for, 2, 64, 75–80, 85–87, 101–2, 136–38, 141–47, 163–65, 199–200, 213–15, 221–29, 266–67, 295, 324, 331, 332
Japanese intelligence and, 79–80
Lake Quenz criteria and training as, 92–94
in North Africa, 77–78
radio communication with Berlin for, 75, 137–38, 140, 199, 214, 221, 228–29, 237, 253, 263, 266, 275–78, 292
Schellenberg and Canaris compared as, 60–61
strategic policy role of, 75
surrender to FBI, 13
in Tehran, 2, 75, 137–38, 140–47, 199–200, 213–15, 221, 228–29, 237, 253, 263, 266, 275–78, 292
Tehran assets/conspirators for, 145–46, 149, 209, 277–79, 294–95, 311, 316–19, 322
New Deal, 25, 225
New York Times, 1–2
Nicholas II (tsar), 68
NKVD (Soviet intelligence service)
American Secret Service working with, in Tehran, 268–69, 283–84
Arkadiev position in, 261, 267
Big Three assassination plot uncovered by, 1, 283–84, 287–88, 298
Big Three assassins final stand with, 328–30
Big Three assassin team discovery and capture by, 273–76
brutality of, 212–13, 230, 276
double agents employed by, 15, 162–65, 208, 254
Ebtehaj betrayal of Big Three assassins to, 327, 328–29
Light Cavalry in Tehran, 213, 272–75, 332
Oberg captured by, 229
Oberg rescued from, 235–38
as Russian Embassy staff, 312
Sanjari captured by, 215, 230
Sanjari rescued from, 230–35, 295
Tehran security patrols and interrogations of, 212–13, 215, 222, 229, 272–75, 295, 332
US Secret Service working with, in Tehran, 268–69, 283–84
Vertinski as Tehran station chief for, 212–13, 232–33, 261, 272–73
Vlasov Russians captured and interrogated by, 274–76, 283–84
North Africa. See also Algeria; Cairo Conference; Casablanca Conference; Egypt
Allied invasion of, 47, 245
Eisenhower command in, 239, 240–41, 248
FDR flight across, security concerns with, 247–51
FDR proposal for Big Three meeting in, 129, 130
FDR travel by ship to, 203–7, 241–43, 269
Nazi spies/espionage in, 77–78
Red Army in, 219
Oberg, Winifred, 189
Big Three assassination plot role of, 201–2, 214, 221–29, 238, 292, 303–6
CIC arrest and interrogation of, 267, 303–6
confession of Big Three assassination plot from, 303–6, 313–14
controversy with, 100
intelligence communications to Schellenberg from, 228–29, 237–38
Iran sabotage mission role of, 101–2, 180
Mayr rendezvous mission of, 101, 214
NKVD capture of, 229
Oranienburg observation assignment of, 180
rescue of, from NKVD, 235–38
Schellenberg recruitment of, 100–101, 180
Schulze-Holthus aiding mission in Tehran of, 222, 228–29
Tehran undercover missions of, 101–2, 221–29
occultism, 132
oil reserves
in Iran, British control of, 67, 69, 70, 87
in Iran, Nazi Germany strategy to control, 74–75, 86
in Iraq, Nazi Germany seizure of, 73
Operation Anton
Hitler praise for, 156
in Iran sabotage mission, 105–6, 136–40, 149, 156
Schulze-Holthus rendezvous under, 105–6, 137–40
successes of, 149
Operation Bernhard, 137, 184
Operation Countenance. See British-Russian invasion of Iran
Operation Franz
Iran landing challenges for, 141–43
Iran sabotage missions role of, 105–6, 117, 141–43, 147–49, 199, 214, 221
Korel death impact for, 148–49
Korel role in, 143, 146–48
radio transmitter delivery/set-up in, 199, 221, 237
successes of, 149
in Tehran, 147–49
Operation Himmler, 153
Operation Long Jump. See Big Three assassination plot
Operation Pastorius, 13
Operation Willi, 51–56, 57
Operation Zeppelin, 154, 156, 161
