Tatiana shot out of bed, tumbled over the side, and landed on the floor with a butt-bruising thud. Her sweat-soaked sheets were tangled around her legs, and it took her a moment to get her bearings. Her breath came in quick gasps as she looked furiously around the bedroom of the guest cabin and was greeted by a series of warm licks on her arm from Cass.
“I’m okay, buddy.” She rubbed his head reassuringly and whispered to him soothingly, knowing it wasn’t just for his benefit. However, the little dog was a rather empathetic little creature. “It’s going to be alright.”
Pressing a hand to her chest, she let out a slow breath and squeezed her eyes shut as a sense of calm flooded her, and the effects of the dream faded. Still shaking, she unfurled the sheet from her ankles and tossed it onto the bed as she stood on unsteady legs. Casanova trotted over to the pile of pillows where he’d been sleeping and settled back in, but kept a watchful eye on Tatiana.
Seconds later, static electricity filled the room, and Dominic materialized next to her in his half-naked, shirtless glory. His face was etched with concern, and his glowing amber eyes shone brightly in the dimly lit room.
Without saying a word, he gathered her in his arms, and within seconds she could feel his heart beating in rapid time with hers. She should protest, or at the very least, admonish him for coming into her bedroom uninvited, but as her cheek pressed against the smooth, warm skin of his chest every coherent thought was driven from her.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
One hand rested on Tatiana’s hip with tender strength as he kissed the top of her head and sat with her on the edge of the bed. He leaned back, looking at her intently. Holding her face in his hands, he tenderly brushed his thumb along her cheek. It was the same look that made her stomach flutter and her heart race, but this time it wasn’t from panic or fear—it was lust.
White-hot-pin-me-to-the-wall-and-make-me-scream kind of lust.
“Are you alright?” He let out a deep breath, and the dog tags he wore glinted. “I know it can be a little rough getting torn out of the dream realm like that.”
She nodded and held his hand against her cheek but couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Tears fell, and she sniffled as she wiped them away quickly, feeling embarrassed for getting so upset. The truth was she wasn’t sure if she was upset about the frightening end to the dream or her reaction to him.
Everything was spinning out of control, and she didn’t know what was real. Was she truly feeling something, or was it some stupid legend? Was it hormones or was there something more?
“It’s okay.” He leaned his forehead against hers and threaded his fingers through her short hair. “That freaked me out too.”
Tatiana allowed herself to float in the comforting warmth of his touch. Their combined energy signature surrounded her like a blanket, and one word came to mind—safe. Dominic, against all odds and contrary to everything she thought she would feel, made her feel safe.
That was a first. She’d never felt safe before. Even growing up on the farm with Rosie, Raife, and Layla, she lived as though she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Once Layla found William and they knew more about the Amoveo, she thought she’d feel better, but she didn’t. She still lived with the unknown… until now.
Tatiana opened her mouth to tell him how she felt, but when her gaze locked with his, her eyes tingled and shifted intensely into the golden eyes of her wolf. A low, barely audible growl filled her head. Her grip on his hand tightened, and as Tatiana leaned in and brushed his lips with hers, she realized the growl was her own.
“That’s it, Tatiana,” Dominic whispered. “Show me all of you.”
In one swift movement, he flipped her onto her back and devoured her mouth with his. Tatiana moaned as he settled his weight over her, and heat pressed against heat. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him to her as she licked and nibbled at his firm lips. Her hands wandered over the broad expanse of his back and down to the perfect curve of his rock-hard ass.
Tatiana slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of his gym shorts and pressed him harder against her as he kissed his way down her neck. She let out a soft cry of pleasure as he tugged the top of her nightshirt aside and flicked her nipple with his tongue. He peered at her over the curve of her breast as he ground himself against her, eliciting another gasp of pleasure from her.
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered. Dominic squeezed her other breast and ran his thumb over the sensitive nipple. “I can’t decide which part of your beautiful body I want to feast on first.”
Sliding off the edge of the bed onto his knees, he pulled her toward him, which sent her short nightie up to her waist, leaving her covered only by skimpy purple underwear.
“So many options,” he murmured. Dominic tugged her closer still and placed warm, wet kisses on her quivering belly, while his hands paid thorough attention to her breasts. “Like here.” His hot tongue flicked along her belly button. “Or here.”
Pleasure washed over her as he rolled her nipples between his fingers and kissed his way down to her hip.
“But I love this spot, right here,” he said, licking a trail along the edge of her hip. He grabbed her underwear in his teeth and started to pull.
