This book would not have been possible without the help of the following people: Brenda Kimber, my editor at Transworld, who has been consistent with her support and encouragement since we first met, along with publicist Sally Wray and my agent, David Luxton, who introduced me to Brenda in the first place. Without copy editor Ailsa Bathgate’s attention to detail and inquisitive mind the finished version would not be as sharp as it needs to be.
I’d also like to thank others who have made vital contributions: Ged Rea for his knowledge and generosity; Ian Herbert for his guidance; Phil Dickinson, for being the best in the business at what he does; Jamie Carragher for vouching for me; Kevin Sampson for attempting to join the dots; James Corbett for his patience and understanding; and Mark Gilbertson for his friendship and his discretion. My dad Peter too – he’s been there from the very beginning.
Finally, there is my wife, Rosalind. I’d really like her to read one of my books some day.