How permissions affect navigation

To see a visible instance of permissions in action, let's look at our navigation.

In our application, Implementing Splunk App One, our navigation looks like this:

If you recall the navigation XML we built earlier, this menu is controlled by the following XML:

<collection label="Views"> 
<view source="unclassified" /> 

There is no mention of any of these dashboards. This is where they are coming from:

If the permissions of a dashboard or search are set to Private, a green dot appears next to the name in the navigation.

Dashboards or searches shared from other apps can also be referenced by name.

For example, most apps, including ours, will include a link to flashtimeline, which appears as Search, the label in that dashboard's XML:

<view name="flashtimeline" /> 

This allows us to use this dashboard in the context of our app so that all the other objects that are scoped solely to our app will be available.