Q: I've been saying for years, sir, that our special equipment is obsolete. And now, computer analysis reveals an entirely new approach: miniaturization.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
James Bond is not a pedestrian. He cruises in a submarine car, he straps on a rocket belt, and oh, how he skis, how he skis! He always has the latest stuff and he is never afraid to put a dent in it, much to the dismay of Q, the engineer.
As software developers in the 2010s, we are witnessing an explosion in the adoption of new platforms. Under one family's roof, we might find a mix of Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices. Mom and Dad's workplaces provide different platforms. The kids have three game consoles or five if you count the mobile versions. The toddler has a LeapFrog learning tablet. Smart glasses are becoming more affordable.
We must not be afraid to try new platforms and consider new ways to combine them. After all, most users do.
This book embraces multi-platform development. It presents weird and wonderful applications that we can deploy in unexpected places. It uses several of the computer's senses, but especially uses computer vision to breathe new life into the humdrum, heterogeneous clutter of devices that surround us.
Before Agent 007 runs amok with the gadgets, he is obligated to listen to Q's briefing. This chapter performs Q's role. This is the setup chapter.
By the end of this chapter, you will obtain all the tools to develop OpenCV applications in C++ or Python for Windows, Mac, or Linux, and in C++ or Java for Android. You will also be the proud new user of a Raspberry Pi single-board computer (this additional hardware is optional). You will even know a bit about Unity, a game engine into which we can integrate OpenCV.
If you find yourself a bit daunted by the extent of this setup chapter, be reassured that not all of the tools are required and no single project uses all of them in combination. Although Q and I live for the big event of setting up multiple technologies at once, you could just skim this chapter and refer back to it later when the tools become useful, one by one, in our projects.
Where basic OpenCV setup and reference materials are concerned, this chapter includes excerpts from my introductory books, OpenCV Computer Vision with Python and Android Application Programming with OpenCV, published by Packt Publishing. All contents are retested, updated, and expanded to cover newer OpenCV versions and additional operating systems. Also, there are all new sections on the optional hardware and game engine used in this book.
We can develop our OpenCV applications on a desktop, a notebook, or even the humble Raspberry Pi (covered later in the Setting up a Raspberry Pi section). Most of our apps have a memory footprint of less than 128 MB, so they can still run (albeit slowly) on old or low-powered machines. To save time, develop on your fastest machine first and test on slower machines later.
This book assumes that you have one of the following operating systems on your development machine:
Other Unix-like systems can also work but they are not covered in this book.
You should have a USB webcam and any necessary drivers. Most webcams come with instructions for installing drivers on Windows and Mac. Linux distributions typically include the USB Video Class (UVC) Linux driver, which supports many webcams, listed at http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/#devices.
We are going to set up the following components:
Let's break this setup down into three sets of platform-dependent steps, plus a set of platform-independent steps for TADP, and another set of platform-independent steps for Unity.
On Windows, we have the option of setting up a 32-bit development environment (to make apps that are compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows) or a 64-bit development environment (to make optimized apps that are compatible with 64-bit Windows only). Recent versions of OpenCV are available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
We also have a choice of either using binary installers or compiling OpenCV from source. For our Windows apps in this book, the binary installers provide everything we need. However, we will also discuss the option of compiling from source because it enables us to configure additional features, such as support for Kinect and Asus depth cameras, which might be relevant to your future work or to our projects in other books.
Regardless of our approach to obtain OpenCV, we need a general-purpose C++ development environment and a general-purpose Python 2.7 development environment. We will set up these environments using binary installers.
As our C++ development environment, we will use Visual Studio 2010 or a later version. Use any installation media you might have purchased, or go to the downloads page at http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx. Download and run the installer for one of the following:
If the installer lists optional C++ components, we should opt to install them all. After the installer runs till completion, reboot.
If we plan to compile OpenCV from source (as described in the OpenCV on Windows with CMake and Compilers section), I recommend you use Visual Studio 2010 (and not any later version). At the time of writing, OpenCV and some of its optional dependencies do not compile easily with Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013.
Installers for Python 2.7 are available at http://www.python.org/getit/. Download and run the latest revision of Python 2.7 in either the 32-bit variant or the 64-bit variant.
To make Python scripts run using our new Python 2.7 installation by default, let's edit the system's Path
variable and append ;C:\Python2.7
(assuming Python 2.7 is installed in the default location). Remove any previous Python paths, such as ;C:\Python2.6
. Log out and log back in (or reboot).
