
Once again, the list of people to thank is a long one. Thank you to all of the wonderful radio producers and presenters I’ve worked with, including James Valentine, Richard Fidler, Annie Gaston, Kathie Bedford, Ingrid Just, Louise Saunders, Carol Whitelock, Genevieve Jacobs, Kirsten March and Glenn Barndon from the ABC; George and Paul from 2UE; and Graham Hill from Radio Live New Zealand. Thanks to the team at ABC Books including Jane Finemore, Karen Penning, Brigitta Doyle and too many others to list. A special thank you to all the people who send their questions to the magazines and newspapers I write for, or who call the radio stations for advice. Thanks to my partner in grime Jennifer Fleming, and my agent and friend Elizabeth Troyeur. Thank you to my friends Sanna Mrad and Ronnie Petersson, who always encourage my dreams. But most of all, thank you to my wonderful, crazy, talented and supportive family. A special thanks to my husband, Rick, and daughter, Erin.


I wrote this book under a layer of renovation dust – during breaks in writing, I sanded, painted and rued my decision to take on so much. Thanks to Shannon Lush for her continuing collaboration. Thanks to our agent, Elizabeth Troyeur, for her unfailing calm. Editor Megan Johnston performed another great job of mending, tidying and shaping the text. Karen Penning, Brigitta Doyle, Jane Finemore and Judi Rowe at ABC Books worked their special magic. And heartfelt and unending thanks go to my parents, John and Pat Fleming, who not only gave suggestions for the book but helped me renovate my home as well.
