Voting is a right but also a big responsibility. Voters should prepare to vote by becoming informed about topics that affect them and their families, communities, states, countries, and planet. Also, voters should learn about the experience and records of candidates, as well as the candidates’ plans for the country if they are elected. Remember: Read. Question. Think!
While we elect others to hold office, helping your country is everyone’s job. It is serious and important and demands from each of us our best and most courageous selves.
Our elections and our democracy only work when EVERYONE gets informed and gets involved.
There are many important reasons to vote:
• Voting has consequences. Voting gives you a say in what happens in your community/city/state/country. Elections can even affect the planet! You must be informed and vote wisely.
• Not voting has consequences. If you don’t vote, you give up your power to make change. AND you give your power to the people who do vote. Can you be sure they want the same things you want—or need?
• Voting honors those who fought for your right to vote. History is filled with people who struggled, sacrificed, and even died for your right to vote. Respect that.
• Even if an election doesn’t affect you directly, the outcome could be very important to others in your community. Get informed and think about how your vote could help children or the homeless or any other group that might not have a voice. Your vote can make a difference in their lives. Use your power to help them.
• Even if you are too young to vote now, you will be old enough very soon. Prepare now by learning all you can about your community, city, state, country, and planet. Make a habit of getting informed. Seek out reliable news sources every day. Read. Question. Think. That’s your job.
Democracy is complicated. It is difficult. It is exciting and it is powerful. Democracy is also fragile. It depends on each of us doing our best to protect it. Democracy depends on each of us getting informed and staying informed. It depends on each of us getting involved and staying involved. Always.
Democracy is not somebody else’s job.
It is your job. You do it by knowing what is going on in your community, city, state, country, and planet and doing what you can to make it better. It is hard work. But it is how you can help others. It is how you can make a difference.
Read! Question! Think!
And remember . . . there is always help at the library!