A List customers 87

see also Level One prospects

Aaker, David 133, 145

Aaker on Branding and Brand Portfolio Strategy (Aaker) 145

ABS 171

abstract names 140, 183, 185

Accenture 47, 153, 197

acronyms 185, 187

Addison Lee 138

Adidas 77, 200, 202

Adult Friends of Lego (AFOLs) 22122

advertising (adverts) 4547, 5253, 56, 58, 77, 81, 159, 173, 194, 229

Compare the Meerkat 140

advertising agencies (ad agencies) 6970, 131, 132

affluent convenience shoppers 11

agility 2223, 167, 215

Airbnb 96, 151, 230

Airbus 153

airline sector 3, 53, 160, 193

see also BA (British Airways); easyJet; Ryanair; Southwest Airlines; United Airlines

airports 47, 144, 162, 194, 197

Aldi 15051

Allen, Woody 225

Amazon 94, 9596, 102, 152, 155, 171, 176, 191, 218

brand building 38, 51

customer experience 52, 160, 16465

distinctiveness 14

internal culture 30

ratings 27

see also Bezos, Jeff

ambassadors 75, 213, 215, 222

American Apparel 110

American Express 161

anchoring 174

Andrex 192

apparel sector 143, 150, 166, 207

see also Adidas; clothing sector; Nike; Reebok

Apple 4, 29, 94, 152, 155, 157, 191

brand building 38, 5152

brand name 183, 184

brand purpose 221

business strategy 33, 138, 19596, 210

customer experience 15860, 162

distinctiveness (differentiation) 14, 72, 76, 77

employees 53, 209

iPhone 53, 17274

iTunes 53, 159

pricing 11

Siri 171

Apple stores 15960

Argos 102, 16566

Armani 202, 224

ASOS ( 39, 151

associative names 183, 18485

Audi 33, 138, 141

Austin Reed 2930

authenticity 78, 108, 111, 112, 116, 131, 229, 231

Brand Beckham 200, 201

Premier Inn 113, 212

automotive sector 10, 14, 73, 139, 170, 17172, 186

see also Audi; BMW; car manufacturing; Ducati; Ford; Harley Davidson; Honda; Lexus; Mercedes-Benz; Mini; Nissan; Rolls-Royce; SEAT; Skoda; Subaru; Tesla; Toyota; Volvo; VW (Volkswagen)

B List customers 87

see also Level Two prospects

BA (British Airways) 49, 183, 195

bad businesses 2734, 228

banking sector 3, 65, 166, 190, 194, 21819

see also First Direct; HSBC; Metro Bank

Barclays Bank 65, 194

BBC 198

Beckham (family) 200

Beckham, David 75, 199206, 233

Beckham, Victoria 200, 202, 203

Benz, Karl 73

Best, George 199

Bezos, Jeff 7, 52, 56, 96, 100, 10304, 229

BHS 29, 37

Billy bookcase 55

Bluetooth 171

BMW 10, 73, 138, 141, 157, 166, 187, 206

Body Shop, The 137

Boeing 153

BP 12, 1819, 21, 22, 66, 11415

brand, defined 12, 5, 8, 130, 148, 15153, 169

see also strong brands

brand agencies 13133

brand ambassadors 75, 213, 215, 222

brand architecture 133, 14142

brand battles 48, 151, 19194

Brand Beckham 199206

brand building 2, 9, 63, 140, 14445, 158, 172, 197, 202, 229

see also advertising agencies (ad agencies); brand experience (customer experience); differentiation (distinctiveness); global brands; technology

