Save As Report

To save your search as a report, click on the Report link. This opens the Save As Report dialog:

From here, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter a Title (or name) for your report
  2. Enter an optional Description to remind users what your report does
  3. Indicate if you'd like to include the Splunk Time Range Picker as a part of your report

Once you click on Save, Splunk prompts you to either review Additional Settings for your newly-created report (Permissions, Schedule, Acceleration, and Embed), Add (the report) to Dashboard (we will talk more about dashboards in Chapter 5, Simple XML Dashboards), View the report, or Continue Editing the search:

In my example, I named my report My Error Report, added a description (a simple example of a save as report), and included Time Range Picker. The following screenshot displays the saved report after clicking on View:

The additional settings that can be made to the report are as follows: