DAY 40 Soft Spot

Until he castles, Black’s tactical soft spot is f7, defended only by the king.

Lev Aronin White

A. Kantorovich Black

Moscow 1960

Sicilian Defense, Hyper Accelerated Dragon Variation B27

1 e4 c5 2 f3 g6 3 c3

White prepares to build a model center, 3...g7 4 d4 cxd4 5 cxd4.

3...b6? 4 d4 b7 5 c4!

Nothing wrong with defending the e4-pawn. But the text targets f7, e.g. 5...g7? 6 dxc5 bxc5? 7 xf7+! xf7 8 b3+ and 8 xb7.


After 5...xe4 White gets a second-class advantage from 6 xf7+ xf7 7 g5+ g7 8 xe4 f6.

Question 44: How does he get a first-class edge?

In retrospect, 5...e6 is best although White is better after 6 d5 or 6 e2.

6 exd5 xd5 7 a4+! c6

Black would also lose after 7...d7 8 xd7+ and 9 xd5. Or 7...c6 8 b5 c8 9 e5 d6 10 f4!.


Black may have seen this far when he chose 5...d5 and concluded that 8 b5 xb5 9 xb5+ d7 wasn’t so bad. For example, 10 a3 cxd4 11 e5 xb5 12 xb5 a6.

He may also have looked at 8 b3 e6 and hoped that 9 e5 xg2 is bearable.

8 e5!

But he missed 8...xa4 9 xf7 mate.

8...c7 9 xc6 xc6 10 d5 resigns.

Jan Ambroz White

Laszlo Barczay Black

Debrecen 1987

1 e4 c5 2 f3 g6 3 c3 g7 4 d4 c7 5 dxc5 xc5 6 e3 c7 7 d4 e5 8 e3 f6 9 a3 0-0 10 b5 c6 11 xe5 xe4 12 xf7 xf7 13 d6 c6 14 c4! f8 15 xf7+ g7 16 xc8 xf7 17 xa7 resigns.