DAY 19

Trust the Spiritual Source

We need to continually trust that the organizing intelligence of our Source, which is always operating in the Universe, is ever-mindful, and provides us with every blessing in abundance. But how do we trust a Source that we can’t see or touch? That is our subject for today.

Imagine a camera that can accomplish photographic feats that no camera has performed prior to this time. For instance, it can take pictures through concrete walls, or in the dark without benefit of a flash. But most ingeniously, it can record a person’s thoughts, producing an exact pictorial likeness of what any subject is imagining at the moment the shutter snaps. And inside the camera’s package is an invitation to talk with the creator of this remarkable device. The printed material states that he’ll be happy to discuss how and why his invention works, along with the amazing results that it can produce.

The conversation you’d have with the creator of your new miracle gadget probably wouldn’t begin with the things you thought he’d forgotten or should or shouldn’t have done. And it’s unlikely that you’d complain about the price or how it was marketed, or attempt to convince him that you had more expertise. Instead, you’d probably use the opportunity to maximize your ability to work with your new camera and derive the greatest pleasure possible as it performed the tasks it was designed to accomplish.

It’s safe to say that you’d approach the creator of something you can see, touch, and use—but haven’t a clue as to how it came into being—with deference, respect, and awe because you’d be so eager to absorb all that he has to offer. If this analogy is unclear, you might want to quit reading at this point and seek an expert to remove your blinders!

When you finally “get” that your Source is all-knowing, you can approach the act of spiritual communication from an entirely egoless perspective. Your discourse must begin with a recognition that it’s impossible for you to be ignored. You can link up to all-knowingness by thinking like God—that is, by being an energetic match in your thoughts and actions, by being grateful, and by thinking of others and offering them what you desire.

Since you know that when you ask, it is given, you must next ask God for what you want. I’m not implying that you should beg, or think that you’ve been overlooked, but rather ask in a way that takes the form of a vibrational shift in energy. So you’d request to be an instrument of God’s abundance, for instance, instead of pleading for cash. You’d simply match what you want with the All-Encompassing Abundance that is your Spiritual Source.

Note that any- and everything that keeps you from appreciating your Spiritual Source is an impediment. This particularly includes relying on someone else or some organization without examining the truths that they insist you believe. While this may come as a surprise, Jesus wasn’t a Christian, Buddha wasn’t a Buddhist, and Mohammed wasn’t a Muslim. These were Divine spiritual beings who came here as emissaries of truth . . . yet when their truths were organized, there were the horrors of inquisitions, mass murders, crusades, holy wars, and jihads, all in the name of “God.”

Those who claim to represent these Divine beings of truth frequently do so from a decidedly nonspiritual perspective. When an organization includes some, yet excludes others, they’re announcing that they’re not actually preaching or teaching truth. Since God excludes no one, any religious organization that does isn’t affiliated with Him. God is all-knowing. No one else is, unless they experience pure God-realization . . . and those beings who have ever lived among us belong to a very small club.

No one else can intervene for you in your efforts to commune with your Source of Being: You shouldn’t rely on organizations, gurus, rituals, temples, or any other outside sources as the means to make conscious contact with God. Instead, you must approach the All-Knowing Source in silent communion, and be willing to listen and receive guidance. You must speak in words of your own choosing with statements that tell God: “I know that You are all-knowing and could never forget me. I desire to align with Your all-knowingness, to have the faith that I can attract into my life all the goodness, peace, and abundance that You are. I will stay in this place of trust, for I am here to serve. I am grateful for all that You are, and all that You allow me to be.”

Co-creating with Spirit

Keep in mind that you can’t co-create with anyone, including your Spiritual Source, unless you’re in a place of trust and harmony. To that end, you must suspend your false self (ego) and stop all thoughts of resistance before you can participate in creating the inspired life you desire, in perfect symmetry with Spirit. Whatever you ask of your Source in your prayerful communion will no longer be a wish or a hope—it will become a reality in your mind, just as it is in the mind of God. The how and when of its arrival, which have always troubled ego, are no longer issues.

You maintain your optimism with thoughts such as I desire it, It’s in harmony with my Source, or It’s on its way—there’s nothing to fuss about. And then you can relax and surrender to your knowing. As Ernest Holmes reminds us: “The thing we surrender to becomes our power.” I know that the term surrender is generally associated with defeat, but there’s no victor or victim when surrendering to God—this isn’t about winning or losing.

You see, what you’re doing here is giving up your false self in favor of returning to your authentic one. And when you do, you’ll meet your Spiritual Creator and become empowered to live in the same vibration with It. You’ll become co-creators by surrendering and joining the All-Knowing, All-Creating Force that allows everything to come into existence. Then your knowing replaces your doubts, and “Divine will prevails at all times.” Only now, you are in harmony with that Divine will.