Chapter Eight

Adam’s luxury apartment was on the top floor of an historic Nob Hill building. His  hardwood floors smelled faintly of orange-scented wax and shone dully beneath the  streetlamps’ glow that spilled in through the bedroom’s bay windows. In the distance,  lights twinkled on the Golden Gate Bridge.
“Wow.” Danni put her knee on the window seat and took in the sweeping view.
“How do you ever tear yourself away from this to come into work?”
With her here, it would be increasingly difficult. “I have a will of steel.”
“That’s not the only hard thing on you.” Pushing back from the glass, she stalked to  his antique iron bed. It dominated the softly shadowed room.
Unlike their night in Vegas, Adam made no move to turn on the lamps. Nor would  he draw the sheer drapes. He preferred this cocoon of privacy. The outside lights  provided more than enough illumination for them to see, while the building’s angle  prevented anyone from peering inside. A perfect combination of feeling protected, yet  exposed.
Her fingers slid over the puffy down comforter. “Nice bed. California king?”
He teased. “Hell, no. It’s way bigger.”
“Yeah, I know. But I’m talking about the bed.” She tossed the paper bag on the  mattress and went to him. “I want to taste you, now. Take off your clothes.”
He arched one brow. Having her in command wasn’t what he’d envisioned. And  yet, her memory of it would intensify her later obedience to his will. “You take them  off.”
Her quick smile said she liked the idea. “You bet. Soon as I strip.” She wriggled out  of her coat and sweater, letting them drop to the floor, and made fast work of her bra,  tossing it on her other clothes. Her skirt soon followed.
Naked, except for her boots, she went to the bed. With her left foot propped on the  footboard, she bent to untie the laces, giving him a glorious view of her ass.
“No.” His voice cracked. “The boots stay.”
She lifted her head and looked over her shoulder. A curtain of hair swung loose,  framing her face. Her eyes sparkled in the faint light. “Yes Sir.” As she straightened, her  breasts swayed invitingly. Easing his Burberry and jacket from his shoulders, she  coaxed them past his arms. With a brief rustle, they dropped to the floor. “Almost  there.” She pushed to her toes and pressed her dewy lips to his throat.
His knees buckled. He pulled her close, ready to devour her.

Tina Donahue
“No. I want to taste you.” She nudged his arm from her waist and quickly undid  the knot in his tie, pulling it from his collar. “We’ll use this later.”
“Damn right I will.”
Her hand stopped before she could toss the tie on his bed. The maroon silk dangled  over her fingers. She looked at him from beneath her lashes. “What’s in the paper bag?”
“Keep me waiting too long for this blowjob and you’ll never know.”
“We’ll see about that.” She slung the tie over her right shoulder as if she wanted to  keep it close, just in case she had to hogtie him. Fingers flying over his buttons, she soon  had his shirt open, pushing it over his shoulders and down his arms. “Nice.” Her  fingers stroked the hair peeking out from his armpits.
Already erect, his cock bumped into his fly.
She rubbed her nose in his chest hair and tongued his right nipple.
Adam’s head fell back on his shoulders. His teeth clenched as he tried to pull his  arms from his shirt sleeves with his cufflinks preventing it.
Danni’s breath glanced off his left pec. “Now I’ve got you.”
A smile broke across his face. With very little effort he could tear his hands free,  toss her on the mattress and screw her until they both lost consciousness. Or, he could  do what he’d planned all along, using what he bought at Hanson’s to make things very  interesting. Later, he told himself. For now, he’d behave as her captive.
Her fingers veered to his belly. His muscles jerked involuntarily. She gave him a  small pat as if to say, “Poor baby, won’t be long now.”
Liar. With great calculation, she drew this out. First, she sank to her knees and gave  his navel an opened-mouth kiss. The memory of her tongue exploring the small  depression remained with him as she took her sweet time to unbuckle his belt, slip his  waistband’s button through the slot, lower his fly and shove his clothes down.
His shaft bounced out of his boxers, striking her chin gently. A hoarse moan rushed  from her. She gripped his ass in both hands and pressed her face to his groin. Air  whistled through Adam’s teeth as she filled herself with his scent. What had always  been a quick act with other women was far different with Danni. She not only aroused  him, she honored him.
Like heated oil, her saliva bathed the head of his cock, preparing it for her mouth.
Forgetting himself, he yanked at his sleeves, needing to free his hands so he could  cup her head and keep her at the task.
She was well ahead of him. She nestled his balls in her palm and smoothed her  fingers over each gland, reacquainting herself with their contours. A bolt of pleasure  stole his fight and locked him in place. He could barely breathe as she pursed her lips  around the head and slid him deeply into her mouth and throat, farther than she had in
Vegas. Farther than he believed possible. Her nose was mere inches from his groin, her  mouth’s warmth overwhelming.