brand demand 10, 61, 6566, 126, 14849, 151, 152, 171, 219

brand development costs 63

brand DNA model 13335

brand economic value 5960, 6162, 20405, 229

brand equation 46

brand equity 8, 124

brand experience (customer experience) 14, 5156, 78, 80, 14345, 15768, 212, 232

brand financial value 5760, 61, 6268, 229

Brand It Like Beckham (Milligan) 200

Brand Key 132

brand loyalty 8, 11, 43, 65, 74, 21726, 233

see also loyalty loop model; loyalty programmes

brand management 142

brand name spectrum 183

brand names 7172, 132, 14041, 17988, 191, 233

brand naming process 18788

brand ownership 76, 99106

brand perception 53, 137, 150, 16768

brand personality 198

brand positioning 132, 134

brand preference 6465, 198

brand promises 135

brand proposition 134, 135

brand purpose 45, 78, 7980, 10717, 134, 212, 231

brand replacement costs 6364

brand space 7778

brand strength 6667, 73, 13839, 143

brand valuation 5768, 14243, 197, 229

brand values 134, 135

Brandfather (Murphy) 60

branding, defined 130

evolution of 23, 5

branding tools 12946, 23132

Branson, Richard 62, 164

breaches, rectification of 1725

‘bricking’ 22

Briers, Richard 194

British Airways (BA) 49, 183, 195

British Brands Group 193

British Telecom (BT) 206

Budweiser 48

Burberry 85, 12425, 148

business consultancy 110, 153

business structure 10102

see also bad businesses; organizational structure

business-to-business brands 8889, 93, 161, 19697

Buzz 196

C List customers 8788

Cadbury 3, 49

car manufacturing 175

see also automotive sector

Carroll, Dave 54

cash flow approach 6467

catalogues 5556

Cellnet 184

Chanel 64, 66

charity sector 197, 20304

Chesterfield cigarettes 199

chief executive officers (CEOs) 28, 42, 99, 100, 10204

see also Bezos, Jeff; Cook, Tim; Daft, Douglas; Gerstner, Louis; Goizueta, Roberto; Hayward, Tony; Jobs, Steve; Kalanick, Travis; Kelleher, Herb; Schultz, Howard; Watson, Thomas

cigarette market 67, 199

see also Marlboro

client development leaders 89

client visits 225

clothing sector 127, 143, 150, 202, 207

see also American Apparel; Armani; ASOS (; Austin Reed; Burberry; Farfetch; Gap; Levi’s;;; Nike; Patagonia; Primark; Reebok

CNN 198

Coca-Cola (Coke) 92, 93, 96, 138, 15455, 157, 17071, 189, 190, 191

brand value 63, 66, 143

business strategy 210

and competition 192

customer experience 160

differentiation 7576

internal culture 209

slogan 48

see also Daft, Douglas

coffee sector 5253, 139, 19293

Cohen, Jack 185

Colgate 46

colours 49, 72

commoditized products 12, 13, 149

see also petroleum sector

communities 12223, 124, 125, 127, 231

Compare the Market (Compare the Meerkat) 140, 151, 18283

competition 13738, 176, 19294

complaint handling 8586, 89, 121, 212, 230

Consignia 186

consistency 5456

consultancy 110, 153

consumer purchase decisions 47

context 139, 182

Cook, Tim 158

corporate brands 13031, 132, 153

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 10717, 212, 231

costs 6364

counterfeiting 8, 71 39

culture 18687

internal 3031, 78, 8081, 10405, 20716

customer base reviews 86

customer experience (brand experience) 14, 5156, 78, 80, 14345, 15768, 212, 232

customer insights 13637, 17576

customer priority lists 8689

customer segmentation 8486, 101

customer service 102, 105, 125, 162, 209, 21213, 215

customer testimonials 175

see also product reviews; ratings

customers 62, 8389, 100, 101, 10203, 106, 11112, 230

complaint handling 121, 212

see also communities; consumer purchase decisions; customer experience (brand experience); customer insights; customer service; customer testimonials

