Chapter 1
Jack Kipping was exhausted. He slouched in the passenger seat of his brother’s car as it zipped down the highway toward home.
“I shouldn’t have taken that swim this morning,” Jack said. “I’m wiped out.”
His older brother Paul smiled. “I told you,” he said. “You must have swum ten miles in the lake this weekend.”
Jack nodded and rubbed his sore shoulders.
Jack’s friends Nelson and Zeek lounged in the backseat. “Yeah, Jack,” Zeek said. “You better not have worn yourself out too much.”
“That’s right,” Nelson said. “We’ve got track tryouts this week.”
“I’ll be fine,” Jack said. “Don’t worry about me.”
They passed a sign that said “Now Leaving Ravens Pass.” The car jerked forward suddenly. Then it turned off and rolled to a stop.
“What was that?” Nelson asked. He leaned forward between the two front seats.
“I have no idea,” Paul said. He turned the key in the ignition, but nothing happened.
Jack pointed at the dashboard. “Um, you’re out of gas, you ninny,” he told Paul. “Don’t you know what ‘E’ means?”
“Oh, no. I thought we had plenty,” Paul said. He dropped his head back on the seat. “I can’t believe I did that!”
“I can,” Nelson said under his breath.
“Ha-ha,” Paul said. He took the keys out of the car. “I’ll walk back to that gas station we passed about a mile back.”
“Yeah, we’ll wait here,” Jack said. “I think I’ve had more than enough exercise for one weekend.”
“Agreed,” Zeek said.
“I’m taking my keys,” Paul said. “That means no radio, no lights. It’s going to be dark soon.”
“So walk fast,” Jack said. “We’ll be fine, anyway. It’s a full moon tonight. Should be nice and bright.”
Paul shook his head and got out of the car. Then he opened the trunk and got the gas can. Soon he was headed down the road toward the gas station.
After a minute, Nelson flicked Jack in the ear. “Hey, what was that for?” Jack asked.
Nelson shrugged and said, “I don’t know. I’m bored.”