Terra-cotta Sunset

Denise Peck


Two 24-gauge 114" (3.2 cm) diameter copper discs or 24-gauge copper sheet

4" (10 cm) of 20-gauge copper wire


Disc cutter

Dapping block and punches

Ball-peen hammer

Butane micro torch

Annealing pan with pumice stone

Fireproof work surface (cookie sheet)

Quenching bowl

Utility pliers

3 mm dimple-forming pliers

1.8 mm metal hole-punch pliers

Flush cutters

Steel bench block

Round-nose pliers

Medium-grit sanding sponge

Sharpie marker or mandrel

Finished length

134" (4.5 cm) including ear wire

1. If you’re not using precut discs, cut two 114" (3.8 cm) discs from the copper sheet using the disc cutter. Place each disc back into the disc cutter at the 12" (1.3 cm) hole and cut a second hole close to the edge of each disc.

2. Place each disc into the appropriate-size depression in the dapping block and gently dome each disc with the matching punch.

3. Flame patina (see To Patina Using Heat + Flame) the discs with the butane micro torch to color the copper. Quench and dry.

4. Use the dimple-forming pliers to punch dimples around the edge of the hole in each disc.

5. Make a hole in the top of each disc for the ear wires using the hole-punch pliers.

6. Cut the 20-gauge wire in half and hammer 58" (1.5 cm) on one end of each wire into a paddle.

7. Use round-nose pliers to bend the flattened paddles up into a small hook. Thread a domed disc onto the hook and bend the length of the wire around a Sharpie or mandrel to form the ear wire; repeat for the other earring.

8. File the ends of the ear wires smooth and hammer the curves to work-harden them.


Swanstrom disc cutter, annealing pan with pumice stone: riogrande.com. Dimple-forming pliers: beadsmith.com. Copper discs: monsterslayer.com; beaducation.com.