Dominic watched her race across the field with the horses matching her speed, and any anger he felt flew away on the summer breeze. Tatiana was beautiful, stubborn, and spirited, but she was still scared. She was frightened, and instead of reassuring her and letting her figure things out on her own time, he said the mating rite.
“Fuck,” he shouted. The horses lifted their heads from grazing and looked at him as though he were crazy. “I’m in deep shit, you guys.”
The truth was that he didn’t mean to say the mating rite. Hell, he didn’t think he’d really said it until she confirmed it. Dominic didn’t know what came over him, but in that moment, he had to bind her to him. It wasn’t a matter of want to—he had to—and it scared him as much as it did her.
Dominic ran both hands over his face as he strode out to the field, keeping her in his sights. The afternoon sun beat down relentlessly as he stalked through the grass, but unlike with Tatiana, the horses kept their distance. Perhaps it was the predator in him, but they never cared to get too close.
Could that be why Tatiana didn’t want to mate with him?
Dominic stopped dead in his tracks and stared after her as the reality of what he’d done hit him like a ton of bricks. God, he felt like such a dumb-ass. She was afraid of him and of binding her life to his, and now, what did he do? He went ahead and confirmed all of her fears by saying the mating rite without her consent. She’d given him permission to take her body, but not her heart, and it made him feel like a thief.
Dominic stilled as he watched her slip through the bars of the fence. Tension settled in his shoulders.
“Son of a bitch,” he breathed. “Where the hell is that woman going now?”
Tatiana clearly wanted to be alone, and giving her space to run in the fields was one thing, but going into the wooded area—well, that was another. She may want to get away, but that was too damn bad. There was no way he would allow her to wander around the outskirts of the property without him.
However, every coherent thought was ripped from his head as he watched her stretch her arms out wide and erupt into her clan form. He knew she’d be breathtaking in the shape of her wolf, but nothing could have prepared him for the elegant beauty of his spirited mate. Her brown and white coat fluttered with the summer breeze as she trotted through the tall grasses toward the woods.
Fear gripped his heart as she vanished into the trees.
Dominic burst into a run, and as he tore across the field, his eyes flickered to their clan form. He growled the ancient language, “Verto.”
In a burst of static, Dominic erupted into his tiger and leapt over the fence in one fluid motion. Landing easily on all fours, he followed Tatiana’s familiar energy signature into the woods, and as he hurried up the hill, a dark stream of energy captured his attention.
Dominic froze. Scanning the area, he spotted Tatiana at the crest of the hill, still in her wolf form, lying low and stone-still. Tatiana. He touched her mind with his, shielding his thoughts from anyone else who could be in the area. Don’t move and stay calm.
There’s someone else up here, Dominic. Her frightened voice quivered, and the sound of it nearly did him in. The energy signature seems familiar, but I can’t quite get it.
Dominic moved painstakingly slow, making no sound as he crept through the sun-dappled trees. Movement, about fifty feet to the left, captured his attention. He sharpened his focus and watched as the air in that vicinity pulsed and shimmered, like heat coming off pavement.
Purist! Dominic roared to the collective minds of his friends.
As he exploded into action, an unfamiliar male from the Bear Clan materialized before him and immediately charged Tatiana.
We’re under attack. Eric’s gravelly, focused voice sliced into his consciousness.
We have two more at the main house. William’s voice shot into his mind.
In an instant, Dominic’s worst fears were realized. His mate and the prince were in danger—but the choice was far simpler than he thought it would be because there was no choice.
It was her. It would always be her.
Blinding rage consumed him as he watched the massive beast descend on his mate. Tatiana scrambled backward as Dominic roared and leapt onto the back of the enormous Kodiak bear. He and the bear went tumbling down the hill. In a blur of claws and fur, they slammed into the trunk of a tree, which momentarily dislodged Dominic from the Purist’s side.
Snarling, Dominic leapt to his feet as his opponent reared up on his hind legs and bellowed into the air. Tatiana’s frightened voice tore into his mind. There’s another one.
Run up the mountain, Tatiana. Just keep moving. I promise I’ll get to you.
With every ounce of power he had, Dominic pounced on the Purist and latched powerful jaws around his neck, tackling him to the ground. Pinning him with a stranglehold, he sank his razor-sharp teeth into flesh. The coppery taste of blood bathed the inside of his mouth. Knowing he was delivering a mortal wound, Dominic bit down with all his strength and growled as the neck of his enemy broke.
Dominic! Tatiana’s panicked voice shot into his mind. Up here. Hurry!
