Manipulating data

It is useful, at times, to modify the value of a field, particularly _raw. Just for fun, let's reverse the text of each event. We will also support a parameter that specifies whether to reverse the words or the entire value. You can find this example in ImplementingSplunkExtendingExamples/bin/

import splunk.Intersplunk as si 
import re 
#since we're not writing a proper class, functions need to be 
#defined first 
def reverse(s): 
return s[::-1] 
#start the actual script 
results, dummyresults, settings = si.getOrganizedResults() 
#retrieve any options included with the command 
keywords, options = si.getKeywordsAndOptions() 
#get the value of words, defaulting to false 
words = options.get('words', False) 
#validate the value of words 
if words and words.lower().strip() in ['t', 'true', '1', 'yes']: 
words = True 
words = False 
#loop over the results 
for r in results: 
#if the words option is true, then reverse each word 
if words: 
newRaw = [] 
parts = re.split('([^a-zA-Z']+)', r['_raw']) 
for n in range(0, len(parts) - 2, 2): 
newRaw.append(parts[n + 1]) 
r['_raw'] = ''.join(newRaw) 
#otherwise simply reverse the entire value of _raw 
r['_raw'] = reverse(r['_raw']) 
The commands.conf stanza would look as follows: 
filename = 
retainsevents = true 
streaming = true 
Let us assume the following event: 
2012-10-27T22:10:21.616+0000 DEBUG Don't worry, be happy. 
[user=linda, ip=1.2.3., req_time=843, user=extrauser]

Using our new command, we get the following line of code:

* | head 10 | reverseraw 

Upon running the previous command on the preceding event, we see the entire event reversed, as shown in the following code:

]resuartxe=resu ,348=emit_qer ,.3.2.1=pi ,adnil=resu[ .yppah eb ,yrrow 
t'noD GUBED 0000+616.12:01:22T72-01-2102 

We can then add the words argument:

* | head 10 | reverseraw words=true 

We will maintain the order of words, as shown in the following code:

2012-10-27T22:10:21.616+0000 GUBED t'noD yrrow, eb yppah. [resu=adnil, pi=1.2.3., qer_emit=843, resu=resuartxe] 

For fun, let's reverse the event again:

* | head 10 | reverseraw words=true | reverseraw 

This gives us the following output:

]extrauser=user ,348=time_req ,.3.2.1=ip ,linda=user[ .happy be, worry Don't DEBUG 0000+616.12:01:22T72-01-2102 

happy be, worry Don't—Yoda could not have said it better.