
Chapter Five


His entire house was filled with people, not the ones who thought that he should be part of their staunch hierarchy, but people he could talk to. Marie and her man John, who agreed to give him first look at his skins and furs for a good price. Of course, there were some who couldn’t resist coming to see the inside of the house, to gossip with their friends over tea or a whiskey and cigars.

There were some who seemed genuine and who truly welcomed the new enterprise in town. But others, like Mr. Hansel, who couldn’t put his hands in the money till would not be happy, especially after the way he uninvited them to his home. It had, of course, made the gossip rounds by the time guests started to arrive. One speculation was that Euan was upset she didn’t take his offer of marriage immediately. He didn’t have to wonder too much on who spread that information.

Ophelia looked magnificent; her red dress had a high collar held together with one white pearl button. A heart-shaped opening showed her cleavage and a row of buttons stopped at her waist. Compared to the other woman who still wore the fuller skirts, hers was more streamlined than her usual dresses. This one had no lacy petticoats. The generous curves weren’t fabric, but all her. Her dress drew stares of appreciation from the men and shock from the women.

“Ms. Pascal, where ever did you find such a dress?” Euan heard Loraine Potts ask. “I have never seen anything like it at the seamstress shops.”

“By way of Paris,” Ophelia answered.

“You want us to believe Paris ships all the way here?” Martha, her sister, said haughtily. “My girl, it takes forever for even our Sears purchases to arrive.”

Ophelia gave them both a cool gaze. “Yes, but they do ship to New York, and a close friend then sends it on to me.”

Euan moved close. “Luckily, when my ships start coming to port here in the late summer, it will be much easier for all ladies to have dresses such as these.”

“Much too daring for me,” Martha replied. “I rather prefer classic styles.”

“Some do wear them well,” Euan murmured.

“Good evening, ladies, Laird Campbell,” Ophelia’s voice sounded breathless. Did she know how he affected her? Did he do the same to her?

He watched her as she talked with Marie, who in her way refused to wear a dress and wore men’s pants and her usual blouse. He liked that about Marie; she danced to the beat of her own drummer, and the world be damned. She looked at her man with open affection, but John disclosed she had said no to repeated offers of marriage. While Ophelia was open in her own way, she still kept her secrets close to her chest. He longed to show his affection to her in public, yet she hesitated. A stir went through his guests, bringing his attention to the present moment, and the people who stood at the door to his formal room.

Mr. Hansel, with his protruding belly stretching the chain of his pocket watch. His wife at his side, demurely looking down in embarrassment, and Bettina, her head held high and a smile of triumph on her face. Euan would not have his authority questioned. Obviously, Mr. Douglas Hansel was accustomed to having his own way and others quelling under his demands. Today, he would learn that was not or ever going to be Euan. His anger rose as he strode toward the door. Mr. Hansel took a glass of wine from one of the helpers passing.

“Stop,” Euan halted the young man who turned. He pinned Mr. Hansel with a deadly stare. “Put that back.”

“You, Sir, seem to have forgotten to whom you are talking,” Mr. Hansel blustered, and the entire room went silent, including the music.

“I am talking to the man who has invaded my home without an invitation,” Euan said coldly. “Kindly remove yourself from my property.”

“All because my daughter said ‘no’ to your offer of marriage?” Mr. Hansel called loudly.

Euan threw his head back and laughed. “Aye, is that what she told you, then? I’d no sooner marry a sheep on the hills of Scotland.”

“You insult my daughter?” Mr. Hansel asked, outraged.

Euan answered. “Yes, I do and the man who so foolishly believed the childish mewling of his spoiled daughter—whose tongue spilled filth against Ms. Pascal’s name to garner interest in my eyes.”

“Well now, what an interesting twist,” Marie said, moving closer.

“I’ll ask you to take your family and leave,” Euan said to Mr. Hansel. “Save yourself the embarrassment of me throwing you out on your arse.”

“You do not want to make an enemy of me, Campbell.” Mr. Hansel’s tone became deadly. “I’ll see to it that you can do nothing in this town.”

Euan stepped closer, but his voice never changed. “You can try, and many a man would be a fool to align with you. I’ve met men like you, Hansel, who put their worth as the dollars in their pockets. I’ve also buried men like you in paupers’ graves because I took it all and then some. If it be a war you want, I can surely give you one. I’ve traveled this world, fought wars for my home, my country, and the queen. I’ve sunk ships and watched pirates and princes drown. You’ll not scare me, Mr. Hansel, but you will bring out the devil, the one I try very hard to resist.”

“I’ll stand with you on that.” John stepped up.

He cracked his knuckles as Euan glanced over to the man who was built like a red oak. This was a good man, one who knew how to brawl, and Euan would have to talk to him more. He needed someone in his organization he could trust and that the people of Kamouraska knew.

“Well... well...” Mr. Hansel sputtered, unable to find words.

“What? Spit it out man, before you choke on it,” Euan snapped impatiently.

“This isn’t over!” Spittle formed at Mr. Hansel’s mouth.

