DAY 25 Right Squares

It’s simple: A good center helps you put good pieces on the right squares.

Rafael Vaganian White

George Botterill Black

Hastings 1974-75

Trompowsky Attack A45

1 d4 f6 2 g5 g6 3 xf6! exf6 4 e3 g7 5 e2!

The center tells White that the knight will watch more important squares on f4 than on f3 and that Black cannot oust it with ...e7-e5.

5...b6 6 f4


The center also makes c4 good. Another game went 6...b7 7 h4 0-0 8 h5 c6 9 c4! e7? 10 hxg6 hxg6 11 xg6! and wins. (11...xg6 12 h5).

6...d5 7 h4! h5

White could have met 7...0-0 with 8 c3 b7 9 h5 and then 9...g5 10 h6! h8 11 f3 (11...gxf4?? 12 g4+).

8 c4! dxc4

Worse is 8...c6 9 cxd5 cxd5 10 b5+! (10...d7 11 xd7+ xd7 12 c3).

9 xc4 b7 10 c3

Necessary is a safety step like 10...d7.

Question 27: Why not 10...d7 followed by ...f5 and ...f6 ?

10...h6?? 11 xf7+! xf7 12 b3+ e8

Not 12...f8? 13 e6+.

Question 28: What is fastest after 12...e7 13 xg6+ d7 14 f7+ c8 ?

13 xg6 d7 14 xh8 g7 15 e6+ f8 16 d5! d7

Or else 16...xh8 17 e7+ g8 18 xf6+.

17 e7! resigns.

Joszef Brindics White

Miklos Mincsovics Black

Hungary 1999

1 d4 f6 2 g5 g6 3 xf6! exf6 4 e3 g7 5 e2 b6 6 f4 b7 7 c3 0-0 8 h4 f5 9 h5 f6 (9...g5!) 10 hxg6 hxg6 11 c4 d5 12 d3 g7 13 f3 g5 14 d2 d7 15 g4 xf4 16 xf4 fxg4 17 h6+ f6 18 0-0-0 e6 19 f4 f6 20 g5 g8? 21 f5+ gxf5 22 xf5+ e7 23 e5+ f8 24 df1 d7 25 f4 f6 26 h7! g3 27 h6+ resigns.