“Not yet,” Tatiana said as she pushed herself onto her elbows and met his wicked grin with her own. “I want to kiss you some more.”
Sitting up, she grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him deeply, enjoying the primal, carnal reaction her body had. There was something liberating about this experience, throwing caution to the wind and acting on instinct, but through it all she reminded herself that this was purely physical.
Tatiana’s heart, life, and freedom weren’t at stake—only her celibate streak was at risk of being broken. Even as she repeated it to herself over and over, she knew it was a lie.
Dominic pulled her off the bed and into his lap, so she straddled him on the floor. She explored the hot cavern of his mouth and curled her body around his, moaning as his erection pressed against her most sensitive spot, sending shuddering waves of pleasure through her.
Dominic grabbed the hem of her nightie and whipped it off her in one swoop. She groaned and suckled his lips as flesh met flesh, and her breasts crushed deliciously against his chest. He dragged his fingertips down her back and slipped them beneath the top of her panties, cupping her bottom.
“You feel so good,” she whispered against his lips. “Maybe the universe is on to something.”
Tatiana arched back, allowing him access to the sensitive skin of her throat. She held his head to her and floated in the exquisite pleasure of his skin melding with hers. They fit together in a frighteningly familiar way, but she shoved that thought aside, allowing herself to focus only on the physical.
Sex with no strings, she reminded herself. Its just sex.
That’s what Tatiana wanted to believe, yet she couldn’t escape that sensation of feeling safe… and cherished.
A rap at the door cut through the hot haze of lust, and both of them froze. The room had brightened considerably as rays of early morning sunlight streamed in through the window, picking up bronze highlights in Dominic’s hair. He lifted his head and locked eyes with her just as Matt’s muffled voice came through the door.
“Hey, Tatiana?” Cass jumped up and ran to the door, sniffing it furiously. “I’m going to make breakfast before we head to the barn to check on the horses. Do you want anything?”
Dominic’s grip tightened, and his eyes glowed brightly with unmistakable possessiveness. He shook his head slowly, making it clear he didn’t want her going anywhere with Matt.
Anger crept up her back at his territorial response. Matt may not have been her boyfriend, but he was her friend, and she’d be damned if anyone was going to tell her who she could have breakfast with.
“No,” she shouted without looking away from Dominic. “I’ll grab something when I come downstairs. Don’t worry about me, Matt… I can take care of myself. Why don’t you head to the barn and check on Spirit and the others.”
Matt’s footsteps faded as he went to the kitchen, and Dominic pulled her in for a kiss, but she placed her hands on his shoulders, stopping him. Tatiana extricated herself from his lap, grabbing her discarded nightshirt along the way.
“Hey.” Dominic linked his hand around her ankle, preventing her from walking away. She gave him an exasperated sigh and peered at him over her shoulder. “What’s your hurry?” he asked with a wicked grin.
“I have to get ready for work,” she said quietly as she tugged her leg from his grasp. She turned her back and pulled her shirt on. “I imagine you do too.”
“Yeah,” he said as he rose to his feet. “Right now, I’m concerned about why you went from hot to cold in record time. Seriously, what gives? You’re acting like I’m the one who knocked on the door and interrupted.”
“Like I said. I have to work.” Tatiana turned around and folded her arms over her chest. “That’s why I’m here. Remember? I came to the ranch to help with the animals, not to help you get your rocks off. We had fun, but the moment is over.” Her chin tilted defiantly. “Please leave so I can get dressed.”
Dominic moved toward her, the muscles in his chest flexing, his hands balled into fists at his side. Eyes glowing, he inched closer so his body brushed hers, but Tatiana held her ground, refusing to back down.
“You’re right about one thing.” His jaw flickered, and his voice dropped low. “It was fun.” With a devilish smile, he leaned closer, and his hot breath puffed enticingly against her cheek as he whispered in her ear. “But you’re dead wrong about something else… this is far from over.”
Tatiana opened her mouth to tell him off, but before he could say a word, he swept her into a knee-buckling kiss that stole her breath. Kissing her, he pushed her up against the wall, grabbed her wrists, and pinned them above her head. Her back arched, pressing her breasts against his chest, and Tatiana groaned as he suckled her bottom lip.
Breathless, she stared as she struggled to form a coherent sentence, but she couldn’t. Everything burned. Inside and out, she was on fire.
“In fact, Doc,” he murmured against her lips and pressed his taut body harder against hers. “We’re just getting started.”
