Addresses and phone numbers of points of contact (family, friends, insurer, doctor, etc.)
Driver's licenses
Social Security cards
Birth/Death certificates
Adoption papers
Insurance cards and policies (medical, dental, vision, auto, home, life)
Credit cards (front and back)
Recent photos of family members (suitable for missing person's posters)
Military discharge papers (e.g., DD214)
Diplomas, certificates
Property deeds
Description of all vehicles (e.g., make, model, photo, VIN, and license number)
Automobile titles
Firearm serial numbers
Weapon permits
Pay stub
Marriage license
Home inventory video or photos
Bank/Investment account information
Tax records
Computer account logins and passwords
Medical information (allergies, medicines, medical history)
Resume (for job hunting)
First-aid information (see the Captain's Medical Guide [245])
Survival reference information (collection of e-books, online tips, how-to manuals)
GPS locations and driving directions of house, rally points, local medical emergency services, and other key places—see For GPS coordinates, right click and select “What's here?”
Last Will and Testament
Professional licenses
Bible and other e-books
Relaxing music
Foreign language dictionaries (e.g., Spanish)