Euan smiled coldly. “I was hoping you would say that. You fire the first shot, and I’ll make sure mine in the last. You’ll escort yourselves out.” Euan lifted Mr. Hansel’s wife’s hand and kissed it. “Mrs. Hansel, aye lass, you are simply ravishing.”

Bettina held out her hand elegantly, and Euan flicked her a cold glance. “Bettina, you are as always...  overdone.”

“This was better than I ever imagined,” Marie said jovially before downing her drink. “Where’s the music?”

The band started up again as a red-faced Mr. Hansel and his family left. He noted Ophelia said nothing as she watched the exchange, but he could see the spark of fire and desire in her eyes.

“Keep that dress on for later,” he murmured at one point when they passed between the mingling guests.

“I’ll be in the stables; when everyone leaves, come get me,” she replied when they gravitated toward each other once again.

They were like bees moving toward nectar for the rest of the night. He found a way to touch her, regardless if it was to hand her her favorite drink of gin and lemon water or to ask her to dance. Even though she refused, the shared looks were hot and the attraction palpable. Finally, people started to leave, and Marie was one of the last people, after Ophelia.

“I may be the only one that felt that heat in the room,” Marie commented as she put on her beat-up jacket made from one of the hides that John must have trapped. “You can tell Ophelia that everyone is gone now, and she can come out of hiding. Also, as her dearest, closest friend, I’m disappointed she did not confide in me.”

“You may want to pass that message on as you pass her cottage tonight,” Euan said innocently.

“That sounds believable, doesn’t it, John?” Marie asked her companion.

“Completely.” John stuck his hand out. “Honored to make your acquaintance, Mr. Campbell.”

“I’d like to talk to you sometime—a proposal for a job opportunity,” Euan said. “Come back to the manor anytime you’re in town.”

“I’m not the suit-wearing type,” John said, dubiously.

Euan clapped the man on his shoulder. “You do not need to change a thing.”

He watched them go down the gravel road, away from his home until the darkness swallowed them. It took another half an hour to pay the band and the employees of the hotel for their services. He closed the door to the manor house and made his way to the stable. His breath came out in puffs of smoke, and he hoped that Ophelia was warm enough.

She sat on the fresh bales of hay that were delivered for Jupiter, who was stabled in the largest stall at the far end of the building. The stable could hold seven more horses easily, and it was Euan’s plan to head to Quebec in the spring when the horses were ready to foal, and owners wanted to sell. She looked up as he stepped through the cracked door and pulled the large wooden barrier behind him.

“Is everyone gone?”

The scent of fresh hay surrounded him. “They are. I apologize if you were chilled while waiting.” 

“It’s warm enough.” Ophelia stood.

Euan pulled her against him. “I’ll not have you hide being my woman, Ophelia, not much longer.”

“You can see from tonight why it has to be so,” she answered.

“I see a pompous old man who thinks he’s a bully,” Euan corrected. “Everyone else held no ill will toward you.”

“Loraine and Martha Potts,” she hinted.

“They are old and set in their ways, not against you but your manner of dress.” Euan ran his hands down her body. “I completely disagree. Seeing you cross the room each time tonight stirred the fire in me.”

“I felt it.” She moved closer until their hips touched. “Just like you saw me wanting you after you stood up to Mr. Hansel.”

“What kind of Laird would I be to let a man run roughshod in my home?” Euan murmured. The rise of her breasts was definitely appealing to his gaze.

“I agree.” Ophelia nodded. “He deserved the tongue lashing he received.”

“What about you, do you deserve this tongue, Ophelia?” Euan murmured.

“I do,” she whispered before nipping at his lips.

His voice was husky with desire as he spoke. “Then we should go inside, and I’ll take care of your every need.”

“That’s a long walk.” She opened the button that held the neck of her dress together and then the tiny pearl buttons that ran down the front. Ophelia slipped the soft velvet from her upper body, revealing her full breasts. “It’s warm here, and I find I do not want to wait.”

“Leave the rest on. I’ve had thoughts of lifting my hands under this dress.” Euan sat on the bale of hay and pulled her between his legs. “You make me want you so.”

“La luxure ne suffit pas à expliquer ce que je ressens pour tu,” Ophelia whispered before she bent her head to kiss him. Euan reveled in the taste of her lips.

She may not have thought he understood her words, but he was fluent in French. Lust is not enough to explain what I feel for you. He wouldn’t tell her, but instead devoured her lips in a kiss that had him hard and ready. While his mouth plundered hers, Euan’s hands moved under her skirt, and he ran them up her thighs, smooth and creamy to his touch. He pulled her down to his lap and then deposited her to the bale where he had been sitting.

He watched her as he ran one finger between the valley of her breasts. He never looked away while he tunneled his hand once more under the velvet of her skirt and found her sex. Ophelia’s head fell back at his touch. While he probed her wet sex, his cock hardened until he ached. She raised her hips against his fingers, and he never knew the feeling of a woman’s essence could arouse him so.

“I think I shall like to taste you.” He heard the hunger in his voice. “I shan’t stop until I hear your cries of release.”

“Shall I spread my legs for you?” Ophelia gave a breathless laugh. 

“And raise your skirts,” Euan demanded.