Blood dripping from his muzzle, he whipped his head around and glanced up to see Tatiana cornered by a female from the Arctic Wolf Clan. Dominic recognized her immediately as an elder and former Council member. She had backed Tatiana onto a thin ledge of rock, and the only place for her to go was about thirty feet down.
Moravian was right. The woman’s voice slithered into his mind. Your half-breed mates are pathetic.
Just as Dominic whispered the ancient language to visualize himself to Tatiana’s side, he saw the atmosphere between Tatiana and the white wolf ripple. As he vanished in a flicker of static, Courtney materialized in front of Tatiana at the very moment the wolf pounced.
What happened next, happened in a split second.
Dominic materialized on the ledge behind the white wolf in time to see Courtney and the Purist from the Wolf Clan tumble over the edge in a tangle of limbs. Tatiana changed back to her human form, screaming Courtney’s name. Dominic shifted and caught her before she disappeared after them.
“Courtney!” Tatiana’s hysterical cry echoed through the woods as they peered over the edge and saw two motionless bodies on the ground below.
“Hold on to me.” Dominic held her close and whispered the ancient language, “Verto.”
In a blink, he and Tatiana were standing next to the motionless bodies of Courtney and the wolf. He released Tatiana’s shaking form from his embrace and squatted down next to Courtney. Her energy signature was faint but still showed signs of life.
“She’s alive, but she’s in bad shape.” Frustration and guilt tugged at him. Steven. Courtney’s in trouble. Dominic didn’t know where Steven was, but since he didn’t come immediately to his mate’s side, he had to be in the midst of battle.
“This is my fault,” Dominic whispered. “I didn’t get up there in time.”
“Here.” Tatiana grabbed a bandanna from the back pocket of her shorts and held it on the bleeding wound on Courtney’s head. She took Dominic’s hand and placed it over the makeshift bandage. “Keep pressure on it to stop the bleeding. I’m going to see if I can read her injuries the way I do with animals.”
Dominic said nothing but did as she instructed. He watched as she placed both hands on Courtney’s belly, closed her eyes, and focused. Tatiana’s body shuddered, and her eyes flickered behind her lids as though she were dreaming.
Covered in dirt, with blood smudged on her hands, she was still the most spectacular, beautiful creature he’d ever encountered. Her strength and focus in this moment of crisis had him in awe. She put aside their personal differences to deal with the trauma, and that was the most impressive thing of all.
“The baby’s heartbeat is steady and strong,” she murmured softly. Eyes still closed, her hands moved from Courtney’s belly to her arms. She brushed the length of her body, tuning in with flawless intensity. Her brow furrowed. “Courtney’s fading fast, Dominic.”
Tatiana opened her eyes and sat back on her heels as tears streamed down her cheeks. She took Courtney’s hand and kissed it. “Please don’t give up, Courtney.”
The air erupted in static electricity as Steven materialized next to them. His clothing was torn and bloody, evidence of a battle fought and won. His face was wracked with grief, and his bright green eyes went immediately to his mate.
Steven uttered a strangled cry and shoved Dominic out of the way as he knelt at his wife’s side. He brushed blonde hair from her bruised, bloody forehead and whispered to her as Dominic stood up. He stepped back, feeling nothing but helplessness as he watched the scene before him.
Tatiana, on the other hand, knew exactly what to do. The woman was the calm in the storm.
“Steven,” she said firmly. “We have to get her back to the medical facility at the main house. The baby has to come now, or you could lose both of them.”
“I know.” Steven nodded and wept as he kissed his mate’s cheek. “I don’t understand why she was here. When the Purists showed up, I told her to hide in the meeting hall. She knew she’d be safe there.” He looked up at Dominic through tear-filled eyes, his voice laced with confusion. “Why did she come here?”
Dominic had no rational explanation why Courtney would risk her life, or the life of her unborn child, but she did. Courtney had sacrificed herself for Tatiana.
Why did she do this, Dominic? Tatiana’s voice brushed his mind.
I don’t know. Dominic kept their communication shrouded from Steven. She had to know she was no match for that elder, especially given her condition.
Maybe… that’s why she did it.
Before Dominic could ask what she meant, Courtney moaned in pain and captured their full attention.
“We’ll get you out of here.” Steven kissed her forehead and rested one shaking hand on her belly. “Please don’t leave me.”
Dominic. Tatiana’s strained voice touched his mind as she looked at him through worried eyes. We have got to get her out of here!
