

Miss Greer stared at the news stories. She did not look happy.

“This is not what I had in mind,” she said.

“But you said we could write anything we wanted,” said Rosie.

“Yes,” said Miss Greer. “I did. But it has to be true. Look at this: Birds evolved from dinosaurs! But are dinosaurs safe pets?

“That one is true,” said Ada. “I read about it in my book on dinosaurs.”

“But I didn’t say we should get a dinosaur,” said Rosie. “Just a little bird. That story makes birds sound scary and dangerous.”

Rosie’s cheeks flashed bright red. She frowned at Ada.

Ada frowned back.


“What about your picture?” asked Ada. She pointed to an illustration of a big snapping turtle with the caption “Turtle Terror!”

“Uncle Fred told me that snapping turtles could bite your finger off like an alligator!” said Rosie.


“We’re not getting a snapping turtle!” said Ada.

“Turtles are as scary as alligators!” said someone in the back.

“Dinosaurs are scarier!” someone else replied.

Soon the whole class was arguing about dinosaurs and alligators. Sofia looked at her best friends, who stood frowning at each other. She had to do something. But what? She couldn’t take either side without breaking her promise.

She thought about how Miss Greer got the class’s attention by standing very still. Sofia stood perfectly still. Nobody noticed. Even Miss Greer was too busy trying to get Rosie and Ada to talk to each other to see what Sofia was doing.

The class got louder and louder.

Sofia tried clapping her hands in rhythm, like how Principal Howe did to get their attention at an assembly. Nobody noticed that either.

Sofia thought about Abuelo. He always told her that when he saw a problem, he tried to help. He joined marches and organized people to change things. They used buttons and signs. Marches and letter writing. Sometimes, they quit buying products from companies that were not being fair to people. That was called a boycott, and it got people’s attention.

They had another tool, too. A tool that got people’s attention and helped them come together. That was exactly what the class needed now. Sofia lifted her head high. She cleared her throat. And she began to sing.