Let's assume that we also want to use binary installers for NumPy, SciPy, and wxPython. Download and run the installers for the latest stable library versions that target Python 2.7. We can find these installers at the following locations:
Requests does not have a binary installer but we can download the latest source bundle from https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/archive/master.zip. Unzip it to any destination, which we will refer to as <unzip_destination>
. Open Command Prompt and run the following commands:
> cd <unzip_destination> > python setup.py install
Next, we can put PyInstaller in any convenient location, since it is treated as a set of tools rather than a library. Let's download the latest release version from http://www.pyinstaller.org/ and unzip it to C:\PyInstaller
or any another location of your choice.
Now, we are ready to set up OpenCV and, optionally, other computer vision libraries.
Download OpenCV as a self-extracting ZIP file from http://opencv.org/downloads.html. Choose the latest version, which should contain both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. Double-click on the self-extracting ZIP file and, when prompted, enter any destination folder, which we will refer to as <unzip_destination>
. A subfolder named <opencv_unzip_destination>\opencv
is created.
Copy <opencv_unzip_destination>\opencv\build\python\2.7\x86\cv2.pyd
(32-bit) or <opencv_unzip_destination>\opencv\build\python\2.7\x64\cv2.pyd
(64-bit) to C:\Python2.7\Lib\site-packages
(assuming Python 2.7 is installed to the default location). Now, Python 2.7 can find OpenCV.
You might want to look at the code samples in <unzip_destination>/opencv/samples
At this point, we have everything we need to develop OpenCV applications for Windows. To also develop the same for Android, we need to set up TADP as described in the section Tegra Android Development Pack, later in this chapter.
OpenCV uses a set of build tools called CMake, which we must install. Optionally, we can install several third-party libraries in order to enable extra features in OpenCV. These libraries include OpenNI (for depth camera support), SensorKinect (to add Kinect support to OpenNI), and TBB (for Intel multiprocessing). After installing third-party libraries, we will configure and build OpenCV. Last, we will ensure that our C++ and Python environments can find our build of OpenCV.
The binary installers for OpenCV do provide TBB support but do not provide OpenNI or SensorKinect support. Thus, for depth camera support on Windows, it is necessary to compile OpenCV from source. Although we do not use depth cameras in this book, we have used them in OpenCV Computer Vision with Python and you might want to use them in your future projects.
Here are the detailed steps to build OpenCV on Windows:
, select either Add CMake to the system PATH for all users or Add CMake to the system PATH for current user.<opencv_unzip_destination>
. A subfolder named <opencv_unzip_destination>\opencv
is created.<tbb_unzip_destination>
> mkdir <build_folder>
Change the directory to the newly created build folder:
> cd <build_folder>
. However, as an example, we will just use the options for a release build that includes Python bindings, depth camera support via OpenNI and SensorKinect, and multiprocessing via TBB.To create a 32-bit project for Visual Studio 2010, run the following command (but replace the angle brackets and their contents with the actual paths):
> cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D WITH_OPENNI=ON -D OPENNI_LIB_DIR="<openni_install_destination>\Lib" -D OPENNI_INCLUDE_DIR="<openni_install_destination>\Include" -D OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE_BIN_DIR="<sensorkinect_install_destination>\Bin" -D WITH_TBB=ON -D TBB_LIB_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\lib\ia32\vc10" -D TBB_INCLUDE_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\include" -G "Visual Studio 10" "<opencv_unzip_destination>\opencv\sources"
Alternatively, to create a 64-bit project for Visual Studio 2010, run the following command (but replace the angle brackets and their contents with the actual paths):
> cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D WITH_OPENNI=ON -D OPENNI_LIB_DIR="<openni_install_destination>\Lib" -D OPENNI_INCLUDE_DIR="<openni_install_destination>\Include" -D OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE_BIN_DIR="<sensorkinect_install_destination>\Bin" -D WITH_TBB=ON -D TBB_LIB_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\lib\intel64\vc10" -D TBB_INCLUDE_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\include" -G "Visual Studio 10 Win64" "<opencv_unzip_destination>\opencv\sources"
If OpenNI is not installed, omit -D WITH_OPENNI=ON -D OPENNI_LIB_DIR="<openni_install_destination>\Lib" -D OPENNI_INCLUDE_DIR="<openni_install_destination>\Include" -D OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE_BIN_DIR="<sensorkinect_install_destination>\Bin"
. (In this case, depth cameras will not be supported.)