The velvet made a soft whisper as she raised both that and the taffeta to expose her sex to him. Ophelia leaned back on her elbows and Euan bent his head to delve between her thighs. He groaned when her hips bucked against his seeking tongue and lashing her clit made her writhe against his mouth. Her reaction made his ache worse, and she tried to squirm away from the sweet sensations of his seeking lips. Euan clamped his hand on her hips and with a low, guttural growl, buried his face between the velvet folds of her sex and sampled her greedily.

Her moans and pleading cries echoed in his ears. Ophelia begged for release, for him to stop and to spur him on. The first wave of her orgasm rolled through her, and in reaction a shudder ran through him. Euan groaned in satisfaction as he reaped the reward of her release, and Ophelia’s vulva became even slicker. She was gasping when he lifted his head, and there was never a more erotic sight. None of the renaissance painters could paint this kind of beauty—nothing could compare.  His breath hissed out while he slipped one finger inside her and felt her sex clutch and convulse.

Euan heightened her need, and his, by slipping a second digit into her pussy. A low moan escaped her, and she spread her legs further apart. It was a silent demand for more, and Ophelia arched her hips, thrusting up and retreating to meet the slow rhythm he began.

“Do you like this, ma ghoal?” Euan asked. 

“Yes.” Ophelia licked her lips.

Unable to resist, he leaned over her and kissed her hungrily while he increased his pace, sliding his fingers deeper and faster. “You belong to me, don’t you?”

Ophelia cried out, “Yes, yes.”

“No other shall have you, yes?” He wondered if it was a demand from her that he wanted or a promise to himself. 

“Euan, I... I...” Her words ended on a keening cry.

“Ah yes, like that, so beautiful,” he whispered harshly. “Give yourself over to it, love. Yes, let me feel it.”

He knew when the last band snapped, and she gave herself over to her release. Euan watched her, felt her tremble as she fell into the precipice of pure carnal pleasure. Her body was still trembling as he moved away and removed the pants to his dinner suit. Euan stacked another bale of hay on top of the one beside her before taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. He turned her then, the top of her dress keeping the hay from marring her perfect skin.

After bending her over, he used his legs to spread hers as he stepped between them. Euan ran his rock-hard cock over the wetness of her slit, gritting his teeth and striving for control. He slipped his rod inside her from behind in one smooth thrust that sent him deep inside her.  Her whimper combined with his moan as he bumped against the flesh of her ass.  Slowly, he retreated and thrust high and deep again.

“Euan, please, I can’t stand it,” she cried out.

“Ah, fuck.” He bent his head and whispered in her ear, “You’ll take it, love, every last inch of me.”

He kissed the soft skin of her back, tasting the salt of her skin. He tempered his thrusts, teasing them both, and he couldn’t help but groan in agonized pleasure.  She reached behind to caress his chest, and he grabbed her hand to kiss her palm. Ophelia pushed her hips backward to take more of him in, and he gasped as his cock went deeper. He lifted her skirt higher so he could see the creamy smooth skin of her ass, palming the skin before he grabbed her hips. Euan’s thrusts became faster, a piston motion that built them to a frenzy of need. 

The passion was now palpable in the stable, and carnal noises from both of them filled the air. He retreated suddenly and sat on the low bale that was next to the pedestal of straw he’d stacked to take her. He pulled her to him eagerly, and Ophelia straddled his thighs. He impaled her on his shaft, while the velvet of her dress cascaded around them. Euan tugged her nipple into his mouth greedily as she took him deeper and undulated on his shaft. 

“Oh, please.” She held his head to her and rode him like he was a stallion she was trying to break.

“Take all of me. Ah yes, now, love, that’s it, feel all of it,” he whispered harshly against her skin.

Together, they were past the point of reason, and he closed his eyes while his balls tightened painfully to herald his release. Ophelia screamed, her body trembled, and her essence coated and spilled over his cock. He looked up to watch her beauty, wild hair unrestrained, loose from the pins that held it up neatly at the party. She was like the lightning in a storm over the water, the wind that would whip the sails. He kept fucking her, pushing them to the boundaries of sanity and beyond. 

“I need... oh, again,” she cried out, her voice half amazed and filled with pleasure. 

“I’m going to fill you.” The first wave caused his hips to jerk hard. Her pussy clenched around his cock, milking him. If this wasn’t pure bliss, Euan was unsure what would ever compare. Their release left them suspended in time until she slumped against him, and his large hand splayed against her back. Euan heard Jupiter snort and stomp against the floor of his stall.

“We’ve disturbed your horse with all of our pleasuring of the flesh.” Ophelia laughed huskily and kissed him.

“He wants a woman of his own, and in the spring, he shall have one.” Euan cupped her cheeks. “I am smitten with you, Miss Ophelia Pascal.”

“You say that now—”

“No, I’ll say that forever.”

“Oh, Euan.” She kissed him again and silenced his words.

Did she not want to know how she had twined her way around his heart? Did it scare her to be the object of his affection? Euan was not sleeping without her in his bed, of that he was certain. He hoped that fate would intervene and throw them together, forever.