D List customers 88

Daft, Douglas 48

Dallas, Diamond 50

data analysis 137

Day 1 companies 10304

Day 2 companies 10304

Deepwater Horizon 1819, 114

Deliveroo 151

Dell 150, 160

Deloitte 11, 12021, 153

demand 10, 61, 6566, 126, 14849, 151, 152, 171, 219

demand generation 61

descriptive names 18284

Diageo 140, 185

‘Dieselgate’ 1921

differentiation (distinctiveness) 14, 3637, 46, 48, 4950, 6981, 12021, 17074, 193, 22930

digital brands 15152, 16466

see also Airbnb; Amazon; Apple; ASOS; Compare the Market (Compare the Meerkat); Facebook; Farfetch; Google; Microsoft; Netflix; PayPal; Uber; YouTube

digital economy 45

discounted earnings approach 6467

Disney 72, 92, 187, 190, 209

disruptors 3840

Dollar Shave Club 127, 16061

Don’t Mess with the Logo (Liddell) 6263

Dos Equis 11

drinks sector 48, 67, 99, 193

see also Budweiser; Coca-Cola (Coke); Guinness; Heineken; Pepsi; Red Bull; Stella Artois

Ducati 33

Duchy Organics 149

Duracell 11011

e-commerce 27, 29, 95, 166

see also Amazon; ASOS; eBay; online retail

Earth Hour 19798

easyJet 144

eBay 151

economic value 5960, 6162, 20405, 229

EE 196

Ehrenberg-Bass Institute 75

Einstein, Albert 68

email marketing 120, 124, 220, 222

emotions 7475, 154, 18586, 194

employees 56, 77, 8386, 10405, 109, 11112, 20716, 233

see also staff

energy market 19, 109, 114, 115, 139, 176, 198

see also utilities sector

engagement, employee 8384, 21316

Established (Dark Angels) 93

ethics xii, 137

ethnographic research 87, 137

EU 181

events 12425

experience economy 4, 16364

Experience Economy (Pine & Gilmour) 163

EY 153

Facebook 38, 4142, 47, 51, 9495, 152, 183, 198, 209, 218

Fairtrade products xii

Farfetch 39, 151

fashion sector 28, 150, 202

see also American Apparel; Armani; ASOS (; Austin Reed; Burberry; Farfetch; Gap; Levi’s;;; Nike; Primark

fast food market 67

see also KFC; McDonald’s

Fatbrain 72, 183

FCMG (fast-moving consumer goods) 130, 176

festivals 160

FIFA 198

financial value 5760, 61, 6268, 229

First Direct 65, 105, 220

football (football clubs) 74, 20002

see also Manchester United

Ford 141, 186

founders 33

see also Gates, Bill; Jobs Steve; Kalanick, Travis; Kamprad, Ingvar; Stephens, Robert