His shoulders bunched to his ears. He ground his teeth so hard, his jaw hurt. No  way could he take much more of this.
She seemed to know and slid him nearly out of her mouth in a long, lazy stroke, her  tongue caressing and lingering on the head before she sucked him back inside.
For the first time in his adult life, Adam whimpered.
She paid him no heed. Her mouth worked its magic, her fingers massaged his balls.
The combination of her wet heat, wiggling tongue and exploring hands defeated  him. Eyes squeezed tight, he gasped, “I’m going to come—I can’t hold off—I—” A  groan ended the rest of his apology. Wild, breathless sensations raged from his groin to  his torso, sapping his strength.
Her mouth and hands held him prisoner. She swallowed his ejaculate, draining him  dry.
His pleasure buzz morphed into contentment and fatigue. Unsteady, he fought to  maintain his balance. “Gotta sit.”
Luckily, she heard. Her mouth opened and his penis slipped out. She grabbed his  upper arm to help him down. Didn’t do a bit of good. His knees banged the floor with a  sharp crack.
“Oh, ouch.” She pulled his pants and boxers off his feet and tossed them aside.
“You okay?”
He rested his sweaty forehead against her shoulder. “Tired.”
“Of course you are.” She smoothed his damp hair. “You rest, and I’ll take care of  you.”
As if he were a feeble old man? He stifled a yawn and tried to sound commanding  as he jiggled his arms. “How about taking my shirt off?”
“I’m on it.” Her shoulders moved up and down, making his head bounce, as she  removed his cufflinks and promptly dropped them. They made faint clacking sounds as  they tumbled away. “Better?”
“Sure, when my shirt and socks are off.”
“Yes Sir.”
Adam smothered his smile and pulled his head up, unwilling to have her shoulder  jostle him again. Through slitted eyes, he watched her scoot to his side. Gauzy light  grazed the soft contour of her body, chasing the shadows from the upturned slope of  her breasts and curved belly. He imagined his head on her stomach, her gentle  breathing lulling him to sleep. Later, his mind warned. Not now.
Head lowered, she pulled his left sleeve off and reached around to pull off the right.
Her hair swished against his chest, tickling, inviting him to play. In time, he told  himself. With his arms free, he fell to the side and stretched out spread-eagle, their  clothing mashed under his left leg. “Don’t forget my socks.” He wiggled his toes.
She ignored them, obviously preferring to stare at his pooped penis.

