The origins of this book are found in a class I taught for several years at Moore Theological College, known as Advanced Topics in Biblical Greek and Exegesis. My purpose in teaching this course was to introduce Greek students to various issues within cutting-edge Greek scholarship and linguistics. First-year Greek programs are generally not able to discuss such topics in much depth (if at all), and while second-year programs may delve in to some extent, they leave plenty of room for further depth and interaction with scholarship.
It was never my intention to turn the course into a book. That idea came from some Moore College students. The first time a class raised the idea, I dismissed it. I didn’t think it would be a book anyone would be interested in, and it would represent a lot of work! The following year’s class raised the idea too, but pushed a little harder. I pushed back for some justification from the students. Then one student, Nick Moll, said something like, “I know I would have gone on to make exegetical mistakes in my sermon preparation for years to come if it were not for the principles and content of this course.” That was the point at which I decided to try to turn my teaching material into the book you now hold in your hands.
I wish to thank my past students at Moore College, and my current students at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, for their various contributions. I am grateful for their interest and enthusiasm, their questions and insights, and their commitment to Greek and to careful exegesis. They have inspired me; they have challenged my thinking and understanding; and they have even caused me to change my mind about a few things. I can honestly say this book would not exist if it were not for them.
I am grateful for the generous contributions of some learned friends. Stephen Levinsohn offered penetrating feedback with several suggestions for improvement, especially on linguistic matters. John Lee helped me with the tricky chapter on pronunciation in particular. Steve Runge, Josh Jipp, and Dana Harris also provided valuable insights. Special thanks go to Don Carson for contributing the foreword of the book. My gratitude goes to them all.
Thanks are due to Zondervan Academic for taking a chance on yet another out-of-the-box book idea. It is a privilege and a pleasure to work with this team. Particular thanks go to my editor, Verlyn Verbrugge, for his critical eye, attention to detail, and constant reminder to be clear.
Finally, this book is dedicated to my Nono and Nona — known to other people as Nick and Vasilo. They have contributed to my greekness as much as anyone. While I wish I could have written this preface on “our island,” perhaps I will for a future edition.
Soli Deo Gloria