4Cs analysis tool 13640

France 204

Frei, Frances 144, 161

fuel retailing 1213

Fuller, Simon 203

Galaxy Note 7 22

Gap 30

Gates, Bill 94

Gatwick airport 144

GE 187, 191, 209

Geek Squad 81

Gerstner, Louis 19697

gestures 5051

giffgaff 14, 125

Gillette 160, 190

GKN 161 104

global brands 9197, 19091, 230

GM 186

Go Compare 140

Goizueta, Roberto 71

Goldenballs see Brand Beckham

Goldman Fettes Wattie (GFW) 57, 6061

Goldman Sachs 211

Good to Great (Collins) 145

Google 38, 4142, 5152, 110, 138, 151, 176, 184, 209, 218

brand value 152, 155, 191

Green, Sir Philip 29

green energy 19, 109, 114, 115

Guinness 93

Halliburton 19, 114

hallmarks 14, 29, 55, 134, 135, 16263, 212

Hamlet cigars 50

Harley Davidson 1, 122, 221

Harvard Business Review 105, 120, 145, 208, 218

Havas Group 38, 108, 220, 221

Hayward, Tony 19, 114

Heineken 160

Heinz 3, 49

heuristics 17475

Honda 101, 187

House of Fraser 127

How Brands Grow (Sharp) 69, 75, 145

How to Win Friends and Influence Profits (Kean and Cowpe) 87, 8889, 225

HSBC 102, 194

Hurricane Sandy 110

Hutchison Whampoa 184

IBM 61, 72, 93, 10910, 152, 185, 187, 191, 19697, 209

Ibrahimovic, Zlatan 200

ibuprofen 15

identity, visual 15758

identity (self-expression) 10, 36, 148

Ikea 5456, 79, 109, 160, 209

image rights 202, 203

India 95

intangible earnings 65

Intel 50, 138, 171

Intel Inside 196

intellectual property rights 46, 59, 154, 193, 202

see also image rights; trademarks

Interbrand 6566, 92, 93, 96, 169, 187, 189, 19091, 199, 206

see also Liddell, Nic; Murphy, John

intermediary brands 3940

internal culture 3031, 78, 8081, 10405, 20716

internet 35, 102

iPhone 53, 17274

iTunes 53, 159

Jay Z 50

jingles 50

Jobs, Steve 33, 94, 126, 15859, 19596

John Lewis 16566

Kalanick, Travis 116

Kamprad, Ingvar 54

Kelleher, Herb 85

KFC 17071

Kodak 51, 183, 185, 190, 206

Kraft 141

LA Galaxy 201

law firms 39, 8889

league tables 5859, 66, 67, 9293, 96, 152

Lego 122, 22122, 226

Lego Ambassadors Club 222

Lego Movie, The 222

Lego Users Group see Adult Friends of Lego (AFOL)