I know. Dominic had to reach out to the others. I have no idea what’s going on back at the house, and the last thing I want to do is to land in the middle of another fight. Anger gripped him as he glared at the dead body of the Purist. The traitor had shifted back to her human form. Her eyes were open, her head tilted at an unnatural angle. That bitch, Elvira, from the Arctic Wolf Clan—another fucking traitor.
I don’t give a shit what clan she’s from. She’s dead, and Courtney will be too, if we don’t do something.
Static filled the air again as Malcolm and Richard appeared, bloody and disheveled, having clearly fought similar battles. Their faces twisted in fury when they saw Steven’s fallen mate and the bodies of the dead Purists.
“Richard.” Tatiana scrambled to her feet urgently. “We have to get her to the medical lab and deliver the baby right now. We really don’t have much time. Is it safe to take her?”
“Yes,” Richard bit out. His fierce, glowing gaze wandered over the dead bodies of their enemies and lingered on the former Council member. “I suspected there were other elders still involved. I should have known. Elvira was able to break through the shield I placed around the property, but this serpent’s days of treachery are over.” His eyes burned brighter as he waved one hand and growled, “Ardebit in Inferno.” The bodies of both Purists erupted in flames and vanished with a cloud of smoke.
All of them laid hands on Courtney and Steven as Richard whispered the ancient language. As they vanished, one thought ran through Dominic’s mind.
Come hell or high water, he would find Moravian and kill him.
Dominic paced the hallway outside the surgical suite as William, Kerry, and Dante watched him through concerned eyes. He kept his intense gaze on the door of the operating room and growled with frustration. It seemed as though they’d been in there for hours. The other men were patrolling the property, disposing of the other three bodies—none of which were Moravian or his daughter, Savannah.
“What’s taking so goddamn long,” he seethed.
Dominic sensed Tatiana’s strained energy signature and attempted to send her soothing waves, but she cut herself off from him, leaving him with that odd void and sense of loneliness. He rubbed his chest absently, but dropped his hand abruptly when he saw William studying him.
“It’s unsettling, isn’t it,” William mused. He was leaning against the wall, cool and controlled as usual. “Makes you feel out of your element.”
“What?” Dominic asked with mild annoyance.
“Connecting with your mate,” William said in an irritating matter-of-fact way. “We’ve all been there.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dominic said tightly.
“Ha,” Kerry said loudly. “Your goose is seriously cooked. I can’t believe you’re actually going to deny it. Before you get all macho and offended, take a deep breath and relax. All of us have been where you guys are now.” Kerry winked at Dante and linked her hand with her mate. “She’ll get there, big guy, but you have to let her figure it out on her terms, and then you can say the bonding rite to make it official.”
Dominic averted his eyes and crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. He grumbled something inaudible under his breath but stopped short of coming right out and telling them. However, in Kerry’s usually perceptive fashion, it didn’t take long for her to figure it out.
“Oh shit,” Kerry said through a short laugh. She covered her mouth quickly when he shot her a disapproving look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh but… oh dear.”
“What?” William asked, looking confused as he smoothed back strands of his long blonde hair. The guy had ditched the shirt and tie, but even in jeans and a T-shirt he looked uptight.
“Oh man,” Dante said on a sigh. He gave Dominic a pained expression. “You’re screwed.”
“Will someone please tell me what on earth you’re going on about?” William said in exasperation. He looked at Kerry, who arched one eyebrow and looked at him like he was the class dunce. Awareness flickered over his features, and he raised his brow. “Did you say the bonding rite without her consent?”
Dominic nodded.
“Yes,” William mused. “You are indeed screwed.”
“I know.” Dominic butted the heel of his boot against the wall and let out a huffing breath as he looked at the tiled ceiling. He squeezed his eyes shut against the fluorescent lights. “I don’t know how it happened. It’s like I was possessed. I didn’t plan on saying it, but I sure as shit did, and now she hates me.” He ducked his chin and glanced at Kerry. “I can’t really blame her. I feel like a fuckin’ thief.”
They were all silent, which only made Dominic feel like a bigger douche. His inner voice berated him, and when he thought he’d go insane, the door opened, and Tatiana emerged looking completely drained. Any concern for himself evaporated, and all he could see was her.
Tatiana’s dark hair was tousled, her energy signature bathed in weariness. Yet in spite of it all, her beauty stole his breath, and it took Dominic a moment to realize he was standing there with his mouth open.
“It’s a boy,” she said smiling as tears filled her eyes. “A healthy baby boy.”