Tina Donahue
After a pleasant stretch, he settled his right foot on her thigh just below her furry  mound. Like a good girl, she peeled his sock off, bent down and licked the tips of his  toes.
Laughter gurgled at the base of his throat.
Apparently dissatisfied with his response, she cradled his foot in her hands and ran  her tongue up his sole. Although his hips lifted off the floor, he didn’t laugh.
Her lower lip stuck out in a pout. “You need to loosen up.”
If he were any more relaxed, he’d need CPR. “You think?”
She shoved his naked foot off her thigh. Ignoring his yelp as it hit the floor, she  reached for his stockinged foot. Did she think those toes were more ticklish? Before she  could find out, he pulled back his foot and pushed to his knees. Her head jumped up.
Given her expression, she knew what he planned. “No, don’t.”
He did. Hands on her biceps, he easily wrestled her to their pile of clothes, held her  wrists in one hand and placed his fingers on her ribs.
She tried to squirm away. Not being able to, she begged. “I’ll do whatever you  want. Just don’t tickle—oh shit!”
“Shhh!” He ran his fingers up and down her rib cage. With each touch, he found  newer, more sensitive spots. “You want the neighbors to call the police? You want me  to go to jail?”
“I hope you do, you sadistic—” Laughter cut her off.
By the time he stopped, she lay sprawled over their clothes, alternately panting and  hiccupping. He leaned close and whispered, “You need to loosen up.”
She gave him the finger.
Bad girl. He pulled his tie from beneath her and grabbed her wrist.
Instantly, their play turned edgy. “What are you doing?” she asked. Her voice  bristled with excitement.
“Give me your other wrist.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I’ll punish you, after I’m through.” He snatched her other hand and bound her  wrists with his tie. Wrapping the wider end around his fingers, he pushed to his feet.
Danni stared at his growing hard-on. “Through with what? What’s in the bag?”
“Let’s find out.”

Eager, she got to her feet, expecting him to lead her to the bed. He brought her to  his walk-in closet. It smelled of wool, linen and leather. Heart thudding, she wondered  if he intended to get a belt. She imagined his fingers sliding over its length, testing its  weight, his actions meant to arouse her with the threat of punishment. And then she  remembered. He already had a belt near the bed where she’d undressed him. So why  get another?

He flicked on the light. She squinted at the sudden brightness and eyed the rods  holding his clothes. He moved past them to a contraption against the back wall. It  seemed vaguely familiar. Suddenly, Danni had it. An obnoxious salesman had hawked  the device on late-night TV, screaming about the introductory price of 19.95. The gadget  held Adam’s ties. He selected six—one gold, one green-striped, one red with a paisley  design and three in varying shades of brown, draping them over her right shoulder.
Next, he pulled an eggshell white scarf from the pocket of a black overcoat and dropped  it over her other shoulder.
The downy fabric had to be cashmere. It felt like danger.
“Almost there,” he said, repeating her earlier words.
Her breathing picked up.
Back at his bed, he tossed the pillows on the floor. She accepted his unspoken  invitation and sat on the billowy comforter, her eyes dropping to his pendulous cock.
He removed the ties from her right shoulder, lifted the cashmere scarf from her left and  wrapped it around her eyes, blindfolding her.
Panic flared unexpectedly.
Lips to her throat, he suckled with a gentle, soothing pressure heightened by his  beard-roughened cheeks. Seconds later, he whispered in her ear. “Doing okay?”
She was now. “Yeah.”
“You like this?”
It excited her like white-water rafting. She’d been hooked on the sport since high  school. There were moments of mounting anticipation as the rapids neared, and then  rapture as she rode the wild swells because she trusted her guide and knew she  wouldn’t be hurt. “Oh yeah.”
“Lie down.”
She sank to the mattress, and under his direction wiggled to the center of the bed. It  bounced with his weight as he straddled her, lifting her arms above her head, obviously  securing her wrists to the antique headboard.
As he worked, his cock slid over her throat, his flesh silky hot and scented with  musk. Unable to reach the head, she lifted her face and pressed her mouth to his hairy  thigh.
The bed rattled with his convulsive jerk. Intoxicated by his response, Danni sucked  hard, leaving her mark, then lay back to enjoy whatever he had in mind.
Hauling in a deep breath, he hissed it out as he left the mattress. “Spread your legs  as wide as you can.”
Her ride had commenced. Suspense coiled in her belly. It was like riding a wave,  knowing her raft might capsize at any moment. Her heart went boom-boom-boom as  she pulled her legs apart until her hipbones protested.