Lenovo 96, 150

Level One prospects 89

see also A List customers

Level Two prospects 89

see also B list customers

Lever Brothers 58

Leverhulme, Lord 58

Levi’s 157, 190

Lewis Silkin 39

Lexus 21

licences 99100

Liddell, Nic 6263

Lidl 138, 15051

linguistics 18687

LinkedIn 184

logos 30, 4547, 5152, 56, 72, 195, 197, 198, 229

London Olympics 204

loose and tight approach 210

loyalty 8, 11, 43, 65, 74, 21726, 233

loyalty loop model 4041

loyalty programmes 12324

Lugnet 122

luxury brands 910, 28, 8586, 148, 150 39

M&S 127, 191

McDonald’s 6667, 72, 92, 97, 185, 187, 189, 190, 191, 199

McKinsey 4041, 145

macro trends 139

McVitie’s 192

Mad Men 45, 46, 131

Managing the Customer Experience (Smith & Wheeler) 144

Manchester United 199, 201

manufacturing sector 152, 161

see also automotive sector

Maplin 37

Market Invoice 39

marketing 130

email 120, 124, 220, 222

marketing departments 6970, 99106, 23031

Marlboro 9, 66, 190

Mars 3, 50, 100

Mastercard 183

Meaningful Brands Survey 38, 22021

meaningful differentiation 73

meaningless distinctiveness 7475

Mercedes-Benz 10, 73, 141, 157, 190, 191

Messi, Lionel 200

Metro Bank 14, 31, 65, 7981, 105, 160, 223

micro trends 139

Microsoft 29, 58, 62, 94, 130, 152, 155, 190, 191

mid-market brands 17677

Midland Bank 194

millennials 175

Mini 49

mistakes, rectification of 1725

mobile apps 144

moments of truth 162, 173

Monday 186

Mondeo 186

Morrisons 12

Mothercare 127

Müller 192

Murphy, John 60, 129, 141

music 50

My Side (Beckham) 199

My Starbucks Idea 12223

myths, defined 1

names 7172, 132, 14041, 17988, 191, 233

naming process 18788

negligence 1819, 115

neo-liberal orthodoxy 131

Nestlé 48, 49, 19293

net present value 65, 66

net promoter scores (NPS) 209, 21920 39

Netflix 95, 152

New Look 150

New Zealand Kiwifruit Marketing Board 149

Newman, Paul 199

Nike 1314, 7778, 166, 209

19 (XIX) 203

Nissan 112, 213

Nokia 29, 58

Nora Knackers 187

nostalgia 74

Nova 186

Nurofen 15

NutraSweet 196

Octopus 196

On Purpose (Smith & Milligan) 78, 110, 113, 144

online communities 12223

online retail 2930, 52, 5556, 166, 173, 175, 223, 224

see also e-commerce

Orange 28, 184, 196

organizational structure 22, 105

see also business structure

Osewezy 49

O2 84, 160

own label brands 48, 151, 19194

Oxfam 197

P&G (Procter & Gamble) 53, 111

packaging 10, 28, 4647, 4849, 53, 72, 159, 173, 19293

Pareto principle 84

Paris St Germain 201, 204

passing off 181

Patagonia 221

Patak’s 192

patents 15, 65, 73, 76, 170, 171, 173

PayPal 95, 151, 184

PCs (personal computers) 53, 94, 14950, 154, 15859, 19596

Pepsi 63, 7576, 157

perceived brand strength 13839

perception 53, 137, 13839, 150, 16768, 174

perfume industry 6465, 66, 202

personal relationships 11927, 231

personalities 198206

petroleum sector 1819, 6465, 6566, 143, 149, 194

see also BP; fuel retailing

pharmaceuticals sector 15

see also prescription drugs

Philip Morris 9

Pink Lady 149

Pizza Hut 183

PlayStation 122

Porsche 171

post-war consumerism 3, 101, 131, 148

Premier Inn 113, 212

prescription drugs 18485

prestigious brands see luxury brands

Pret A Manger 211

price premiums 7, 8, 916, 61, 149, 150, 174

price sensitivity 11, 139

pricing 716, 28, 61, 73, 14950, 174, 22728

see also price premiums; price sensitivity

Primal Branding (Hanlon) 217

Primark 29, 56, 150, 22224, 226

Primark Haul 22324

Prince 199

prioritization 16162

Procter & Gamble (P&G) 53, 111

product comparison 176

see also Compare the Market (Compare the Meerkat)

