Event renderers give you the ability to make a specific template for a specific event type. To read more about creating event types, see Chapter 7, Extending Search.
Event renderers use mako templates (http://www.makotemplates.org/).
An event renderer comprises the following:
- A template stored at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/[yourapp]/appserver/event_renderers/[template].html
- A configuration entry in event_renderers.conf
- An optional event type definition in eventtypes.conf
- Optional CSS classes in application.css
Let's create a few small examples. All the files referenced are included in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/ImplementingSplunkExtendingExamples. These examples are not shared outside this app, so, to see them in action, you will need to search from inside this app. Do this by pointing your browser at http://[yourserver]/app/ImplementingSplunkExtendingExamples/flashtimeline.