It doesn’t matter how careful you are, at some stage you’ll have to deal with a stain. It could be soy sauce on your shirt, red wine on your carpet, pen marks on your couch, a scratch on your timber table, curry on your benchtop, a water stain in your toilet, bird droppings on your deck or grease on your driveway—the list of possible stains is almost endless. When we wrote Spotless, we didn’t include every stain imaginable because the book would have been too heavy to hold in one hand (while you cleaned with the other). Our aim was to give a general overview of common household stains with easy-to-follow instructions on how to fix them—all with a fun approach.
Spotless 2 contains hundreds of brand new stains, updates and revisions, as well as some Spotless classics. It includes reallife questions from people who’ve called ABC radio from all over Australia. Other questions have come through our ‘Stain Clinics’, our website and Shannon’s magazine and newspaper columns. There’s a whole chapter devoted to common clothing stains and an extended chapter on carpet stains. There’s even a chapter of cleaning formulas with a stain diagnosis guide to help you work out what is in the stain.
We hope Spotless 2 helps you solve more of your domestic disasters. Whatever you do, don’t stress about it. Stains happen! And so does stain removal.