
Put simply, indexes.conf determines where data is stored on the disk, how much is kept, and for how long. An index is simply a named directory with a specific structure. Inside this directory structure, there are a few metadata files and subdirectories; the subdirectories are called buckets and actually contain the indexed data.

A simple stanza looks like this:

homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/implSplunk/db 
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/implSplunk/colddb 
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/implSplunk/thaweddb 

Let's walk through these attributes:

An aside about the terminology of buckets is probably in order. It is as follows:

How long data stays in an index is controlled by these attributes:

Less commonly used attributes include:

We will discuss sizing multiple indexes in Chapter 12, Advanced Deployments.