product design 49

product recalls 2122

product reviews 176

see also customer testimonials; rankings; ratings

products, commoditized 12, 13, 149

see also product comparison; product design; product recalls; product reviews

professional services sector 39, 130, 153, 225

see also Accenture; business consultancy; Deloitte; law firms; PwC

proprietary tools 133

Prozac 183, 185

psychological fulfilment 910

purchase funnel model 40

purpose 45, 78, 7980, 10717, 134, 212, 231

PwC 153, 186

Rank Hovis McDougall (RHM) 57, 6062

rankings 2728

see also customer testimonials; product reviews; ratings

ratings 27

see also customer testimonials; product reviews; rankings

Ratner, Gerald (Ratners) 8, 18

re-badging 8, 14, 194

real brand strength 13839

rebranding 114, 185, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199

recruitment 53, 81, 109, 211

Red Bull 160

Reebok 77, 138

registration, trademarks 18081

regulatory environment 2324, 30

relationships 11927, 231

relevance 2830, 3637, 51, 12627

representatives 167

reputation rights 203

research 87, 137

retail sector, online 2930, 52, 5556, 166, 173, 175, 223, 224

see also e-commerce

reviews 86, 176

see also customer testimonials; rankings; ratings

Revival Lounge 162

risk rate analysis 6566

Rockhopper 39

Roddick, Anita 137

role of brand 143, 144, 14849, 172

Rolls-Royce 3031, 153, 161, 187

Ronaldo, Cristiano 200

Royal Mail 186

royalty relief method 64

Ryanair 73

Sainsbury’s 149, 192, 19394

Sainsbury’s Gold coffee 192, 193

Sainsbury’s Organics 149

St Michael brand 191

Samsung 2122, 29, 38, 93, 95, 191

SAP 47, 187, 197

Schultz, Howard 33, 53


security of demand 61

segmentation, customer 8486, 101

self-expression (identity) 10, 36, 148

senior leadership 210

Sensodyne 17274

service brands 34, 13031, 132

service mark status 191

service-profit chain 105, 20809

shareholders 54, 67, 83

Sharp, Bryon 69, 70, 74

Silver Mist 187

Simmons, Gene 50

Simpson, O J 199

Siri 171

Six Senses resorts 8586, 88

Skoda 3132, 141

Sky 198

slogans 4849, 78, 114, 223

small businesses 179, 186

smells 4950

social media 23, 2728, 54, 81, 102, 104, 148, 167, 223

see also Facebook; Twitter (tweets); YouTube

social responsibility 1314

see also corporate social responsibility (CSR)

sonic branding 50

Sony 101, 190

Southwest Airlines 53, 85, 105, 127, 212

Soviet Union 147

Spice Girls 202, 203

sports sector 198

Spotify 137

staff 4, 23, 28, 30, 31, 33, 54, 80

see also employees

Starbucks 14, 33, 51, 5253, 56, 12223, 223

Stella Artois 11

Stephens, Robert 81

Stockwell, Thomas Edward 185

storytelling 38

strong brands 6263, 15455, 228

Subaru 138

suggestions boxes 12223

Sumitomo Rubber Co 50

supermarkets 1213, 29, 138, 139, 15051, 19294

see also Sainsbury’s; Tesco

System 1 thinking 174

System 2 thinking 174

talent management 211

tangible earnings 65

technology 3543, 94, 130, 16465, 16768, 169, 171, 17577, 22829, 232

see also internet; mobile apps; PCs (personal computers)

technology sector 152

see also Apple; Intel; Microsoft; Samsung

telecommunications sector 196

television broadcasting 198

Tesco 12, 123, 185, 192, 19394

Tesco Express 194

Tesla 96, 97, 230

Texaco 149

Thatcher, Margaret 195

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman) 15253, 174

‘Three myths about what customers want’ (Harvard Business Review) 120

Tide 11011

tight and loose approach 210

Toblerone 141

TomTom 138

tools 12946, 23132

toothpaste market 46, 17274

Topshop 150

Toyota 21, 93, 191

Toys R Us 36, 37

trademark register 181

trademarks 47, 48, 4951, 59, 63, 99, 18081, 191, 206, 230

transference of rights 100

Transocean 19, 114

Tribal Marketing (Richardson) 217

trust 1725, 108, 228

Twitter (tweets) 38, 122, 175, 184

Uber 23, 24, 30, 96, 11516, 138, 140, 151, 230

Unicorn Products 50

Unilever 58, 72, 127, 132, 142

United Airlines 54

utilities sector 6566, 196

see also British Telecom (BT)

value (brand valuation) 5768, 14243, 197, 229

economic 5960, 6162, 20405, 229

financial 5760, 61, 6268, 229

values 134, 135

Verizon 49

Viagra 185

Virgin 61, 62, 16364, 183, 184, 193, 196, 212

Virgin Atlantic 4, 14, 16263

Virgin Clubhouse 162

Virgin Cola 192

Virgin Trains 23, 105, 21213

Visa 160, 183

visual identity 15758

Vodafone 184

Volvo 77

VW (Volkswagen) 3, 1921, 22, 3233, 73, 141

Warner Brothers 199

Watson, Thomas 109, 197

Wayne, John 19899

web tools 137

websites 5556, 102

Weetabix 192

Wilde, Oscar 75

Woolworths 2829, 37, 51

word of mouth 4, 52, 175, 213

World Cup 198

World’s Greatest Brands (Interbrand) 66

Wrigley 50, 93

WWF 19798

XIX (19) 203

YouTube 51, 54, 122, 152, 198, 218, 224

Zespri 149, 183