The timechart options

Timechart has many arguments and formatting options. We'll touch upon a few examples of formatting, but they are too numerous to cover in detail. We will use other chart types in later chapters. Let's throw a few options in (to a simple search) and see what they do:

sourcetype="*" GET | timechart bins=100 limit=3 useother=false 
usenull=false count as "Error count" by user

Let's step through each of these arguments:

This combination of arguments produces a graph similar to this:

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, Splunk offers us a variety of Formatting options for our visualizations. Clicking on the drop-down selector on the Visualization tab in the following graph gives us quite a few options to work with:

The preceding graph shows a common chart style, the stacked column. This graph is useful for showing how many events of a certain kind occurred, but with colors to give us an idea of the distribution. Some great examples of all of the available chart styles are available at, and we will touch upon more styles in later chapters.