Tina Donahue
“Bend your legs at the knee.” His voice came from the foot of the bed. “I want the  soles of your boots on the mattress.”
He wanted her sex bared. Oddly enough, being unable to see her nudity or his  expression made her feel exceptionally naked and more aware of her body. Moisture  streamed from her sheath to her anus, where the air chilled it. Her nipples ached dully,  as if they were constricting.
She felt him watching. Did he wear an impatient frown or a smile? Did his cock  thicken even more as he regarded her breasts, or did his attention linger on her  congested vaginal lips?
She squeezed her lids behind the scarf in a futile attempt to maintain her modesty,  then bent her knees and planted the soles of her boots firmly on the comforter.
Exhibited and subject to his will, she waited for his next move.
He returned to the mattress. It shimmied beneath him.
She expected him to trap her with his body and fuck her at his leisure. He did not.
Surely, he still studied her. Danni didn’t ask. The prolonged silence had an odd,  thrilling effect, like making it through the first rapid, only to face the second which was  even more intimidating. Was he stroking his penis while he determined his next act?
Did he watch the rise and fall of her chest, enjoying her heightened breathing?
The sudden snapping of fabric interrupted her thoughts. She couldn’t determine  what caused the sound until she recalled the ties. Had he knotted them together to  make longer ligatures? Would he secure her ankles so she couldn’t bring her legs  together?
This is mine, he’d said. You’re mine.
The room shifted and spun. She coasted helplessly on the sensation, out of control,  while her mind raced ahead. Next time, she’d bring her silk scarves for their games.
Next time, she’d tie him up.
His arm pressed heavily on her leg, using it for support as he wrapped the tie  around her ankle, just as she suspected he would. The mattress shook as he got off the  bed and pulled the binding, securing it to the frame. One leg down. One to go. And  then he could do whatever he wanted.
I’ll punish you, after I’m through.
Doing what? Despite the blindfold, she tried to open her eyes to peer into his plans.
Would he slather her with chocolate and lick her clean? Or did he intend to straddle her  with his head toward her mound so they could suckle and lick each other’s sex at the  same time?
The tie on her other ankle jerked, pulling Danni out of her reverie. She tested the  bindings. They proved firm. She couldn’t close her legs. She couldn’t keep herself from  him.

His feet slapped against the hardwood floor. To her surprise, the sounds grew faint  as if he’d left the room.
The stillness pressed in on her. Seconds dragged by. She lost all sense of time.
“Adam? Where are you? Did you leave?”
“With you here nude?” His voice sounded amused and seemed to be coming from  the direction of the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.”
She expected to hear the toilet flushing, and him turning on the faucet. Instead, she  became aware of music outside. No melody, no lyrics, just the bass’s annoying thump-  thump-thump. The same noise a kid makes throwing a ball against a building.
As it stopped and the room fell back into peace, she heard a floorboard groan and
Adam’s footfalls. The mattress shifted as he sat on it, near her left foot. Paper crinkled.
His infamous purchases.
Her pulse beat fast and reckless, as if she were approaching the next set of rapids.
This time she didn’t want the ride to pause. “What’s in the bag?”

He smiled at the stark curiosity in her voice. She reminded him of a child who  couldn’t wait to get at her birthday or Christmas presents. What he had planned for her  was far better.
“You’ll see.”
She laughed. “Not while I’m blindfolded.”
True. “Then you’ll feel and taste.”
Her smile dwindled away, replaced by pleading. “What will I feel? What will I  taste?”
Her heavy sigh said she didn’t like the vagueness of his answer. Even so, she didn’t  ask anything else.
Adam’s eyes traveled her length, moving over her parted lips, the pleasing rise of  her breasts, her damp cunt. An urge to have her rose swift and pitiless, demanding he  act on impulse, because he couldn’t make time stand still. Soon tonight would be over,
Saturday and Sunday would fly by, and Monday would come. He’d be even closer to  losing her. At this moment, he doubted anything would change Roger’s mind.
No. He didn’t want to think about it now. He would not. Upending the paper bag,  he shook out the contents. A box of Silvano’s Gourmet Cherry Chocolates hit his knee.
Danni’s head turned toward the sound.
A wave of tenderness hit him hard. Years ago, at one of the conventions, a supplier  had provided the attendees with this treat. A nice way to say “thank you for your  business”. Danni had gorged on her chocolates as if they represented her last meal.
Adam recalled the bit of sugar at the corner of her mouth and the gratitude in her eyes  when he let her have his box, and got three more for her to take home.
He’d wanted her then. He had to have her now.

Tina Donahue
Tossing the bag on the floor, he grinned at her response. She kept pulling up her  chin so she could see beneath the scarf. It proved impossible, so she settled down, most  likely trying to catch the next sound.
Teasing, he cleared his throat. She jumped, her senses heightened. And then she  frowned.
He figured she’d make him pay for this big time once she was free. Until then…
“You about ready?”
“For what? And don’t you dare tell me—you’ll see.”
“Wouldn’t think of it. Oh hell.”
“What?” She pulled up her chin again.
He struggled not to laugh. “Nothing. False alarm.”
This time, she gave him the finger with both hands.
Still smiling, he glanced at his other purchase. A specially formulated depilatory to  recreate a part of her fantasy. Her earlier words played in his mind—
I was nude, my mound shaved.
A delicate task. One he didn’t trust solely to his scissors or cordless shaver. He’d  brought those tools from his bath to get things started. They lay next to the depilatory  and a soft bath towel.
As he removed the cellophane wrapping from the box of chocolates, she lifted her  head, craning it toward him. “What’s that sound? What are you doing?”
He removed the top of the box and selected a piece. “Getting ready to kiss you.”
Her brows lifted. She lay perfectly still, like a virginal sacrifice, as he crawled across  the mattress. First, he ran his little finger over her bottom lip. While she inhaled quickly,  he slipped his hand beneath her head and lifted it.
She raised her chin again, to seek his mouth, not to see what he had planned.
Determined to reward her, he held the confection between his lips and lowered his  head.
Their mouths touched. Her head quivered slightly, as if she didn’t know what to  expect. And then, all movement ceased. He imagined her tongue touching the  chocolate, wondering what it might be, until she tasted its sweetness.
Didn’t take long. A low, satisfied moan signaled her discovery. She tongued the  candy from his mouth to hers, chewing it greedily. “Oh my god.” Her words were  chocolate-slurred. Her head moved in his hand. “This is Silvano’s.”
“A whole box of it.”
“You are a good man.”
To prove it, he licked away the cherry juice dribbling over her lips.
She whined. “More.”
“When you swallow what’s in your mouth.”
“To hell with that. I want more of you.”

