Acquiring images from Bing image search

Microsoft's search engine, Bing, has an API that enables us to send queries and receive results in our own application. For a certain number of queries (currently, 5,000 per month), Bing Search API is free to use. However, we must register for it by taking the following steps:

  1. Go to and log in. You will need to create a Microsoft account if you do not already have one.
  2. Enter Bing Search API in the Search the Marketplace field. A list of results should appear. Click on the link for Bing Search API (not any variant such as Bing Search API – Web Results Only).
  3. Next to the $0.00 per month option, click on the SIGN UP button. Alternatively, if you plan to use Luxocator obsessively, to the exclusion of normal activities, sign up for one of the paid options that allows more than 5,000 queries per month.
  4. Click on the My Account tab. You should see a list of Account Information, including a Primary Account Key, which is a 43-character string. Copy this string to the clipboard. We will need to use it in our code to associate our Bing session with our Microsoft account.

Bing Search API has a third-party Python wrapper called pyBingSearchAPI. Download a ZIP archive of this wrapper from Unzip it to our project folder. A script,, should now be located alongside our other scripts.

To build atop pyBingSearchAPI, we want a high-level interface to submit a query string and navigate through a resulting list of images, which should be in an OpenCV-compatible format. We will make a class, ImageSearchSession, offering such an interface. First, let's create a file,, and add the following import statements at the start of the file:

import bing_search_api
import numpy
import cv2
import pprint

import RequestsUtils

Note that we are using OpenCV, as well as pyBingSearchAPI, pretty-print (to log JSON results from the search), and our networking utility functions.

ImageSearchSession has member variables that store our Bing session (initialized using the Primary Account Key that we had copied from Azure Marketplace), the current query, metadata about the current image results, and metadata that helps us navigate to the previous and next results. We can initialize these variables as seen in the following code:

class ImageSearchSession(object):

  def __init__(self):
    # Replace the x's with the Primary Account Key of your
    # Microsoft Account.
    bingKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

    self.verbose = False

    self._bing = bing_search_api.BingSearchAPI(bingKey)
    self._query = ''
    self._results = []
    self._offset = 0
    self._numResultsRequested = 0
    self._numResultsReceived = 0
    self._numResultsAvailable = 0

We will provide getters for many of the member variables, as follows:

  def query(self):
    return self._query

  def offset(self):
    return self._offset

  def numResultsRequested(self):
    return self._numResultsRequested

  def numResultsReceived(self):
    return self._numResultsReceived

  def numResultsAvailable(self):
    return self._numResultsAvailable

Given these variables, we can navigate through a large set of results by fetching only a few results at a time, that is, by looking at a window into the results. We can move our window to earlier or later results, as needed, by simply adjusting the offset by the number of requested results and clamping the offset to the valid range. Here are the implementations of searchPrev and searchNext methods, which rely on a more general search method that we will implement afterwards:

  def searchPrev(self):
    if self._offset == 0:
    offset = max(0, self._offset - self._numResultsRequested), self._numResultsRequested,
  def searchNext(self):
    if self._offset + self._numResultsRequested >= \
    offset = self._offset + self._numResultsRequested, self._numResultsRequested,

The more general-purpose search method accepts a query string, a maximum number of results, and an offset relative to the first available result. We will store these arguments in member variables for reuse in the searchPrev and searchNext methods. Here is the first part of this method's implementation:

  def search(self, query, numResultsRequested=20, offset=0):

    self._query = query
    self._numResultsRequested = numResultsRequested
    self._offset = offset

Then, we set up our search parameters, specifying that the results should be in the JSON format and should include color photos only:

    params = {
      'ImageFilters': '"color:color+style:photo"',
      '$format': 'json',
      '$top': numResultsRequested,
      '$skip': offset

We will request the results and parse the response to get the portion of the JSON related to image metadata, which we will store for use in other methods:

    response ='image', query, params)
    if not RequestsUtils.validateResponse(response):
      self._offset = 0
      self._numResultsReceived = 0

    # In some versions, requests.Response.json is a dict.
    # In other versions, it is a method returning a dict.
    # Get the dict in either case.
    json = response.json
    if (hasattr(json, '__call__')):
      json = json()

    metaResults = json[u'd'][u'results'][0]
    if self.verbose:
      print \
        'Got results of Bing image search for "%s":' % \

    self._results = metaResults[u'Image']

We will also parse and store metadata of the actual offset, actual number of results received, and number of results available:

    self._offset = int(metaResults[u'ImageOffset'])
    self._numResultsReceived = len(self._results)
    self._numResultsAvailable = \

Although the search method fetches a textual description of results, including image URLs, it does not actually fetch any full-sized images. This is good because the full-sized images might be large and we do not need them all at once. Instead, we will provide another method, getCvImageAndUrl, to retrieve the image and image URL that have a specified index in the current results. The index is given as an argument. As an optional second argument, this method accepts a Boolean value that indicates whether a thumbnail should be used instead of the full-sized image. Thumbnails are included directly in the query results, so retrieval is very quick in this case. Full-sized images must be downloaded, so we use cvImageFromUrl to fetch and convert them. This implementation is done in the following code:

   def getCvImageAndUrl(self, index, useThumbnail = False):
    if index >= self._numResultsReceived:
      return None, None
    result = self._results[index]
    url = result[u'MediaUrl']
    if useThumbnail:
      result = result[u'Thumbnail'], url
    return RequestsUtils.cvImageFromUrl(url), url

The caller of getCvImageAndUrl is responsible for dealing gracefully with the image downloads that are slow or that fail. Remember that our cvImageFromUrl function just logs an error and returns None if the download fails.

To test ImageSearchSession, let's write a main function that instantiates the class, sets verbose to True, searches for 'luxury condo sales', and writes the first resulting image to disk as shown in the following implementation:

def main():
  session = ImageSearchSession()
  session.verbose = True'luxury condo sales')
  image, url = session.getCvImageAndUrl(0)
  cv2.imwrite('image.png', image)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now that we have a classifier and a search session, we are almost ready to proceed to the frontend of the Luxocator. We just need a few more utility functions to help us prepare data and images to bundle and display them.