It’s been a long journey getting this book published, but no adventurer campaigns alone. We are so thankful to the many talented people who have been with us through this process, and who made the book better—and possible!—with their contributions.
First, thanks to David Levithan, without whom we simply would not be where we are today. David, we are forever grateful for your guidance, encouragement, and friendship—and, of course, for the writing retreats. You are an exemplary guildmaster!
We’d like to thank our agents—Ammi-Joan Paquette for Zack, and Josh and Tracey Adams for Nick—for sticking with us over the years. It took a while for this to happen, and without your unwavering faith, it might not have ever come together. We’re both so appreciative of your patience and enthusiasm.
Thank you to everyone at Disney-Hyperion who’s had a hand in making this gorgeous thing. Especially Kieran Viola, our whip-smart editor, who made the manuscript better every time she touched it—as if by magic! There’s no one else we’d rather have leading us on this quest. Designer Phil Caminiti, cover artist Manuel Sumberac, and map artist Virginia Allyn outfitted us expertly for a perilous marketplace. We could not be more in love with their brilliant visuals. And thanks to all the assistants, managing editors, copy editors, proofreaders, and production folks who work so hard behind the scenes; and to the rights, sales, marketing, and publicity teams who tirelessly endeavor to connect books with readers. We both work in publishing and understand that it takes a small army to get books out into the world. Thanks for sharing your creativity and your expertise with us.
We stuck this manuscript under the noses of nearly every friend we’ve ever made, at various stages in the writing process. Thank you to all our early readers for your feedback. Huge thanks to Rafi Mittlefehldt—who might have been our first fan, right when we needed one—and to Billy Merrell, Tony Sarkees, and our sensitivity reader, Preeti Chhibber. Thanks to Nick’s fabulous writing group: Laura and Michael Bisberg, Gavin Brown, Mallory Kass, Grace Kendall, Laura Jean Ridge, and honorary members Matt and Josie. Your joyous and insightful company made this process much less daunting and much more fun. (And the pizza didn’t hurt!) And thanks to Rosemary Brosnan and again to Grace, in another context; you made us feel special during a very scary moment. We’re still humbled by your enthusiasm.
Thanks to our Dungeons & Dragons group, who listened patiently every week as we blathered on about this book: Travis Berklund, Scott Blair, Eddie Doherty, Lee Edwards, and Teri Yoshiuchi.
Thank you to our parents and siblings: Melanie and Terry Clark, and Matthew Collin Clark for Zack; and Lou Eliopulos, Claudia French, Jason Eliopulos, and Lindsay Eliopulos for Nick. (Plus Katie and Kayla, Cole and Luke, Kathy, John, and Amma.) Thanks for believing in us, and for reading this, for cheering us on through the inevitable ups and downs that come with being alive. We are both very lucky to have such supportive families. This book is for you.
And finally, thank you, Andrew Harwell and Zack Lewis, for being our adventuring companions. This journey has been so much more fun with you in it.