Oran, Algeria
FDR flight to Cairo out of, 247–48
Reilly awaiting FDR in, 220, 239–43
Reilly security concerns with, 241–42
Oranienburg SS commandos
Big Three assassination role of, 113, 176–79, 180, 251–54, 269–70
Iran sabotage mission role of, 100, 105, 138–40
Oberg assignment to observe, 180
parachute training for, 269–70
Qashqai guard of, 139
Skorzeny leadership of, 97–98, 105, 117, 140, 176, 177–79, 256
training of, 97–100, 139
Ortel, Hans Ulrich von
Big Three assassination abort message from, 276
Big Three assassination plot role of, 161–62, 253, 263, 269–71, 276, 292
Big Three meeting infiltration role of, 161–62
deployment and capture of, 263, 269–71, 279, 293
intelligence leak to Russian double agent by, 162–63
Red Army attacked by, 161
as SS executioner, 160–61
Vlasov Russians training by, 162
Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, 79
Pahlavi, Reza Shah (Reza Shah)
on Aryan racial connection of Iranians, 72, 73–74
British-Russian invasion impact for, 79
Hitler relationship with, 72–74
Khan, I., imprisonment by, 136
Nazi Germany alliance reasoning of, 73
Tehran urbanization of, 69–70
Pahlevani athletes, 145, 231, 295, 300–301
Papen, Franz von, 183, 184
Paulus (sergeant), 255–57
Pearl Harbor attacks
FDR protection measures after, 33–41
FDR reaction to, 33
Reilly reaction to, 32–33
Secret Service response to, 33–34
White House protection measures after, 34–38, 41–43, 259
FDR 1936 campaign trail in, 21–25
FDR knife “attack” in, 25, 31, 259–60, 287
Penrose, Binks, 265
Persia. See Iran
Persian Gulf Command, 218–19, 225, 265
Poland, 153, 211–12
police, Tehran, 318–20, 321–22, 323–24
Portela Airport, Portugal, 5–8, 11
Abwehr in, 9
BOAC flights to Britain from, 5–7, 11–12
Duke and Duchess of Windsor kidnapping plot in, 54–55
German embassy in, 8–9
refugees safety in, 5–7
presidential election, US (1936), 21–25
Prettyman, Arthur, 206–7
Pullman Company trains, 24–25
Qashqai (Iranian tribe), 199, 221, 237
Big Three assassination plot aid from, 228, 252, 270–71
history of, in Persia, 135–36
Khan, N., leadership of, 135–40
Oranienburg SS commandos guarded by, 139
Schulze-Holthus refuge with, 80, 136, 137–38, 222, 228–29, 332
South Team met and guided by, 270–71, 273–74
Qudsi (dentist), 214
Quebec Conference, 56
radio transmitters/communication
Big Three assassination plot role of, 237, 253, 263, 275–76, 292
Iran sabotage missions and, 137, 139–40, 142, 199, 214, 221, 228, 237, 266
for Nazi spies in Tehran, 75, 137–38, 140, 199, 214, 221, 228–29, 237, 253, 263, 266, 275–78, 292
Operation Franz and, 199, 221, 237
for White House Secret Service, 43
RAF. See Royal Air Force
Allied war supplies on Iranian, 86, 87, 105, 137, 261, 264
from Baghdad to Berlin, plans for, 68
FDR safety traveling on, 24–25, 268
in Iran, safety issues traveling on, 268
Nazi plan to sabotage Iranian, 87, 105, 137
Trans-Iranian, 74, 87, 137, 261, 265
Red Army
Big Three assassination team killed by, 257, 261
Jewish people treatment by, 210–11
in North Africa, 219
Ortel guerrilla warfare against, 161
Polish people treatment by, 211–12
in Tehran, 209, 245, 257, 261
challenges and threats for, 5–6
Ibis flight for, 5–7, 11–12
in Portugal, safety for, 5–7
threats for, 6
Regis College, Denver, 27
Reich Security Head Office (RSHA)
Big Three assassination plot role of, 113
