“Howdy, ma’am.”

She jumped at his greeting and smacked her head on the door frame, causing him to wince. Running a hand through her short, mousy brown curls, she backed out of the car with care and turned. One corner of his mouth went up in a half smile as her bespectacled gaze moved from his boots up to his face.

But his smile froze before it reached the other side of his mouth when his gaze collided with hers. Behind huge owlish glasses were eyes as green as summer grass, surrounded by long dark lashes. Trey’s mouth went dry. He didn’t know how long he stood staring into the emerald depths of her wide eyes. A thud at his dust-covered boot brought him back to his senses, and he looked down to see an overstuffed nylon bag at his feet.

“Let me—” he said, bending down to retrieve the tote.

“I can—” she said at the same time, whacking her head into his.

The blow brought him back to normal. He breathed in a sigh of relief that he’d broken contact with her hypnotic gaze.