Dominic uttered the ancient language, “Verto.”
A rush of static filled the room, along with a blast of heat, and he was gone. Shaking with lust that remained unsatisfied, Tatiana slid down the wall and landed on her butt. She pulled her knees up and hugged them to her chest, wishing she could get control over her raging hormones. Cass immediately came over to comfort her, and she gathered him into her arms, giving him the affection he sought.
As the effects of Dominic’s touch coursed through her body, she knew what he said was true—things were just getting started.
Would she survive or be consumed by the flames?
By the time Tatiana got downstairs with Cass at her heels, Matt had already eaten and left. When she saw the car was gone, she couldn’t help but laugh. He wasn’t a big fan of exercise and avoided it at all costs. Yet he ate like a horse and still weighed all of a hundred and sixty pounds.
Grabbing an apple from the bowl on the kitchen island, she headed out with Cass leading the way. As they walked along the path, the door from the cabin across the road opened, and Courtney, the pregnant woman she’d met yesterday, came outside. She gave Tatiana a friendly smile and wave as she carefully made her way down the steps.
“You’re up early,” Tatiana said. “I would think you’d be getting all the sleep you can before the baby arrives. I don’t have kids, but if human babies are anything like animal babies, you’re gonna be up at all hours feeding it.”
“I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” She sighed as she met Tatiana on the dirt road. She ran her hands over her rounded stomach and shrugged. “Plus I have to pee every five minutes, so sleeping for long intervals hasn’t been happening.”
“Gee—” Tatiana laughed. “You’re making pregnancy sound really appealing.” Her smile faded as she saw the dark circles under Courtney’s eyes. “It’s got to be almost a quarter mile to the main house. Are you sure you’re up to walking? I got the feeling that Steven’s worried about you and the baby.”
“I’ll be fine.” She waved it off and started walking. “Steven’s a little overprotective. Can’t really blame him though. Our mating hasn’t exactly been normal.”
“How do you mean?” Tatiana tried to keep the question casual, but her curiosity was at an all-time high. She suspected there was something different about Courtney and Steven’s relationship. “As far as I can tell, there’s not much normal about being Amoveo.”
“How much do you know about the mating process or the Purists and what happened?”
“I’m not really involved in the Amoveo side of my parentage, so I’m not familiar with the whole story. Basically, I know that since I’m a hybrid, I have Purist Amoveo who hate me, and because I’m part Amoveo, I have humans who hate me. And I’m supposed to drop everything to mate,” she said, making air quotes with her fingers, “with some guy I don’t know just because the universe says so.” Tatiana let out a sound that hovered between a growl and a sigh. “So, to be really honest. I have zero idea what normal is anymore.”
“I know what you mean,” Courtney said humorlessly as they slowly walked along the dirt road. She ran a hand over her stomach and looked at Cass as he ran to her and rubbed against her leg. “All I can say is that Steven and I didn’t conceive our child by traditional methods.”
Tatiana gave her a quizzical look.
“The Purists had a breeding program to genetically engineer pure-blood offspring. I was one of the women forced into the program.”
“Oh my God.” Tatiana stared at her, riveted and horrified by this latest bit of information. “Layla didn’t mention any of this.”
“I’m not surprised.” Courtney gave her a small smile. “Steven told me it took major convincing to get you to come here, so I can’t blame her for keeping certain information under wraps. Also, the Purist movement is all but wiped out, so she probably figured it was a moot point. Besides, I think everyone feels sorry for me, and they don’t know what to say.”
Tatiana nodded, but her sister had explaining to do, and she couldn’t help but wonder what else she didn’t know.
“So, when you say you were forced into this breeding program—” Tatiana looked at Courtney’s stomach. “Does that mean…” She trailed off, unable to say what she was thinking.
“Steven was a spy. He was at the compound posing as a Purist so he could get information for Richard.” Her voice shook, and she kept her eye on the horizon as they walked, unable to look at Tatiana while she spoke. “Apparently, he saw me there and tried to help me escape, but before he could get to me, they captured him. They used Steven’s sperm to artificially inseminate me.”
“So you two didn’t…”
“No.” She shook her head and glanced briefly at Tatiana. “You see, the other women they used in the program died before they reached full-term. They weren’t pregnant with the children of their mates, so apparently, it wasn’t working.”
“Jesus Christ,” Tatiana said under her breath. “This keeps getting worse.”