FDR assassination by lone-shooter origins with, 13
headquarters for, 62, 87–89, 106, 114, 152, 180
Kaltenbrunner position in, 65–66
Stalin assassination plan by car bomb by, 14–15
Reilly, Mike
aircraft safety for FDR role of, 81–85
Algiers, trip to, 239–41
American Legation in Tehran security assessment of, 219–20, 259–60
Arkadiev relations and collaboration with, 261, 267, 268–69, 283–84, 287–91, 312, 327–28, 330
armored car acquired for FDR by, 39–41
on assassination by bomb, 110–11
on assassination of presidents historically, 110
Axis powers assassins, concerns about, 34, 37, 41, 111, 217–18, 264
Big Three assassination plot awareness and response of, 261–62, 264, 283–84, 287–91, 304–6, 308–9, 312–14, 320–21, 323, 328–30
at Big Three assassins final stand, 328–30
on Big Three meeting extension, 320
Big Three meeting security role and measures of, 50, 111, 129, 158–60, 175–76, 193, 218–20, 258–65, 291, 298–99, 302–3, 308–9, 313–14, 315–16, 320–21, 323
on bodyguard responsibility, 21, 24, 34, 38, 159–60, 243, 250, 262–63, 287, 314, 315–16, 330, 333
British Embassy security assessment and measures of, 313–14, 315–16
Cairo Conference security concerns and measures of, 190–92, 216–18, 239–43, 247–53
career trajectory for, 26, 27–30
Casablanca Conference security and, 47–49, 50, 81
childhood and family of, 26, 174
on Churchill birthday event security threat, 312–14, 315
on Churchill drinking ability, 44–45, 303
Churchill safety during White House visit responsibility of, 44–47
CIC in Tehran meeting with, 265–66
education for, 27, 28
FCA position for, 27–29
on FDR 1936 re-election campaign, 22–24
FDR bodyguard duties and experiences of, 21–24, 34–36, 39–41, 43–50, 81–85, 111, 158–60, 190–91, 243, 248–51, 259–60, 262–63, 287, 291, 302–3, 308–9, 314, 315–16, 320–21, 330, 333
FDR death response of, 333
FDR flight in/out of Tehran concerns for, 257–58, 259, 262, 268, 283, 320
FDR flights to Cairo security concerns of, 247–51
on FDR knife “attack,” 25, 31, 259–60, 287
on FDR move to Russian Embassy in Tehran, 298–99, 302–3
gun expertise and marksmanship of, 174–76
Hull meeting with, 194
mail from front lines interception by, 44
marriage of, 29–30
metal detection measures led by, 41–43
on Nazi paratroopers threat in Tehran, 261–62, 264, 283–84, 287–91
on Oberg confession, 304–6
in Oran awaiting FDR arrival, 220, 239–43
Pearl Harbor attacks reaction from, 32–33
physical strength and abilities of, 26–27, 29
on radio transmitter devices for agents, 43
Russian Embassy in Tehran tour by, 260–61
on Sanjari arrest, 264, 266–67
on Secret Service criteria and behavior, 159–60
Secret Service transfer and position for, 30–31
social life for, 28–29
spy tradecraft approach of, 190–91
“talking fence” invention of, 43
Tehran security measures implemented by, 260, 265, 291, 302–3, 320–21
Tehran security reconnaissance and concerns of, 218–20, 258–65, 298–99, 302–3, 308–9, 320–21
Treasury positions for, 26, 27–30
U-boat attack concerns of, 241–42
White House bomb shelter idea of, 36–37
White House protection measures of, 35–38, 41–43, 259
Reza Shah. See Pahlavi, Reza Shah
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
character of, 52
Operation Willi role of, 51–53, 56
on spy material from British Embassy in Turkey, 183, 187, 188
Rockstroh, Werner, 214
