Generating data

There are times when you want to create events out of thin air. These events could come from a database query, a web service, or simply some code that generates data useful in a query. Just to illustrate the plumbing, we will make a random number generator.

You can find this example in ImplementingSplunkExtendingExamples/bin/

import splunk.Intersplunk as si 
from random import randint 
keywords, options = si.getKeywordsAndOptions() 
def getInt(options, field, default): 
return int(options.get(field, default)) 
except Exception, e: 
#raise a user friendly exception 
raise Exception("%s must be an integer" % field) 
min = getInt(options, 'min', 0) 
max = getInt(options, 'max', 1000000) 
eventcount = getInt(options, 'eventcount', 100) 
results = [] 
for r in range(0, eventcount): 
results.append({'r': randint(min, max)}) 
except Exception, e: 
import traceback 
stack = traceback.format_exc() 
si.generateErrorResults("Error '%s'. %s" % (e, stack)) 
The entry in commands.conf then is as follows: 
filename = 
generating = true 

We can then use the command as follows:


Note the leading pipe | symbol. This is the indication to run a command instead of running a search. Let's test the randomness of our Python code:

|randomgenerator eventcount=100000 min=100 max=899 
| bucket r 
| chart count by r 

This produces a graph, as shown in the following screenshot:

I guess that is not a bad distribution for 100,000 samples. Using Splunk's built-in commands, you could accomplish essentially the same thing using the following code:

| head 100000 
| eval r=random()/2147483647*100000 
| bucket r 
| chart count by r 

That was a very quick overview of commands, using fun demonstration commands to illustrate the plumbing required to execute your code. A number of samples ship with Splunk in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/bin.