
When we decided to write this book, our goal was to share ways to add metalwork to your jewelry designs with few tools and minimal investment. There are lots of quick and easy shortcuts that don’t require expensive equipment or an extensive jewelry studio. You can get the look of metalsmithing without the effort. Metalsmithing doesn’t need to be intimidating; let us show you just how easy it can be!

The projects in this book include simple techniques that produce professional-looking pieces. There’s no need for sawing or soldering! We’ve used metal shears and a butane micro torch in place of saws and large tank torches. You can make holes with hole-punch pliers instead of drills. Connecting with store-bought rivets and tiny micro screws and nuts eliminates the need for solder and flux. The one tool we felt was worth the investment was a disc cutter, but you can certainly buy precut discs if that’s your preference. Most of these tools are probably already in your toolbox.

We’ll begin by defining the tools and techniques you need to create the projects. Most of them use only the techniques defined in the front of the book. We’ve included additional photos and techniques within some of the projects where we thought it would be most helpful. We begin with the simplest projects; later ones, you’ll find, will take a little more time. Although, we’ve found that just because something looks complex doesn’t mean it’s hard to do.

Adding metalwork to your jewelry is easy and inexpensive, plus, some visual complexity adds both value and interest to your designs. So gather up your tools and let’s get started!

Denise Peck
Jane Dickerson