He wasn’t about to argue. Once she’d lowered her head, he possessed her mouth,  sharing a sloppy-sweet kiss that touched his core. Sugar never tasted so good. Nor had  any other woman. Lingeringly, they made out, neither willing to stop, addicted to each  other and the moment. If he hadn’t needed to swallow, he would have done this all  night.
Danni panted out her words. “Nice.”
“We’re just getting started.”
“What’s next?”
He slid his hand from her breast to her delicate curls.
She lifted her hips, tempting him to want more. “You’re going to mount me?”
His fingers slid past her clit. He bathed his hand in her wonderful moisture. “I’m  going to shave you.”
Even in the faint light, Adam could see her chest and face darkening.
She whispered, “Really? You mean it?”
He flicked her clit. Her hips jerked up, demanding more. “Yes, I really mean it. But  only if you want—”
“I do.” Her voice had dropped considerably, becoming a husky purr.
Leaning down, he kissed her again, greedier than ever.
She gulped air as he put the scissors and shaver between her legs, and positioned  the towel beneath her ass. He ran his hand down her thigh and asked, “In your fantasy,  who shaved you?”
“I have no idea.” She moved into his touch. “After tonight, it’ll probably be you.”
After tonight, she wouldn’t have to fantasize any longer. At least for as long as they  were together. Renewed doubt ate at him. Just as quickly, he pushed it away and  combed her curls with his fingers. “Keep still. I’m going to trim you first.”
“Okay.” She sounded wired and a bit apprehensive.
Scissors in hand, Adam paused to kiss her curls, enjoying her body’s aroma. She  sighed. He straightened. “Ever hear of The Story of O?”
“The classic erotic tale about a woman who—”
She interrupted, “Yeah, I know. I read it in college—not for a class. My roommate  had it and—you read it too?”
He started to snip. “Saw the movie.”
“They made a movie of it?”
“Yep. It’s pretty tame by today’s standards, no actual on-screen sex, and for what  it’s worth not nearly as hot as your fantasy. The latest one, where you’re being  auctioned off.” He repeated what he recalled of it while he trimmed her hair,  deliberately talking to keep her distracted from the scissors’ brief clicks and focused on  their carnal game.

Tina Donahue
Suddenly, she interrupted. “No. There were only two men in the ship’s cabin with  you and me. Not four.”
“Really? I must be confusing it with my fantasy.”
“You’ve fantasized about me?”
Her delight pleased him. “When I was in Hanson’s I had time to think about your  auction scenario, and kind of came up with my own.” It was a little white lie, and her  breathy sigh made it worthwhile.
“You fantasized about me being sold? What happened? Were we on a ship?”
“No.” He thought fast, recalling a romance novel his parents caught his older sister  reading when he’d been in middle school. They called the story sick trash and threw it  out. He found the book and shared it with his friends, with all of them snickering and  masturbating as they read it. “It took place on a manor. I think that’s what they’re  called. You know, one of those enormous estates in England with a stone mansion that  has about a hundred rooms and dozens of servants. Like rich people had in the 1800s.”
“Wow.” She sounded intrigued. “Were you and I the only ones there besides the  servants? Oh hey, you weren’t auctioning me off to them, were you?”
“Would I do that to you?”
“No.” Her voice rang with apology. “So what happened?”
To his surprise, image after image unfolded in his mind, some of them from the  remembered book and X-rated movies he’d seen, the rest from a recess in his brain he  hadn’t known existed. He pared her bush as he talked. “The manor house isn’t mine.
It’s a place of pleasure for nobles. I’m just one of many. That night, I’ve been sent to  collect you, our newest virgin. From birth, you’ve been raised in the countryside by a  woman who’s prepared you for this day. When I arrive at the cottage, you’re in a tub,  bathing. Although I’m a stranger, you don’t hide your nudity from me. You’ve been  trained to present yourself and to obey. After I tie your wrists with a length of rope and  pull a cape around you, I sling you over my shoulder and take you to my carriage for  the ride to the manor and your deflowering.”
She made an appreciative sound.
Encouraged by it, his story and erection developed easily. “In the carriage I fondle  your breasts and tease your clit. Even if you wanted to resist, you couldn’t. I’ve secured  your hands to an eyebolt in the seat. I’m the first man to kiss you, parting your lips with  my tongue then thrusting it into your mouth. My actions demand your obedience, but  you give more than that, you offer your passion.”
She whispered, “Of course.”
The tenor of her voice made his throat constrict. He cleared it and continued.
“Although I want you, it’s not my call to make. Inside the manor house, there are  princes and dukes, men far higher in rank. Once you’re prepared, I lead you to—”
“Wait. How am I prepared?”