Röhm, Ernst, 100–101
Romans, ancient, 57, 248
Rommel, Erwin, 248, 273
Roosevelt, Elliott, 269, 308
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (FDR). See also Big Three assassination plot; Big Three meeting; Cairo Conference; Casablanca Conference
aircraft and air travel security for, 81–85, 247–51, 259
at American Legation in Tehran, 1, 259
American spy representatives in Nazi Germany of, 16
assassination by lone-shooter, Hitler on, 13–14
autoimmune neuropathy of, 22
on Axis powers unconditional surrender, 16
Big Three accommodations for, considerations, 258–59
on Big Three assassination plot, 331
Big Three meeting accommodation considerations for, 258–59
Big Three meeting agenda for, 50, 56, 127, 128, 245–46
on Big Three meeting location, 129–31, 133, 188–89, 193–94
bomb shelter for, 36–37
British Embassy in Tehran, offer of accommodations at, 258–59
Cairo Conference, flight to, 247–51
Cairo Conference, travel by ship to, 203–7, 241–43, 269
Cairo Conference accommodations for, 250–51
Cairo Conference early planning of, 189, 192
Cairo Conference location switch push-back by, 241
at Cairo Conference Thanksgiving dinner, 269
car travel safety for, 39–41
Casablanca Conference for, travel to, 48–49, 81
on Churchill laxness about self-security, 45
death of, 333
doppelganger for safety in Tehran, 302–3
flight in/out of Tehran, health concerns with, 257–58, 259, 262, 268, 283, 320
flight out of Oran, 247–48
Franklin Field accident for, 23–24
Gennerich as bodyguard for, 23–24
knife “attack” in Pennsylvania toward, 25, 31, 259–60, 287
leg braces concealment, 22–24, 25
mail from front lines to, interception of, 44
Pearl Harbor attacks and threat to, 34–35
Pearl Harbor attacks reaction from, 33
physician of, personal, 257–58, 259, 262, 268, 320
on prisoner mass executions, 308
protection of, after Pearl Harbor attacks, 33–41
re-election campaign trail (1936) for, 21–25
Reilly personal bodyguard duties and experiences for, 21–24, 34–36, 39–41, 43–50, 81–85, 111, 158–60, 190–91, 243, 248–51, 259–60, 262–63, 287, 291, 302–3, 308–9, 314, 315–16, 320–21, 330
Reilly response to death of, 333
Russian Embassy in Tehran, move to, 1–2, 297–98, 302–3
Russian Embassy in Tehran, offer of accommodations at, 258–59
Russia relations hopes of, 128
ship travel to Oran for, 220, 239–43
Stalin note after Big Three meeting to, 333–34
superstitions of, 204
Tehran exit plans for, 320–21
train travel safety for, 24–25, 268
US Army camp in Amirabad, move to, 321, 327
USS Iowa attacked while carrying, 206–7
on USS Iowa to Cairo, 203–7, 241–43, 269
wheelchair safety and accommodations for, 22, 25, 82, 84, 205, 216, 260
Roosevelt, Jimmy, 23
Rovno Ghetto, 161–62
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Berlin assaults by, 59, 291–92
Churchill flight security by, 12
Gammon bombs cache, Nazi recovery of, 173
RSHA. See Reich Security Head Office
Russia. See also British-Russian invasion of Iran; NKVD; Red Army
Allied surveillance by, 259
American Embassy in, 259
Big Three assassination plot intelligence leaked to, 162–63, 208, 254
Big Three meeting security measures by, 209–13
FDR hopes for relations with, 128
Iran/Persia relations history with, 64, 67–68
Japan relations with, 192
Tehran dragnet and “clean-up” mission by, 209–13, 215, 222, 229, 272–75, 295, 332
