DAY 13 Fork Trick

The fork trick is a tactical device with a positional goal, to depreciate an enemy pawn center.

Richard Reti White

Dunkelblum Black

Vienna 1914

Three Knights Game C46

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 c3 c5

Normal and good alternatives include 3...f6 and 3...g6.

4 xe5! xe5 5 d4

White regains his piece and ends up with a superior pawn center, 5...d6! 6 dxe5 xe5, with a small plus.


Worse was 4...xf2+? 5 xf2 xe5 6 d4!. Then White’s king is quite safe, he has the two bishops and, most important, he has a far superior center. Note that Black can set a trap, 6...f6+ 7 g1 g4 (8 xg4?? xd4+).

Question 15: What’s the best reply?

6 xd4 f6?


7 b5! d8? 8 c5!

Black resigned in view of 8...c6 9 f8 mate. He could have tried 7...c6 based on 8 c7+ d8 9 xa8?? f3+ and 10...xd4. But White should win eventually after 9 g5! xg5 10 xa8.

More miniatures with the fork trick:

Leonid Shamkovich White

Peter Dely Black

Moscow 1962

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 a6 4 a4 f6 5 0-0 c5 6 xe5! xe4 7 e2! xe5 8 xe4 f6? 9 d4! xd4 (Based on 10 xd4?? f3+) 10 c3! c5 11 f4 resigns.

Maxim Novikov White

Vladimir Afromeev Black

Tula 2007

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 c4 f6 4 c3? xe4! 5 xf7+ xf7 6 xe4 d5 7 eg5+ g8 8 d4 h6 9 h3 g4 10 dxe5 xe5 11 f4 c6 12 h3 xf3 13 gxf3 f6 14 e3 e8 15 f1 h7 16 g1 g6 17 c3 d6 18 g3 hf8 19 g2 c4 20 xg6 g8 White resigns.

Alfonso Romero White

Fernando Braga Black

Leon 1990

1 e4 e5 2 f3 c6 3 b5 f6 4 0-0 c5 5 xe5 xe5 6 d4 c6 7 f4 b6 8 dxc5 xc5+ 9 h1 eg4 10 e5 f2+ 11 xf2 xf2 12 exf6 cxb5 13 c3 d5 14 e3 h4 15 fxg7 g8 16 xd5 xg7 17 c7+ f8 18 d6+ g8 19 f2 resigns.