charm (CHARM)—a small ornament worn on a necklace or bracelet

exhausted (eg-ZAWST-id)—very tired

exposed (ek-SPOHZD)—revealed the truth

fidgeted (FIJ-it-id)—made small quick movements

figure (FIG-yur)—a shape or an outline

guardrail (GARD-rayl)—a rail that prevents people from falling off or being hit by something

ignition (ig-NISH-uhn)—the electrical system of a vehicle that uses power from the battery to start the engine

overpass (OH-vur-pass)—a road or bridge that crosses over another road or a railroad

superstitious (soo-pur-STI-shuhss)—having beliefs about good and bad luck affecting yourself

suspects (suh-SPEKTS)—guesses or supposes

terrorize (TER-uh-rize)—frighten

torrent (TOR-ruhnt)—a violent, fast stream of water

werewolf (WAIR-wulf)—a mythical human who turns into a wolf during the full moon