war supply trains in Iran for, 86, 87, 137, 261, 264
Russian defectors. See also Vlasov Russians
Big Three meeting infiltration by, plan for, 154–56, 160–62
Himmler on, 156
Hitler on, 155–56
Operation Zeppelin on undercover use of, 154, 156, 161
Russian Embassy, Tehran
American Legation in Tehran distance from, 220, 258, 297
Big Three meeting dinners at, 303, 307–8, 323
British Embassy in compound with, 1–2, 258, 297
FDR move to, for security reasons, 1–2, 298–99, 302–3
FDR offer for and rejection of accommodations at, 258–59
NKVD undercover agents as staff at, 312
Reilly tour of, 260–61
Russian spies/espionage. See also NKVD
Big Three assassination intelligence gathered by, 162–63, 208, 254
double agents, 15, 162–65, 208, 254
Gamotha capture and turn into, 164–65, 208, 254
in Iran, 164–65, 209
Ortel leaking Nazi intelligence to, 162–63
Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 97–99, 135, 137. See also Oranienburg SS commandos
“Sacred Cow” presidential aircraft, 84–85, 247–50, 259
Sanjari, Lili
CIC surveillance and arrest of, 146, 266–67, 303
Korel corpse dismemberment by, 148
Mayr relationship with, 145, 146, 214–15, 230, 332
Merrick relationship with, 146, 267
as Nazi conspirator in Iran, 145–46
NKVD capture of, 215, 230
Reilly order to find and arrest, 264, 266–67
rescue from NKVD, 230–35, 295
Sanskrit, 72, 73
Schellenberg, Walter
Abwehr aspirations and position of, 63, 333
aircraft considerations for Iran sabotage missions of, 85
background and character of, 51, 60, 61–62
on Berlin attacks by RAF, 292
Big Three assassination early considerations of, 56–57, 108–10
Big Three assassination plot role of, 56–57, 108–10, 112–16, 125–26, 131–33, 151–57, 179–80, 195, 199–203, 214, 243–46, 251–54, 292–93, 307, 321, 333
Big Three meeting intelligence gathering role of, 107–10, 131–32, 152–54, 181, 188–89, 195, 199
Cairo Conference assassination idea of, 269
Cairo Conference intelligence gathered by, 189, 307
Canaris arrest and execution presided over by, 333
Canaris compared with, 60–61
Canaris meeting and intelligence briefing with, 104, 105–7, 117
Canaris relationship with, 63–64, 112, 150, 333
Cicero spy material received and vetted by, 183–87, 194–95
concentration camp response from, 97
Duke and Duchess of Windsor kidnapping plot role of, 51–56, 57
on German undercover operatives in Iran, 79, 80, 85–87
gold gun acquisition help of, 135
Himmler meetings with, 105, 156–57
on Hitler and Reza Shah relationship, 73–74
Holten-Pflug mission optimism from, 293, 307
Iran/Persia research and intelligence gathering by, 66–75, 85
at Iran sabotage mission farewell party, 102–3
Iran sabotage mission optimism of, 106
Iran sabotage missions role of, 58–59, 85–87, 89–96, 98–103, 105–6, 137, 139–40, 141, 149–50
on Iran sabotage missions successes, 149–50
on Jews, 62
on Kaltenbrunner character, 65–66
Kaltenbrunner intelligence briefing with, 104–5
Lake Quenz enlistment visit of, 91–92, 94–96
on motorcade assassination plan, 321
Oberg intelligence communications to, 228–29, 237–38
Oberg recruitment by, 100–101, 180
office of, tactical setup and security measures in, 87–89, 333
political knowledge of, 65
post-war arrest and imprisonment of, 333
Skorzeny meeting with, 97–100
spy material from British Embassy in Turkey vetted by, 183–87
spy tradecraft approach of, 60–61, 180, 187