If OpenNI is installed but SensorKinect is not, omit -D OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE_BIN_DIR="<sensorkinect_install_destination>\Bin"
. (In this case, Kinect will not be supported.)
If TBB is not installed, omit -D WITH_TBB=ON -D TBB_LIB_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\lib\ia32\vc10" -D TBB_INCLUDE_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\include"
(32-bit) or -D WITH_TBB=ON -D TBB_LIB_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\lib\intel64\vc10" -D TBB_INCLUDE_DIR="<tbb_unzip_destination>\include"
(64-bit). (In this case, Intel multiprocessing will not be supported.)
CMake will produce a report on the dependencies that it did or did not find. OpenCV has many optional dependencies, so do not panic (yet) about missing dependencies. However, if the build does not finish successfully, try installing missing dependencies (many are available as prebuilt binaries). Then, repeat this step.
in Visual Studio. Select Release configuration and build the project (you might get errors if you select another build configuration besides Release.)<build_folder>\lib\RELEASE\cv2.pyd
to C:\Python2.7\Lib\site-packages
(assuming that Python 2.7 is installed in the default location). Now, the Python installation can find part of OpenCV.Path
variable and append ;<build_folder>\bin\RELEASE
. If we are using TBB, also append ;<tbb_unzip_destination>\lib\ia32\vc10
(32-bit) or ;<tbb_unzip_destination>\lib\intel64\vc10
(64-bit). Log out and log back in (or reboot).You might want to look at the code samples in <unzip_destination>/opencv/samples
At this point, we have everything we need to develop OpenCV applications for Windows. To also develop the same for Android, we need to set up TADP as described in the section Tegra Android Development Pack, covered later in this chapter.
Let's begin by setting up Xcode and the Xcode Command Line Tools, which give us a complete C++ development environment:
$ xcode-select install
Next, we need a Python 2.7 development environment. Recent versions of Mac come with Python 2.7 preinstalled. However, the preinstalled Python is customized by Apple for the system's internal needs. Normally, we should not install any libraries atop Apple's Python. If we do, our libraries might break during system updates or worse, might conflict with preinstalled libraries that the system requires. Instead, we should install standard Python 2.7 and then install our libraries atop it.
For Mac, there are several possible approaches to obtain standard Python 2.7 and Python-compatible libraries such as OpenCV. All approaches ultimately require OpenCV to be compiled from source using Xcode Command Line Tools. However, depending on the approach, this task is automated for us by third-party tools in various ways. We will look at approaches using MacPorts or Homebrew. These two tools are package managers, which help us resolve dependencies and separate our development libraries from the system libraries.
I recommend MacPorts. Compared to Homebrew, MacPorts offers more patches and configuration options for OpenCV. Also, I maintain a MacPorts repository to ensure that you can get continue to get an OpenCV build that is compatible with all of my books. Particularly, my version includes support for depth cameras such as Kinect, which were used in OpenCV Computer Vision with Python.
Normally, MacPorts and Homebrew should not be installed on the same machine.
Regardless of the approach to set up our Python environment, we can put PyInstaller in any convenient location, since it is treated as a set of tools rather than a library. Let's download the latest release version from http://www.pyinstaller.org/ and unzip it to ~/PyInstaller
or another location of your choice.
Our installation methods for Mac do not give us the OpenCV sample projects. To get these, download the latest source code archive from http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-unix/ and unzip it to any location. Find the samples in <opencv_unzip_destination>/samples
Now, depending on your preference, let's proceed to either the Mac with MacPorts section or the Mac with Homebrew section.
MacPorts provides Terminal commands that automate the process of downloading, compiling, and installing various pieces of open source software (OSS). MacPorts also installs dependencies as needed. For each piece of software, the dependencies and build recipe are defined in a configuration file called a Portfile. A MacPorts repository is a collection of Portfiles.
Starting from a system where Xcode and its Command Line Tools are already set up, the following steps will give us an OpenCV installation via MacPorts:
(assuming MacPorts is installed in the default location). Just above the line rsync://rsync.macports.org/ release/ports/ [default]
, add the following line:
Downloading the example code
You can download the example code fies from your account at http://www.packtpub.com for all the Packt Publishing books you have purchased. If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit http://www.packtpub.com/support and register to have the fies e-mailed directly to you. The latest and updated example code for this book is also available from the author's website at http://nummist.com/opencv/.
Save the file. Now, MacPorts knows to search for Portfiles in my online repository first and then the default online repository.
