We Meet Down at Mono Cove

Waves crash

sea spray


I come out

into sunshine

that almost hurts

my eyes.

We walk.

I talk.

Angel listens.

I tell her about that night.

“I don’t know why I did it.”

And I don’t, not for sure.

“Maybe I thought

the sound of breaking glass

would drown out

that word?”

She nods.

                    “Uncool,” she says.

                    “But I think I understand.”


          “You got freaked

          figuring out

          you’re genderqueer.”

And even though

Angel says it quiet

the new word

bounces off the bluff

soft round sound

for such sharp edges.


Queer as a three-dollar bill.

          Smear the queer.

I consider

in silence.


The way

she says it

doesn’t feel

like a put-down.

I slip it on over my head

stretch around

feel it on my skin

                                not male

          not female.

A gull wheels by,

swoops down,

pecks in the



It reminds me of

the grabby women

at the bra-and-panty table

in Girl World.

“I have no idea where I fit in.”

            She smiles. “You think

            you’re the only one?”

“I’m just not … flamboyant.”

            “Shit, it’s not about

            how you dress—it’s

            not even about your body parts.

            Uh-uh—it’s about your soul.”

Maybe, maybe not.

My voice

is small in my ears.

“I’ll feel like Freakboy

no matter where I go.”

She stops walking,

looks me in the eye.

          “Everyone feels like a freak

          until they make up their mind

          they’re not.”

It’s full confession time.

“I read about people who’ve known

forever they belong in a different body,

“but I’m not even always sure I’m trans.

“Sometimes, being a guy is … not horrible.”

My shrug tightens,

my shoulders go round.

“Sometimes, it hurts more than anything.”

A                  tortuous

back    and    forth.

“What’s it even mean

that I’m never sure

either way?”

And really.

How can

you ever

get a grip

on THAT?

            “Lord knows,

            we don’t need

            more labels,” she says.

But then

she gives me

two words

that push





puzzle together.