SS position of, 59–60, 62
undercover mission to Dakar, 77–78
Schulze-Holthus, Julius Berthold
arrest in 1945 by US armed forces, 332
background and character of, 76–77
Lake Quenz sabotage team to rendezvous with, 105–6
Oberg mission in Tehran help from, 222, 228–29
Operation Anton for rendezvous with, 105–6, 137–40
with Qashqai in Iran, 80, 136, 137–38, 222, 228–29, 332
undercover mission in Iran, 76–78, 79–80, 85–87, 136, 137–38, 222, 228–29, 332
Scotland Yard bodyguard, 8, 12
SD Reich Intelligence Service (SD)
commando training under, 97–100
operatives selection criteria for, 61–62
race-based ideology of, 61–62
Searles, Wilson, 32–33
Secret Service, US. See also Reilly, Mike
Churchill protection by, during visit to US, 46–47
criteria and behavior for, 159–60
FDR personal protection detail of, 21–25, 30, 33–34
NKVD working with, in Tehran, 268–69, 283–84
Pearl Harbor attacks response from, 33–34
radio transmitter device for, 43
Reilly transfer into, 30–31
White House detail roles and responsibilities of, 30, 32–35, 39, 43
ship travel (for FDR)
to Oran, 220, 239–43
security and comfort measures, 205
torpedo attack incident with, 206–7, 243
on USS Iowa to Cairo, 203–7, 241–43, 269
weapons training and, 206
Shortridge, Samuel, 30
Siebert, Paul Wilhelm, 162–63
Simferopol, Crimea, 254, 263, 270, 276, 278
Simpson, Wallis. See Windsor, Duke and Duchess of
Skorzeny, Otto
Big Three assassination plot abort response from, 276–77
Big Three assassination plot command of, 157, 162, 163, 166–73, 176–79, 246, 251–54, 256, 276–77, 292, 310
bravado and reputation of, 98–99, 125, 167–68, 276–77
Canaris relationship with, 179
gold gun acquisition by, 134–35, 137, 199
gun considerations and choices for, 176–79
Hitler meeting with, 117–20
Hitler praise of, 156–57
Hitler promotion of, 125
Iran sabotage mission role of, 99–100, 136–37, 156–57
Mussolini rescue plot role of, 119–25
Oranienburg SS commandos leadership of, 97–98, 105, 117, 140, 176, 177–79, 256
post-war story for, 333
Schellenberg meeting with, 97–100
war crimes convictions for, 333
Soviet armed forces. See Red Army
Soviet Embassy. See Russian Embassy, Tehran
Soviet intelligence service. See NKVD
Spain, 6, 53–54
Spencer, Joe, 214–15
spy tradecraft. See also American spies/espionage; Nazi spies/espionage; Russian spies/espionage
background story in, 102
of Bazna, 186
Canaris on, 150
contact meets in, 191
doppelgangers use in, 11–12, 302–3
double agents role in, 162–65, 208, 254
Reilly on, at Cairo Conference, 190–91
of Schellenberg and Canaris, compared, 60–61
Schellenberg approach to, 60–61, 180, 187
walk-in role in, 182–83
SS Reich Security Service (SS). See also Oranienburg SS commandos; SD Reich Intelligence Service
executioners, 160–61
Himmler leadership in, 16
Mayr and Gamotha entrance into, 76
operatives selection criteria for, 61–62
Schellenberg position with, 59–60, 62
Stalin, Joseph
assassination attempt by car bomb, 14–15
Big Three meeting agenda for, 127–28, 245–46
Big Three meeting location negotiations with, 128–31, 133, 188, 192–94
Big Three meeting security for, 212–13
FDR accommodations in Tehran offer from, 1–2, 258, 297–98
FDR note from, about Big Three meeting, 333–34
on prisoner mass executions, 307–8
on Tehran for Big Three meeting, 129–30, 131, 133
travel to American Legation in Tehran, security risk for, 297