$ sudo port selfupdate
When prompted, enter your password.
$ sudo port install opencv +python27 +tbb +openni_sensorkinect
Alternatively (with or without my repository), run the following command to install OpenCV with Python 2.7 bindings, plus extras such as support for Intel TBB multiprocessing and support for depth cameras excluding Kinect:
$ sudo port install opencv +python27 +tbb +openni
Dependencies, including Python 2.7, NumPy, OpenNI, and (in the first example) SensorKinect, are automatically installed as well.
By adding +python27
to the command, we are specifying that we want the OpenCV variant (build configuration) with Python 2.7 bindings. Similarly, +tbb
specifies the variant with support for Intel TBB multiprocessing, which can greatly improve the performance on compatible hardware. The +openni_sensorkinect
tag specifies the variant with the broadest possible support for depth cameras via OpenNI and SensorKinect. You can omit +openni_sensorkinect
if you do not intend to use depth cameras or you can replace it with +openni
if you do intend to use OpenNI-compatible depth cameras but just not Kinect. To see the full list of available variants before installing, we can enter:
$ port variants opencv
Depending on our customization needs, we can add other variants to the install command.
$ sudo port install py27-scipy $ sudo port install py27-requests $ sudo port install py27-wxpython-3.0
. If we want to link the default python executable to python2.7, let's also run:$ sudo port install python_select $ sudo port select python python27
Now we have everything we need to develop OpenCV applications for Mac. To also develop the same for Android, we need to set up TADP as described in the section Tegra Android Development Pack, covered later in this chapter.
Like MacPorts, Homebrew is a package manager that provides Terminal commands to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and installing various pieces of open source software.
Starting from a system where Xcode and its Command Line Tools are already set up, the following steps will give us an OpenCV installation via Homebrew:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkLraw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
. To do so, create or edit the file ~/.profile
and add this line at the top:export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
Save the file and run this command to refresh PATH
$ source ~/.profile
Note that executables installed by Homebrew now take precedence over executables installed by the system.
$ brew doctor
Follow any troubleshooting advice it gives.
$ brew update
$ brew install python
$ pip install numpy
$ brew install gfortran
Now, we can install SciPy:
$ pip install scipy
$ pip install requests wxpython
. Run the following commands:$ brew tap homebrew/science $ brew install opencv
file to add the following line:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
Now we have everything we need to develop OpenCV applications for Mac. To also develop the same for Android, we need to set up TADP as described in the section Tegra Android Development Pack, later in this chapter.
On Raspbian, Ubuntu 13.04 and its later versions, and Ubuntu derivatives such as Linux Mint 15 and its later versions, a recent version of OpenCV is available in the standard repository. This OpenCV package includes support for many video codes and for Intel TBB multiprocessing, but it does not include support for depth cameras (as used in my other book, OpenCV Computer Vision with Python). To install OpenCV and SciPy, open Terminal and run the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install python-opencv $ sudo apt-get install python-scipy
On other systems, the standard repository contains OpenCV 2.3.1 but this version is old (from 2011) and lacks some of the functionality used in this book. Thus, we want to compile a newer version of OpenCV from source. Compiling from source is likewise a requirement if we want support for Asus and Kinect depth cameras. Because the dependencies are complex, I have written a script that downloads, configures, and builds OpenCV and related libraries. Here are the steps to obtain and use the script, and then install a few additional elements of our Python environment:
and replace WITH_QT=0
with WITH_QT=1
. Save and close the file.<script_folder>
$ cd <script_folder>
Set the script's permissions so that it is executable:
$ chmod +x install_opencv_debian_wheezy.sh
Execute the script:
$ ./install_opencv_debian_wheezy.sh
When prompted, enter your password.
that contains downloads and built files that are temporarily used in the installation process. Once the script terminates, <script_folder>/opencv
can safely be deleted; although first, you might want to look at the code samples in <script_folder>/opencv/samples
.$ sudo apt-get install python-requests $ sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8
or another location of your choice.If the script ran successfully, we now have a recent version of OpenCV configured to support C++, Python 2.7, and (on compatible systems) several extras such as video codecs, support for Intel TBB multiprocessing, and support for Kinect and Asus depth cameras. Not all the extras are relevant to our current projects but they might be useful in your future work.
Now we have everything we need to develop OpenCV applications for Debian Wheezy or a derivative. To also develop the same for Android, we need to set up TADP as described in the section Tegra Android Development Pack, later in this chapter.