“Yeah.” Courtney let out a short laugh. “Well, they captured Steven as he was trying to break into my room and rescue me. He told them I was his mate, and well, you can imagine how thrilled that made them, especially since we’re both pure-bloods. They held us captive and heavily sedated.” Bitterness edged her voice, and a single tear rolled down her cheek, but she continued looking straight ahead. “At least that’s what everyone told me.”
“Wait a minute.” Tatiana touched Courtney’s arm, and they stopped walking as the main compound came into view. “What do you mean, that’s what they told you.”
“I don’t remember anything.” She sniffled. “I woke up here on the ranch, and I was pregnant and alone. Eric found me wandering in the mountains two months ago, and I’ve been here ever since.”
Courtney swiped at the tears with the back of her hand, and a smile cracked her face as the puppy nuzzled her feet again.
“Steven was thrilled, of course. He thought I was dead. They all did. Everyone wanted to know where I’d been and what happened, but I couldn’t remember anything. I mean, the last thing I remember is getting ready to go out for drinks with my girlfriends, and then I wake up like this.” She rubbed her stomach and let out a shaky sigh. “The truth is… maybe everyone would be better off if I had died.” Her voice quivered. “Especially Steven.”
“Courtney,” Tatiana said gently. “Don’t say that. You’re carrying his baby. You’re his mate, and he’s obviously crazy about you.”
“I know,” she whispered. “He’s an incredible man.”
“Look—I obviously have no idea what you’re going through. I mean, I’ve only gotten a taste of this whole mate thing, and it’s got my head messed up.”
Courtney studied her closely. “It’s Dominic, isn’t it?”
Tatiana nodded but said nothing.
“I could tell as soon as I saw you together,” she said through a teary smile. Her green eyes, edged with sadness, searched Tatiana’s. “That’s how it should be.”
Tatiana’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Nothing.” She flicked a nervous glance toward the house and started walking again. “It’s nice to have a friend to talk to. I’ve felt like an outsider, and I guess since…”
“And since I’m an outsider too, you feel more comfortable talking to me?”
“Yeah.” Courtney nodded and let out short laugh. “Does that sound horrible?”
“Nope.” Tatiana smiled and linked her arm through Courtney’s. “Sounds human.”
They walked the rest of the way with Tatiana telling Courtney about Oregon and her practice. She found herself enjoying Courtney’s company and had to agree that it was nice to have a girlfriend, especially one who understood how it felt to be a bit of an outsider.
As they chatted, Tatiana wondered why Layla would keep this information to herself. However, she wasn’t the only one keeping it under wraps. Dominic could have told her about it, but he chose to keep her in the dark too.
Lies. That’s what the woman in the dream said. Tatiana gave Courtney a sidelong glance as she spoke about the baby and the names they were tossing around. She wondered if perhaps Courtney was the woman they had heard in the dream realm last night. If so, was she trying to communicate with Tatiana, or had they gotten their dream wires crossed?
As they walked to the barn with the summer sun beating down on them, Tatiana resolved to find out what else was being hidden. She was tired of living in an uncertain world, feeling like the rug could be pulled out from under her at any moment.
The conversation was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of people shouting and the high-pitched shriek of horses whinnying.
“Something’s wrong in the barn.” She grabbed Courtney’s arm. “Stay here.”
Tatiana ran at a breakout pace, and as she got closer, she was battered by the rippling shock waves of the animals’ agitated energy signatures. She stumbled as the power of their energy knocked the wind out of her and struggled to catch her breath before continuing. When she finally rounded the corner and stepped into the barn, nothing could’ve prepared her for what she found.
Skidding to a halt, her hands flew to her mouth in horror. Spirit, the gorgeous white mare she worked with yesterday, lay on the ground in a massive stain of blood-soaked hay and dirt. Her dark, lifeless eyes stared blankly at the world, and her coat that had been pure as snow was now marred with blood splatter from two gunshot wounds.
Dominic had Matt pinned against the wall by the throat, and Eric, the other Guardian, stood next to them. Both men glowered at Matt through the glowing eyes of their clan. Seconds later, the air in the barn burgeoned with static electricity and a blast of heat as Richard, Steven, and Courtney materialized next to her.
“You should have done a better background check on your employee, Tatiana,” Dominic seethed. He leaned closer, tightening his grip and making Matt’s eyes widen. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought a Caedo assassin to this ranch.”
Dominic jutted his chin toward the back of the stall, and Tatiana’s stomach rolled when she saw the message scrawled in blood. Your half-breed women are next.