Stalingrad, Allied victory in, 15, 86, 245
Starling, Ed, 33
Sten guns, 176–77, 238, 252, 310–11, 314, 318
Stimson, Henry, 247
submarines, 13, 60, 79, 207, 241–42
surrender, unconditional
FDR on Axis powers, 16
historical precedence for demand of, 57
Nazi Germany plans for avoiding, 110, 113
swastika, use and origins of, 73
Switzerland, 52–53, 332
“talking fence,” 43
taxi dancers (Eintänzers), 104
Tehran. See also American Legation/Embassy, Tehran; Big Three assassination plot; Big Three meeting; British Embassy, Tehran; Russian Embassy, Tehran
American spies/espionage in, 146, 214, 265–67, 303–5
Big Three assassination reconnaissance in, 201–2, 221–29
Big Three assassins aided by police in, 318–20, 321–22, 323–24
Big Three assassins safehouses in, 295–96, 300–301
Big Three meeting location negotiations and finalized for, 193–95
Churchill arrival in, 281–83
Churchill fear in, 281–83, 298
CIC agents in, 146, 214, 265–67, 303–5
FDR accommodations in, 1–2, 258–59, 302–3
FDR arrival in, safety measures for, 283
FDR exit plans out of, 320–21
FDR flight in/out of, health concerns with, 257–58, 259, 262, 268, 283, 320
flight into, high-altitude issues for, 255–58, 259
Jews in, Russian “clean-up” of, 210–11
“Little Berlin” community in, 70–71
Nazi assets/conspirators in, 145–46, 149, 209, 277–79, 294–95, 311, 316–19, 322
Nazi paratroopers arrival and presence in, 255–57, 261–62, 264, 283–84, 287–91
Nazi spies in, 2, 75, 137–38, 140–47, 199–200, 213–15, 221, 228–29, 237, 253, 263, 266, 275–78, 292
Nazi support movement in, 294–95, 301, 318–19
NKVD and US Secret Service collaborating in, 268–69, 283–84
NKVD patrol and interrogations in, 209–13, 215, 222, 229, 272–75, 295, 332
Oberg undercover missions in, 101–2, 221–29
Operation Franz in, 147–49
Polish people in, Russian “clean-up” of, 211–12
Red Army in, 209, 245, 257, 261
Reilly security measures implemented in, 260, 265, 291, 302–3, 320–21
Reilly security reconnaissance and concerns in, 218–20, 258–65, 298–99, 302–3, 308–9, 320–21
Reza Shah urbanization efforts of, 69–70
Stalin proposal for Big Three meeting in, 129–30, 131, 133
Vertinski as NKVD station chief in, 212–13, 232–33, 261, 272–73
water sources and safety issues in, 220, 223–26, 260
water tunnels engineered by US armed forces in, 225–26, 304
water tunnels in, Nazi reconnaissance and plan for, 224–28, 236, 251, 252–53, 305, 306, 310–11, 312–13
Thiele, Fritz, 188
Tiergarten, 59–60, 63, 150
Nazi glide, 241–42
USS Iowa attacked by Nazi, 206–7, 243
Townshend, Charles, 69
tradecraft. See spy tradecraft
trains. See railroad/railways
Trans-Iranian Railway, 74, 87, 137, 261, 265
travel safety (for Churchill)
assassination plot and, 5–12
at Big Three meeting, 281–83, 297
RAF role in, 12
travel safety (for FDR)
aircraft and, 81–85, 247–51, 259
to American Legation in Tehran, 297
to Cairo Conference, 203–7, 241–43, 247–51, 269
by car, 39–41
to Casablanca Conference, 48–49, 81
to Oran, 220, 239–43
by train, 24–25, 268
on USS Iowa to Cairo, 203–7, 241–43, 269
Treasury Department
on presidential car budget, 39–40
Reilly career trajectory with, 26, 27–30
Secret Service relation to, 30
Trench Sweeper machine gun, 175–76
Turkey, 141
British Embassy in, Nazi spy at, 183–89, 194–95
Gamotha escape to and imprisonment in, 164
Nazi agenda with, 75