Recent versions of OpenCV, SciPy, Requests, and wxPython are in the standard repository. To install them, open Terminal and run the following commands:
$ sudo yum install opencv-python $ sudo yum install scipy $ sudo yum install python-requests $ sudo yum install wxPython
Download the latest release version of PyInstaller from http://www.pyinstaller.org/ and unzip it to ~/PyInstaller
or another location of your choice.
As an alternative to using the packaged build of OpenCV, the following official tutorial provides instructions to install OpenCV's dependencies and compile it from source: http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/py_tutorials/py_setup/py_setup_in_fedora/py_setup_in_fedora.html.
For optional dependencies and additional compilation options, including depth camera support, refer to my Debian-compatible build script as a starting point: http://nummist.com/opencv/install_opencv_debian_wheezy.sh.
Now we have everything we need to develop OpenCV applications for Fedora or a derivative. To also develop the same for Android, we need to set up TADP as described in the section Tegra Android Development Pack, later in the chapter.
Recent versions of OpenCV, SciPy, Requests, and wxPython are in the standard repository. To install them, open Terminal and run the following commands:
$ sudo yum install python-opencv $ sudo yum install python-scipy $ sudo yum install python-requests $ sudo yum install python-wxWidgets
Download the latest release version of PyInstaller from http://www.pyinstaller.org/ and unzip it to ~/PyInstaller
or another location of your choice.
As an alternative to using the packaged build of OpenCV, the steps to install OpenCV from source should be similar to the steps on Fedora, though dependencies' package names might differ.
Next, we need to follow the cross-platform steps to set up an Android development environment.
Tegra Android Development Pack (TADP) contains a complete, preconfigured development environment for Android, OpenCV, and some other libraries. TADP builds apps that are optimized for NVIDIA's Tegra processors. Despite being optimized for Tegra, the apps are compatible with other hardware too.
TADP's OpenCV is a third-party build of OpenCV. OpenCV's standard Android build does not offer the optimizations that are present in TADP. Moreover, TADP includes all components of an Android development environment and its setup process is simple. For these reasons, I recommend TADP.
TADP also contains some extras that we do not require for this book. For a complete list of TADP's contents, refer to the official description at https://developer.nvidia.com/tegra-android-development-pack.
To set up TADP, we just need to download and install it from a secure section of NVIDIA's website. Here are the required steps:
TADP's Ubuntu installer depends on a more recent version of libc (the GNU C Library) than the version available in standard Debian Wheezy. However, on a Debian Wheezy system, we can upgrade libc to a newer version available in Debian Sid (Debian's unstable version) without upgrading the whole system to Debian Sid. Then, our Debian system will be compatible with the TADP Ubuntu installer.
Upgrading libc worked for me but it has the potential to break a lot of things. You do it at your own risk. The steps are as follows:
With root privileges, edit /etc/apt/sources.list
. Add this line to the file:
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian sid main
Save the file.
Run the following commands in Terminal:
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get -t sid install libc6 libc6-dev libc6-dbg
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
again to remove the line that we added. This way, we cannot accidentally upgrade anything else to Debian Sid. Save the file.
Now, proceed with running the TADP installer.
. By default, <tadp>
(in Windows) or ~/NVPACK
( in Mac and Linux).That's all! Before proceeding, let's just take a note of the locations where TADP has installed certain components. For TADP 3.0r4 (the latest version at the time of writing), the locations are as follows:
(in Windows), <tadp>/android-sdk-macosx
(in Mac), or <tadp>/android-sdk-linux
(in Linux). We will refer to this location as <android_sdk>
. We will refer to this location as <android_ndk>
. We will refer to this location as <opencv>
. We will refer to this location as <eclipse>
.The TADP installer automatically edits the system's PATH
to include <android_sdk>/platform-tools
and <android_sdk>/ tools
. Also, it creates an environment variable called NDKROOT
, whose value is <android_ndk>
By building and running a few sample applications, we can test our OpenCV installation. At the same time, we can practice using Eclipse.
Let's start by launching Eclipse. The Eclipse launcher should be located at <eclipse>/eclipse.exe
(in Windows), <eclipse>/Eclipse.app
(in Mac), or <eclipse>/eclipse
(in Linux). Run it.
As shown in the following screenshot, we should see a window called Workspace Launcher, which asks us to select a workspace:
A workspace is the root directory for a set of related Eclipse projects. Enter <tadp>/nvsample_workspace
, which is a workspace where the OpenCV library, samples, and tutorials are already set up as projects.
