The world of late has been in upheaval: earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, terrorist strikes, pandemics… the deadly list grows with each passing day. It is as if we are being given a warning to ready ourselves for things to come. Whether that warning is from God or simply a result of our own empirical observations is up to every individual to decide. What is undeniable is that the world is openly demonstrating its ferocity.
Every generation faces its own unique challenges. Our grandparents and great grandparents weathered world wars, food shortages, deadly pandemics, and nearly total financial ruin. They did so with grit and determination and by coming together as communities—sharing in their collective need to survive. This connectedness has all but disappeared, save for the most rural areas of our country. The sad truth is that, today, many people don't even know their neighbors’ names.
Recently, however, there has been an awakening in our country. People are realizing that there truly is strength in numbers. Churches, fraternal organizations, veterans groups, friends, and neighbors are discussing more and more how best to prepare for uncertain challenges. Food storage, water purification, backup electrical power, and community protection are all being considered.
Having learned much from my many roles in life, including marine, police officer, father, and priest, I can attest to the three things necessary for survival: knowledge, preparation, and determination. This book you hold in your hands represents the first of those three steps. The author has done his part to lay out commonsense approaches to meet your family's needs during nearly any crisis. The rest is up to you.
Now let's get to the Introduction. Time may be short!
Curtis A. Bradley
Shichidan, 7th Degree Black Belt
Tracy's Kenpo Karate