Nazi paratroopers assumed path to, 288–89
neutrality of, 255
typhus, 147–48, 220, 225, 268
U-boats, 13, 60, 79, 207, 241–42
United States (US)
Churchill assassination attempt while in, 46–47
presidential assassination attempts historically in, 110
presidential election (1936) in, 21–25
war supply trains in Iran of, 86, 87, 105, 137, 261, 264
US armed forces
aircraft safety, 81–82
FDR move to, camp in Amirabad, 321, 327
in Iran, 86, 218–19, 225–26, 265, 304, 321, 327
Nazi concern with strength of, 15
Persian Gulf Command of, 218–19, 225, 265
Schulze-Holthus arrest in 1945 by, 332
water tunnels in Tehran engineered by, 225–26, 304
White House protection by, after Pearl Harbor, 37–38
US Army Air Force, 81–82
US Secret Service. See Secret Service, US
Vartanian, Gevork
background of, 213
Big Three assassin team discovery and capture by, 273–76
character of, 272
funeral of, 332
NKVD Light Cavalry leadership of, 213, 272–75, 332
post-war honors awarded, 332
Vertinski, Andrei Mikhalovits
Light Cavalry recruitment and leadership of, 213, 272–73
Merser false flag intelligence response from, 232–33
as NKVD station chief in Tehran, 212–13, 232–33, 261, 272–73
Vichy France, 6, 10, 98, 127
Victor Emmanuel (king), 119
Villa Marlier, Berlin, 102–3
Vlasov, Andrey
Big Three meeting infiltration by Russian defectors under, 155, 160, 161–62
as Russian traitor for Nazis, 154–55
Vlasov Russians
Big Three assassination plot role of, 155, 160, 161–62, 172–73, 177–78, 251, 252–53, 255–57, 261, 263, 269–70, 273–76, 279, 292
deployment of, first, 255–57, 261
deployment of, second, 269–70, 273–75
deployment strategy for, 252
NKVD capture and interrogation of, 274–76, 283–84
North Team of, 252, 261, 263, 276, 279, 292
Ortel role in training forces of, 162
parachute experience of, 255–56
Red Army killing Big Three assassination team of, 257, 261
South Team of, 253, 263, 269–71, 273–76, 279–80, 292
Vyshinsky, A. Y., 258
Wagner, Legationstrat, 182
walk-in (in spy tradecraft), 182–83
Wassmuss, Wilhelm, 68–69
weapons. See also bombs; guns; torpedoes
FDR ship training of, 206
grenade, 120, 170–71
Wehrmacht, 120, 177
Wehrmacht (German armed forces), 57, 118
Kuznetsov as Russian double agent posing as, 163, 208
rules and procedures of, 9–10
weaponry of, 120, 177
wireless security and decoding, 188
Weimar era, 69–71
Whitchurch Airport, England, 5–6, 11
White House
biological weapons protection for, 38
bomb shelter, construction of, 36–37
building construction quality of, 36
building renovations after Pearl Harbor, 36–37
Christmas, security for, 41–42
Churchill visit to, 44–47
mail from front lines to, interception of, 44
metal detection measures at, 41–43
post-Big Three meeting press conference at, 331
protection measures after Pearl Harbor, 34–38, 41–43, 259
public visitors to, security measures for, 41–43
recording devices in, 258–59
Reilly role in protection measures at, 35–38, 41–43, 259
Secret Service detail for protection of, 30, 32–35, 39, 43
surveillance systems, 43, 258–59
Wiesenthal, Simon, 333
Wilhelm II (kaiser), 67–68
Wilson, Frank, 33, 34
Windsor, Duke and Duchess of
Nazi deal with, 52–53
Nazi plot to kidnap, 51–56, 57
Winslow, Horatio, 37
World War I
biological weapons used in, 38
Canaris in, 60
Iran/Persia and Germany relations in, 68–69
World War II. See specific topics