If the Welcome to Eclipse screen appears, click on the Workbench button.
Now, we should see a window with several panels, including Package Explorer. The OpenCV library, samples, and tutorials should be listed in Package Explorer. We might need to fix some configuration issues in these projects. Our development environment can have different paths and different versions of the Android SDK, than the ones in the sample's default configuration. Any resulting errors are reported in the Problems tab as shown in the following screenshot:
The following are some of the common configuration problems and their symptoms and solutions:
and android
packages fail, and there are error messages such as The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. The solution is to right-click on the project in Package Explorer, select Properties from the context menu, select the Android section, and checkmark one of the available Android versions. These steps should be repeated for all projects. At compile time, OpenCV and its samples must target Android 3.0 (API level 11) or greater, though at runtime they also support Android 2.2 (API level 8) or greater..cmd
extension. These steps should be repeated for all the native (C++) projects, which include OpenCV Sample - face-detection and OpenCV Tutorial 2 - Mixed Processing as shown in the following screenshot:Once the OpenCV projects no longer show any errors, we can prepare to test them on an Android device. Remember that the device must have Android 2.2 (Froyo) or a later version, and a camera. For Eclipse to communicate with the device, we must enable the device's USB debugging option with the help of the following steps:
If you do not have the Play Store app on your device, then you need to install OpenCV Manager and certain OpenCV libraries via USB as per the instructions at http://docs.opencv.org/android/service/doc/UseCases.html.
Now, we must prepare our main computer for communication with the Android device. The required steps vary depending on our operating system:
. To create the permissions file, open a command prompt application (such as Terminal) and run the following commands:$ cd /etc/udev/rules.d/ $ sudo touch 51-android.rules $ sudo chmod a+r 51-android-rules
Note that the permissions file needs to have root ownership, so we will use sudo
while creating or modifying it. Now, open the file in an editor such as gedit
$ sudo gedit 51-android-rules
For each vendor, append a new line to the file. Each of these lines should have the following format:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="<vendor_id>", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
Save the permissions file and quit the editor.
Plug the Android device into your computer's USB port. In Eclipse, select one of the OpenCV sample projects in Package Explorer. Then, from the menu system, navigate to Run | Run As... | Android Application:
An Android Device Chooser window should appear. Your Android device should be listed under Choose a running Android device. (If the device is not listed, try unplugging it and plugging it back in. If that does not work, also try disabling and re-enabling the device's USB debugging option, as described earlier.)
Select the device and click on OK.
If the Auto Monitor Logcat window appears, select the Yes radio button and the verbose drop-down option and click on OK. This option ensures that all the log output from the application will be visible in Eclipse.
On the Android device, you might get a message, OpenCV library package was not found! Try to install it?. Make sure that the device is connected to the Internet and then click on the Yes button on your device. The Play Store will open to show an OpenCV package. Install the package and then press the physical back button to return to the sample application, which should be ready for use.
For OpenCV, the samples and tutorials have the following functionality:
Try these applications on your Android device! While an application is running, its log output should appear in the LogCat tab in Eclipse as shown in the following screenshot:
Feel free to browse the project's source code via Package Explorer to see how it was made. Alternatively, you might want to return to the official samples and tutorials later, after we have built our own projects over the course of this book.
Unity is a 3D game engine that supports development on Windows or Mac and deployment to many platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, a web browser plugin, and several game consoles. For one of our projects, we will use an OpenCV plugin for Unity.
Unity comes in two editions, Standard and Pro, which both support the plugin that we want to use. The Standard edition is free. The Pro edition has a free 30-day trial; otherwise, its price starts from $75 a month or a one-time payment of $1,500. If you do not already have a Unity Pro license, wait until you are ready to start working on our Unity project (which comes late in the book) in case you want to try out some Pro-only functionality at the same time. Once you are ready, download and install the trial from http://unity3d.com/unity/download.
Even before installing Unity, we can get inspiration from the playable demos at https://unity3d.com/gallery/demos/live-demos. Most of these demos are web-based. You will be prompted to download and install the free Unity Web Player when you navigate to one of the web-based games.
After installing Unity, we can learn from other demo projects that include complete source code and art assets. They can be downloaded and opened from https://unity3d.com/gallery/demos/demo-projects. Also check out the tutorials, videos, and documentation at https://unity3d.com/learn.
As you can see, there are a lot of official resources for Unity beginners, so I will let you explore these on your own for now.