Everyone gathered around, but Dominic didn’t get too close. He knew she was upset with him for what happened in the barn, and he had zero idea how to make it right.
“The C-section went well, considering I’ve never done that on a person before. Thank God Steven was able to hold it together and help me through it.”
“Is Courtney…?” Kerry trailed off, unable to say what they had been worried about.
“She’s still unconscious,” Tatiana whispered in a quivering voice. She let out a slow breath, clearly trying to steady herself. “Steven’s with her now, and I doubt he’ll leave her side.” She smiled and ran a hand through her hair. “Steven wouldn’t even hold the baby. He said he wants to wait until Courtney wakes up so he can share the experience with her.”
“Speaking of which, where is the baby?” Kerry asked expectantly.
“Steven reached out to Richard and asked him to bring the boy to Salinda. He figured that since she and Samantha were still nursing, there would be no shortage of milk. Besides, based on everything that’s happened, it’s safer if he stays there, at least for now.”
Layla came out of the room and closed the door quietly behind her.
“How’s she doing?” Dante asked.
“Courtney is hanging tough,” Layla said. “We moved her into the recovery room next door, and Steven is right there with her.”
“I bet,” Dante said. “He’s not gonna move from that spot until she’s in the clear.”
“I gotta tell ya, sis. That was pretty incredible.” Layla rested her chin on Tatiana’s shoulder and gave her a hug from behind. “You did a great job in there and managed to keep Steven calm through the whole procedure. I just wish I was a more skilled assistant.” She looked at Dominic. “Anyone find Matt yet?”
“Not exactly,” Dominic said sharply. He looked at Tatiana, but she avoided his gaze. “He left.”
“No way.” Tatiana looked at him briefly and then to the others. “I know Matt was upset and freaked out, but I can’t believe he’d leave without saying something.”
“Your rental car is gone and so are his things.” Dominic slipped the note from his pocket and handed it to her. “Richard found this on the porch after all the dust settled.”
“What does it say?” Layla asked.
“Dear Tatiana,” she read as the paper quivered in her delicate fingers. “I’m sorry, but I can’t handle this. I’m leaving, and will try to forget I ever saw or heard any of this crazy shit. Please don’t try and find me—Matt.”
Dominic stuffed his hands in his pockets and kept his eyes on Tatiana as she read the note. The tears fell silently as she let out a shuddering breath and nodded. He was torn between wanting to beat the shit out of that little jerk for hurting her or sweeping her into his arms and comforting her. “Well,” Tatiana said with a sigh as she lifted one shoulder, “I guess I can’t really blame him.” She sniffed back her tears and cleared her throat. “However, we have bigger issues to deal with. I’m worried about Courtney’s condition. To be honest, I’m surprised she survived the delivery, and her Amoveo healing process doesn’t seem to be kicking in. I mean, the physical healing has begun, but she’s not waking up. It’s like she’s… giving up or something.”
Tatiana’s lashes fluttered, and she pushed her bangs off her forehead as her small form wavered from exhaustion. Dominic caught her before she fell over and swept her into his arms, cradling her against his chest.
Tatiana let out a sound of surprise and looked at him through wide dark eyes.
“What are you doing?” She folded her arms over her breasts and sliced an embarrassed look to the others before locking eyes with him. Her voice dropped to above a whisper. “I am perfectly capable of standing on my own. I just delivered a baby for heaven’s sake, and I have an unconscious patient in the other room. Now, put me down. I’m concerned about Courtney,” she said as she tried to suppress a yawn.
“And I’m concerned about you,” Dominic insisted. “You need sleep. You’re not going to be any good to Courtney, Steven, or anyone else, if you pass out. So quit being a stubborn, hardheaded woman, and let me take care of you.”
Tatiana opened her mouth to say something but must have thought better of it and snapped it shut. Her contrite look almost made him laugh out loud, but he had a sinking suspicion that would do nothing to help his cause.
“Thank you.” Dominic looked at the others, who all did their best not to smile—except for Layla, who gave him two thumbs up. “I’m sure the four of them can handle things here, and if anything major changes with Courtney’s condition, Layla will alert us immediately.”
“No doubt.” Layla winked. “Be a good girl, Tatiana. There are worse things you could be doing right now. We’ll keep an eye on things here.”
“Fine,” Tatiana said on an exasperated sigh.
“We will be in my cabin,” Dominic said firmly.
As he uttered the ancient language, they vanished in a rush of static. Kerry’s voice touched his mind. Keep hanging on to her, Dominic. Everything will work out as long as you’re there to catch her.